Russia lauds Iran mediation in Karabakh

Press TV, Iran
May 1 2010

Russia lauds Iran mediation in Karabakh
Sat, 01 May 2010 14:38:35 GMT
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Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko
Russia says it has no opposition to Iran’s initiative to mediate
between Azerbaijan and Armenia in order to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said on Friday
that Moscow does not oppose Iran’s proposal to hold trilateral talks
involving Azerbaijan, Armenia and Iran on the Karabakh dispute, RIA
Novosti reported.

"We have nothing against the meeting. If such a meeting is held,
obviously, it is necessary to wait for the results and then speak of
the possibility of Iran’s mediation in the Karabakh conflict
settlement," Nesterenko added.

He went on to say that Iran’s mediation proposal only referred to a
trilateral meeting at this stage.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki suggested a trilateral
meeting involving the foreign ministers of Armenia, Azerbaijan and
Iran to resolve the dispute "through negotiations and on the basis of

Both Azerbaijan and Armenia have laid claim to the Nagorno-Karabakh
territory, which is largely populated by Armenians but located in

Armenia took control of Nagorno-Karabakh in the early 1990s following
a short but bloody war with Azerbaijan in which around 30,000 people
lost their lives.

While a ceasefire was brokered in 1994, the dispute continues to
remain unresolved despite years of international mediations.


Dink Family Attorneys Demand Thorough Investigation

Dink Family Attorneys Demand Thorough Investigation

Fri, Apr 30 2010
By:Armenian Weekly

On April 28, the legal representatives of the Dink family submitted a
petition to the Istanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office and requested the
office to appoint prosecutors who would thoroughly investigate the
Hrant Dink murder process which is proved to be a three-year long
"operation" through the legal cases, investigations and inquiries
conducted until today. The lawyers also requested that the appointed
prosecutors should allocate most of their time to this investigation.

Attorney Fethiye Cetin said, "The prosecutor or prosecutors who will
be appointed to this investigation should be released from other
duties and attending hearings, because the acts we mentioned in our
petition covers a period of more than three years, the number of
individuals and institutions involved is quite high thus require an
intensified concentration and time. This is why we requested from the
office that prosecutors should be mainly focusing to this
investigation to conduct it timely and thoroughly, as one should not
expect a satisfactory work from them with their existing workload."

The petition lays out the course of murder in phases of "preparation",
"creating public opinion", "act" and "manipulation", "destroying
evidence" after the murder. The lawyers said, "It is imperative to
collect all the evidence, bringing loose pieces together to see the
whole picture to reveal this extremely professional structure, to take
all the clues into consideration to decipher this organization, to
find the material facts and to conduct an effective investigation."

The elements of the preparation phase is described in the petition as
news made by the media to turn the public opinion against Hrant Dink,
official complaints against him with identical petitions and the
indictments prepared against him without having any legal grounds.
The members of the National Intelligence Service (MIT), The
Intelligence services of the Gendermarie and the Police are mentioned
as being part of this phase, as they had not taken any preventative
measures although they had been closely following the course and the
triggermen at the time.

The petition describes in detail the acts of all phases, naming the
murder itself as the "acting" phase, the efforts to draw the public
attention away from the murder through official statements and leaking
the details of the investigation to the media as the "manipulation"
phase and finally spoiling and destroying the evidence and preparing
forged documents as the last phase.

Attached is the full petition.

(with the authority of Article 250 of Turkish Penal Code)

APPLICANT : Rahil Dink, Delal Dink, Arat Dink, Hosrof Dink

REPRESENTATIVES : Av. Fethiye Çetin – Av. Ý.Cem Halavurt

SUBJECT : Hrant Dink cinayeti soruþturmasýnda görevlendirilecek savcýlar hk.


1-) The undisputable fact, revealed in the light of judicial
proceedings continue at the Istanbul 14th Heavy Criminal Court, file
no 2007/428, and Trabzon 2nd Megistrate Court, file no 2008-615, the
report prepared by the inspectors of the Prime Ministry’s Inspection
Council and the inquiries of the inspectors of the Ministry of
Interior, is that the murder of Hrant Dink is an act organized and
conducted as a multi-phase operation by a professional organization.

2-) This course of action consists of phases which can be named as
"preparation", "creating public opinion", "action", post-murder
"manipulation" and "destroying and forging evidence" and covers a
period of more than three years.

3-) The preparation phase consists of: making Hrant Dink a target,
publishing news to create a public opinion against him, making him the
subject of articles by the columnists, putting him as a target in the
public opinion by submitting official complaints against him by
identical petitions, preparing indictments against him although there
was no legal grounds or the claimed act did not fit into any defined
crime and unlawful convictions against him. Hrant Dink was tried to be
isolated and become a subject of hate and it was almost impossible to
publish stories, create public opinion in favor of him and even ensure
he faces a fair trial .
It is worth noting that the National Intelligence Service (MIT), The
Intelligence of Gendermarie and Police Forces have been accomplice to
the murder of Hrant Dink and facilitating the murder by taking no
preventative measures although they had been following the process and
the triggermen closely.

4-) The "action" phase is of course the commiting the murder followed
by the "manipulation" phase during which the efforts to divert the
attention away from the murder, has begun. The statements of
Celalettin Cerrah (the then head of Istanbul police forces) , the
efforts to boost the speculations in the media that the murder was an
act of the diaspora, leaking the details of the investigation to the
media, thus causing the evidence to be destroyed and hidden, and
efforts to justify the murder even after Hrant Dink was killed should
be considered as parts of this phase. Destroying, losing very
important evidence and forge documents are essential parts of te
murder plan.

It is imperative to collect all the evidence, to bring loose pieces
together in order to see the whole picture, to expose this extremely
professional structure, to take all the clues into consideration with
the aim of dechiphering this organization, to find the material facts
and to conduct an effective investigation.

Therefore, the triggermen of the Hrant Dink murder and the ones who
made him a target and isolated him, the media people who are
instigators to the crime through thier writings and news, some
particular judiciary people and public officers who, by failing to
act, facilitated the crime should be assesed together and their roles
in the crime and their relations with the organization should be
investigated. The organization which acted in accordance with its plan
and committed the crime following each step one after another can only
be identified by all these acts are thoroughly investigated.

Right after the Istanbul 14th Heavy Criminal Court approved the
indictment of the case file no 2007/428, there have been many
developments regarding the officials of Istanbul and Trabzon Police
Directorates and Trabzon Gendermarie Forces related with the case as
well as directly associated with the content of the case. However the
prosecutor’s office did not act upon any of them. Many documents,
information and witness statements that were included in the file
signals that the security personnel working in the mentioned
institutions are instigators, accomplice or facilitators in the
conduct of the act. Therefore the case file should be assessed
thoroughly to be able to bring the crimes committed by these officials
and their relations with the organization in full length.

There hasn’t been any work or in depth study on the claims and the
evidence that exist in the case file -file no 2010/146- at the
Istanbul 12th Heavy Criminal Court and known as the Cage Action Plan.
Although they are parts of the same issue, each incident is being
investigated or prosecuted separately and having no interrelation.

The case should be looked into with a view of establishing links
between the incidents in the light of evidence gathered through
looking into all the events occured throughout this course. Otherwise
it will be impossible to uncover all the people and factors of the
organization that are behind the curtains. If the prosecutions
proceed as such, it will not satisfy the conscience of neither the
victims nor the public andthe murder case not be considered as fully

5-) Looking at the characteristics of the incidents detailed in the
attached document it can be seen that all acts are committed with the
same ideological objective by an organization that denies anything but
their social and political views and punishes the ethnic and
religious groups by using violent means and thus creates a climate of
fear and intimidation over dissidents.

6-) For the above explained reasons, we submitted a 16-page petition
to the court during the hearing of the case file 2007/428 on February
8, 2010 at the Istanbul 14th Heavy Criminal Court . The petition
highlights all the phases of Hrant Dink murder and points the
institutions and people that had an active role in the crime . Basing
on these we requested the court to examine all the acts explained in
detail should be considered as a whole and all the responsible be
brought to justice.

7-) Istanbul 14th Heavy Criminal Court accepted our request in its
interim decision no.26 and ordered a warrant be written to Chief
Prosecutors Office, asking for the necessary steps to be taken; the 15
page petition be attached to the warrant. The warrant explaining the
interim decision and our petition is sent to the Prosecutors Office.
However it is obvious that in order to conduct the investigation
efficiently and thoroughly, the Office would need prosecutors who will
dedciate his time and energy only to this case.

As will be seen in the petition attached, the prosecutor or
prosecutors who will be appointed to this investigation should be
released from other duties and attending hearings, because the acts we
mentioned in our petition covers a period of more than three years,
the number of individuals and institutions involved is quite high thus
require an intensified concentration and time. One should not expect a
timely and thorough work from the prosecutors who already have a heavy

RESULT : For the reasons explained above, we request that prosecutors
who would allocate most of their time to the Hrant Dink murder plan to
be assigned and that no further case or duty be given to these
prosecutors. 28.04.2010

Av. Fethiye Çetin Av. Ýsmail Cem Halavurt

Alma Mater concerns: Students campaign against reducing positions

Alma Mater concerns: Students start campaign against reducing
post-graduate positions

Education | 29.04.10 | 16:26

Students protest against new governmental decision

By Karine Ionesyan
ArmeniaNow reporter

A decision by the Government of Armenia to reduce the number of
openings for post-graduate study has drawn protest from a small
contingent of students who hope their numbers will grow.

On March 18, the Government ruled to decrease the number of
post-graduation positions from about 230, to 122.
The move is seen by opposing students as a way to force more young men
into the army.

Until now, any male of military-age (18-27), was deferred from service
if he was engaged in post-graduate study.

Six years ago, legislators wanted to do away with deferment entirely,
but were met with such backlash that no amendment to that effect was

`They decided to settle the problem another way – to make a decision
which will simple reduce the number of those [deferment] places,’ says
Daniel Ioannisyan, who is in his first year of Master Degree study at
Yerevan State University.

Today (April 29), Ioannisyan had organized a picket of the Government
building, however few attended – due, in part to rainy weather, but
more so he claims because Yerevan State students were pressured by the
faculty to not attend.

Aram Simonyan, Rector of YSU, told ArmeniaNow that no pressure was
applied, but that the policy of the university is to oppose
anti-establishment discontent.

The Student Council of the YSU does not support protesting students
either. Tsolak Hakobyan, Chairman of the Student Council, believes
that only a few dozen youngsters are interested in the struggle, and
they are simply trying to evade compulsory military service.

Ioannisyan says instead of organizing another picket, he will launch a
signature-collection drive on May 3.
A week ago only the students of the Faculty of Physics at Yerevan
State organized such a picket. The same day, Ministry of Science and
Education of Armenia Armen Ashotyan, received them, and as a result,
it was decided not to reduce the post-graduate studentship places at
the Faculty of Physics, keeping the number of the previous year, at

RA Deputy PM Meets Representatives Of French National Association Of


April 30, 2010 – 16:30 AMT 11:30 GMT

RA Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Territorial Administration
Armen Gevorgyan received a French delegation consisting of
participants of the courses of the French Institutefor Science and
InternationalSecurity, as well as members of the National Association
of Auditors of France, the press service of the Ministry reported.

At the guests’ request, Minister Gevorgyan briefed on Armenia’s
administrative and territorial structure, systems of local
self-government and territorial administration. Besides, he answered
numerous questions about the authority, rights and obligations of local
self-government bodies and mechanisms for election of communities’
governing bodies.

Armen Gevorgyan was honored with a medal of the French National
Association of Auditors.

Russian Edition Of The Armenian Testimen By Gonzalo Guarch Presented

Anna Nazaryan

30.04.2010 12:14

The Russian edition of the "Armenian Testament" book by Spanish writer
Gonzalo Guarch was presented at the press center of RIA Novosti in
Moscow at an event organized by the Russian-Armenian Friendship,
the Fund of Historical Outlook and the Consulate General of Armenia
in Spain.

The world should know about the Armenian Genocide and condemn the
tragic events that took place in Ottoman Turkey at the turn of the
20th century, said Gonzalo Guarch, an author of three books on the
Armenian Genocide.

"I wrote three books on the Armenian issue: Armenian Family Tree,
Armenian Testament and White Mountain. The tragic history of the
Armenian people is an important part of the world history, and I
believe that it is rather important to remember what has happened,"
the writer said.

The hero of the Armenian Testament is Henri de Latour, a French
journalist working at the French Embassy in Constantinople, who later
marries Maritsa, an Armenian girl who he helped to survive.

In the beginning Gonzalo Guarch was just interested in the Armenian
question but later… "I came to realize that this is an exciting
story and I have to tell about these events," he said.

Knesset Recognition Of Armenian Genocide In Limbo


April 29, 2010 – 10:29 AMT 05:29 GMT

On April 28, Chairman of Meretz bloc and member of the Israeli Knesset
Haim Oron, the main supporter of Armenian Genocide recognition,
submitted a debate on the issue.

The Knesset decided by 12 votes to 8, with one abstention, that one
of its standing committees will discuss the resolution and determine
whether it should be put to a full parliament vote.

As IzRus web source Deputy Editor Alexander Goldenstein told
PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, "Parliamentary committee to take up
preliminary discussion on the issue is yet to be decided on. I
believe, the issue will be submitted to Foreign Affairs and Security
Committee for further discussions. Oron supporter, Likud party member
Ze’ev Elkin, as well as his rival, the head of Israel-Azerbaijan
Parliamentary Association Robert Ilatov are among Committee members.

However, Oron remains sceptical about Knesset support."

Meretz, Avoda party MPs as well as Arabian parliamentarians voted in
favour of Oron’s initiative; members of Israel Our Home party were
the main opponents to the initiative.

According to Alexander Goldenstein, Israel’s Armenian community,
in view of limited number of its members, can hardly influence the
decision. "Israeli-Azeri lobby can exert more influence on the issue.

We have no information as to the exact time for the resolution to be
considered. Genocide recognition issue is still in limbo," he stated.

BAKU: EU To Increase Support For Karabakh Peace Process

April 29 2010

Stefan Fule The EU will seek to step up its support for the
Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule
said yesterday.

He was speaking at the European Parliament on the outcome of his
recent trips to the South Caucasus countries and Ukraine.

The negotiating directives for Association Agreements with the South
Caucasus countries will be presented for formal adoption at the Foreign
Affairs Council on 10 May, the EU commissioner for enlargement and
European neighbourhood policy said.

‘This will pave the way for the EU side to prepare for the launch
of negotiations. These Agreements will allow for close political
association between each of the partners in the South Caucasus and
the EU, building on common values and shared principles.’

Sharing his impressions of the trips to the South Caucasus countries,
Stefan Fule said that throughout his trip to the region he felt
the presence of regional tension and the effects of armed conflict
which had had such a dramatic impact on people’s lives. He said he
appreciated in particular the opportunities to speak to internally
displaced persons in Georgia and Azerbaijan.

‘In my meetings I conveyed that the EU’s overall goal for the region
is a stable, secure and prosperous South Caucasus.’

Armenians Gather In New York City For Commemoration Of Armenian Geno

By Editor

Apr 28, 2010
New York region

Genocide survivor Perouz Kalousdian, 100, originally from Palou,
reflects upon her somber past at the New York Genocide observance.

Haig Deranian, grand commander, Knights of Vartan, which sponsored
the observance.

Harut Sassounian.

By Taleen Babayan

NEW YORK – Hundreds of Armenians crowded into Kavookjian Hall in
New York on Sunday, April 25, to observe the 95th anniversary of
the Armenian Genocide. Intermittent rain compelled the organizers to
forgo the traditional locale of Times Square.

Attendees crowded the standing-room-only hall, spilled into the
vestibule, stood on the marble staircase and filled the upstairs
lobby. People came on hired buses from as far away as Boston and
Philadelphia and from all the Armenian churches in the New York-New
Jersey metropolitan area. A large contingent flew in from California
to support the event. Especially prominent was the presence of a vast
multitude of Armenian youth from various schools and colleges on the
East Coast.

The event was once more supported by all the major Armenian-American
organizations in the United States as well as by all Armenian churches
of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and their pastors,
many of whom were present and introduced as a group.

Emcee Dr. Mary Papazian, senior vice president of academic Affairs and
provost of Lehman College, City University of New York, introduced
Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of Armenian Church of America
(Eastern), who gave the invocation. "Ninety five years ago, the
Armenian nation went through ‘the cruel valley of death.’ We lost
our mother soil which we had defended with our blood and cultivated
with our sweat," he said. "The wounds of genocide never heal since a
nation can never fully recover, but penance by the perpetrators and
acts of reparation can diminish the pain."

The Very Rev. Vazken Karayan, pastor of the Holy Cross Armenian Church
in New Jersey, representing Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of
the Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern), gave the benediction.

Speakers included significant political figures such Senators Robert
Menendez (D-NJ) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY); Representatives Frank Pallone
(D-NJ), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Anthony Wiener (D-NY).

Featured Armenian speakers were publisher Harut Sassounian and activist
and attorney Mark Geragos.

The political speakers all reiterated in the strongest possible
terms their support of the Armenian community in the United States,
their pledge to champion US affirmation of the Armenian Genocide,
and support for the Republics of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabagh.

Grand Commander of the Knights of Vartan Haig Deranian, and Grand
Matron of the Daughters of Vartan, Melene Ouzounian, thanked the
participating organizations, and praised the organizers for a
successful event. "We have used Times Square, the nation’s heart,
as the center for our national commemoration for 25 years thanks to
the foresight, enterprise and the dedication and sacrifice of all
those individuals, known and unknown, who make such a vast enterprise
a success. I cannot name you all, by thank you from the bottom of my
heart," said Deranian.

Shakeh Kadehjian introduced the two Armenian survivors of the
Genocide, Oronik Eminian, born in 1912, and Perouz Kalousdian, born
in 1909. Aghavni (Aggie) Ellian, executive director of the Flushing
Home for the Armenian Aged, accompanied them.

Keynote Speakers

Publisher of the California Courier, Sassounian, whose column appears
in many Armenian weekly newspapers, said that President Barack Obama
broke his promise to the Armenian people when he again used the
Armenian words Metz Yeghern (the great catastrophe) instead of the
internationally-known word, genocide. He argued that the community is
past the quest for recognition since most significant countries have
already reaffirmed the facts of the Armenian Genocide, most recently
Sweden and Canada, as well as more than 40 states in the United States,
the US Congress in 1975 and 1984, President Ronald Reagan in 1981,
the US State Department in 1952 in a brief before the International
Court of Justice, The International Association of Genocide Scholars
and nearly every genocide scholar in the world.

"Let us move onto the next step," he said, "and let us pursue justice
for our cause instead of just genocide recognition. Turkey must be
held accountable. … Armenians are entitled to just compensation of
homes, land, and houses of worship."

Geragos, the famed criminal defense lawyer, concurred, saying that
the "r" word that matters to the Armenians is not "recognition," but

"Yesterday was the insurance companies who paid off, next it will
be the banks and tomorrow it will be the Republic of Turkey. Give
us a down payment. Give us Mt. Ararat back and we’ll start talking,"
said Geragos, referring in part to his victory in the Armenian class
action lawsuit against New York Life Insurance for insurance proceeds
of Armenian killed in the Genocide. He also derided members of Congress
who are receiving "blood money" from the Turkish government to deny the
Armenian Genocide, in particular Jean Schmidt (R-OH) who is running
against an Armenian, David Krikorian, for Ohio’s 2nd congressional
district. Geragos is defending Krikorian in a lawsuit Schmidt filed
in the Ohio Elections Commission against Krikorian for defamation.

Menendez, a co-sponsor of the Senate Resolution 316 affirming the
Armenian Genocide, said that the American State Department must stop
its diplomats from using euphemisms that gloss over the Armenian

"To overlook human suffering is not who we are as a people or as a
nation," said Menendez. "And if Sweden can recognize the Armenian
Genocide, so can the United States."

A longtime supporter of Armenian issues, he emphasized that the
events of 1915-1923 were genocide, and there was no other word to
describe it. "Those who forget the past are destined to repeat it,"
said Menendez. "And I will not rest in the US Senate until our country
remembers the Armenian Genocide once and for all."

Schumer said that the truth always prevails and as a Jewish-American
he can relate to the Armenians in their efforts to have the genocide
be recognized.

"Again I say to the Turkish government, give up your losing battle
to deny the Armenian Holocaust," urged Schumer. "When you deny that
evil has occurred, it paves the road for evil to occur again." He
also stressed his interest in helping Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

Pallone, co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
said he was speaking at the commemoration with a heavy heart because
for years efforts have been made for the US to recognize the Armenian
Genocide without what may appear like much success. "Yet," he said,
"The tireless efforts of the Armenian community have achieved
progress. We must note the recognition of many US states as well as
countries worldwide who accept that the genocide occurred." "In the
past" he said, "those in Congress argued against the Armenian Genocide
resolution by saying there was no genocide. This year they only argued
that the resolution was not good for Armenian-Turkish relations.

"We are close to Genocide recognition," said Pallone. "Please continue
your efforts, continue writing letters, sending e-mails and making
phone calls, because if we can come up with a majority it is possible
the resolution can pass this in this session of Congress."

Maloney vowed to not allow the Armenian Genocide to remain in the
shadows of history and demanded that the Turkish and US governments
finally acknowledge the Armenian Genocide.

"The time is now on this solemn day and our message is clear,"
said Maloney. "The world remembers the Armenian Genocide and the
governments of US and Turkey should declare that they do too."

Weiner said that as a Jewish American he knows that there will always
be people who will try to deny history. He spoke about his efforts
to tell Turkish-Americans, in particular, to join with him in saying
that the Armenian Genocide happened so as to relieve public opprobrium
and correct their history. "By acknowledging the Genocide," he said,
"Turkey will become a more democratic and more respected country."

"I did not know about the Armenian Genocide before I ran for Congress,"
asserted Weiner, "but I learned the history, and I have been a friend
and ally to the Armenians ever since."

New York City comptroller John Liu said the fight has to be continued
until Armenians receive an apology. "When 1.5 million people are
killed, you can’t pretend it didn’t happen," said Liu. He spoke about
his visits to the survivors who currently reside in the Armenian Home
in Flushing, and said that they carried the memory of what happened
which cannot be denied.

Galen Kirkland, New York State Commissioner of Human Rights,
represented Governor David Paterson and brought a proclamation from
the governor.

Curtis Sliwa Stirs Audience

Curtis Sliwa, radio personality and founder of the Guardian Angles,
said there is no freedom for Armenians in Turkey, yet the Turkish
government pretends to be progressive in its bid to join the European
Union. He said Armenians have been patiently waiting for each of
the Presidents to respect their word and promises they make during
their campaigns to accept the genocide, yet recognition has never
materialized. "I suggest to you, enough of the politicians. You never
get your due. Never accept their excuses."

"I don’t always agree with everything Curtis Sliwa says," said Dr.

Dennis Papazian in an interview, "but I love the ways he says it and
honor his intentions."

The 95th Commemoration was organized by the Mid-Atlantic chapters
of the Knights and Daughters of Vartan, and was co-sponsored by the
Armenian General Benevolent Union, the Armenian Assembly of America,
the Armenian National Committee of America, the ADL-Ramgavars,
and the Armenian Council of America. Participating organizations
include Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, Prelacy of
the Armenian Church, Armenian Missionary Association of America,
Armenian Presbyterian Church, the Armenian Evangelical Church, the
Armenian Catholic Eparchy for US and Canada and numerous Armenian
youth organizations.

These youth groups include the Armenian Church Youth Organization
of America, the Armenian Youth Federation, the Tekeyan Cultural
Association, Homenetmen Scouts, Hamazkayin Cultural Association,
Shushi Dance Ensemble, Akh’Tamar Dance Ensemble, Noyan Tapan of
Brooklyn, NY, Rutgers U. Armenian Club, Fordham U. Armenian Club,
Columbia U. Armenian Club, New York University Armenian Club, Hunter
College Armenian Club and the Armenian Students Association.

Hirant Gulian was chairman of the organizing committee, and co-chairmen
were Dr. Dennis R. Papazian, academic advisor, and Sam Azadian, one
of the originators of the event. Armen McOmber, New Jersey attorney,
was associate MC.

The winners of the essay contest of the Knights of Vartan were
announced at the program: Ani Papazian, a junior at Pascack Hills
High School, NJ, first place; Alex Tavlian, a high school senior
from Fresno, Calif., second place; and Talin Baghdadlian, a freshman
at George Washington University, Washington, DC, third place, and
honorable mentions to Katrice Karanfilian, a high school student from
NJ. Taleen Babayan was head of the selections committee.

Nanor Haroutunyan and Ani Djirdjirian sang the national anthems of
the United Sates and Armenia.

Departement D’Etat : Les Etats-Unis Sont Neutres Sur Le Conflit Du K

par Stephane

jeudi29 avril 2010

Les Etats-Unis ont pris une position de neutralite sur la question du
conflit du Nagorno-Karabakh et soutiennent fortement les efforts du
Groupe de Minsk de l’OSCE a declare le vice-porte-parole du Departement
d’Etat americain Mark Toner lors d’une interview a Voice of America.

Il n’y a aucun rafraîchissement dans les relations Americano-azeri
a dit Tone. Comme co-president du Groupe de Minsk de l’OSCE, les
Etats-Unis pendant une periode longue ont fait tous les efforts
pour rapidement resoudre le conflit ensemble avec l’Azerbaïdjan
et l’Armenie.

"Nous ne sommes pas d’un côte, nous soutenons le Groupe de Minsk et
le règlement paisible du conflit" a-t-il dit.

Toner a aussi touche la question des negociations turco-armeniennes.

"Nous sommes pour la normalisation des relations Turco-armeniennes,
qui correspondent aux interets de la region. En meme temps, nous
soutenons fortement le processus de Minsk. Nous voudrions realiser
un règlement paisible du conflit du Nagorno-Karabakh et travailler
avec l’Azerbaïdjan et l’Armenie a cette fin" a ajoute Mark Toner.

Armenia’s Sargsyan Hosted OSCE MG Russian Co-Chair


President Serzh Sargsyan received the newly appointed Russian Co-Chair
of the OSCE Minsk Group, Igor Popov, President’s press office reported.

The President congratulated the diplomat on his appointment as
Minsk Group Co-Chair and voiced hope that he would make an important
contribution to the process of peaceful settlement of the Karabakh

The interlocutors discussed the latest developments in the Karabakh
conflict settlement process.