La Turquie A Perdu La Bataille De La Verite Autour Du Genocide Armen



Politologue a l’universite privee Sabanci d’Istanbul, Cengiz Aktar a
defraye la chronique en Turquie en signant en 2008 avec trois autres
intellectuels un fameux appel, “je demande pardon”, où il priait ses
compatriotes de reconnaître le genocide armenien.

A la veille des commemorations des massacres de 1915, il juge que
son pays a definitivement perdu la “bataille de la verite” autour
de ces evenements et se rejouit de la lente evolution de la societe
civile turque autour de ce qui etait encore, il y a quelques annees,
un tabou absolu.

Comment jugez-vous les violentes reactions de deni des autorites
turques ?

Je crois que la Turquie a perdu la bataille de la verite. Personne
ne croit a ce negationnisme primitif, le cadavre est tellement grand
qu’il ne rentre plus dans le placard.

Ce gouvernement ne peut pas aller au-dela de ce qu’a deja dit
Erdogan l’an dernier, en presentant ses condoleances aux victimes
armeniennes… et turques. C’est mieux que rien mais encore très loin
de ce qu’imposerait l’ampleur du crime commis en 1915.

Il a pourtant fait plus que tous ses predecesseurs pour faire tomber
les tabous autour de la fondation de la Republique mais il s’est
arrete en cours de route (…) il manque en Turquie un homme d’Etat
visionnaire qui accepterait d’aborder de front cette question. Pas
evident ! Le seul objectif du gouvernement turc en cette annee 2015,
c’est de limiter les degâts, d’en prendre le moins possible…

Tout ce que je peux encore attendre de lui, c’est qu’il n’empeche plus
le travail de memoire en Turquie. Certains s’y emploient toujours. Par
exemple, l’article 305 du code penal qui interdit l’utilisation du
mot genocide existe toujours, meme s’il n’est plus utilise.

Comment expliquez-vous ce blocage ?

“Il y a d’abord un deficit d’education. Les Turcs ne savent pas ce
qui s’est passe, pour beaucoup d’entre eux +Armenien+ est simplement
une insulte. Et quand il y a un peu d’education, elle est tellement
erronee, falsifiee que c’en est une honte.

On explique toujours ce qui s’est passe par ces quatre arguments
sans cesse rabâches : la revolte des Armeniens contre l’Etat,
leur collaboration avec la Russie tsariste, les provocations des
imperialistes et l’autovictimisation sur le thème +ce sont les
Armeniens qui nous ont massacre+. On ne va pas loin avec ca. Il y a
aussi la peur, très repandue parmi les Turcs, que les Armeniens vont
recuperer les biens et les terres qui leur ont ete voles en 1915. La
spoliation a une echelle inouïe est un des elements fondamentaux
du genocide.

Et puis surtout, il y a le fait que la Turquie moderne s’est construite
sur l’exclusion et l’annihilation des non-musulmans qui vivaient en
Anatolie. Remettre ca en cause, c’est remettre en cause les fondements
memes de la nation turque et, pour l’instant, c’est impossible.

D’où peut venir une evolution des esprits sur ce sujet ?

J’attends beaucoup de la societe civile turque. Les seminaires,
colloques, publications continueront a faciliter le travail de memoire
et de pedagogie sur ce qui s’est passe. Un recent sondage montre qu’il
n’y a que 9% des Turcs qui sont favorables a la reconnaissance du
genocide. Meme si on ne dispose pas des instruments pour s’en assurer,
je suis persuade que c’est beaucoup plus qu’il y a seulement cinq ans.

Les djinns sont sortis de la bouteille. L’evolution sera lente mais
elle se produira, j’en suis persuade.


vendredi 24 avril 2015, Stephane (c)

Armenian President’s Interview With Turkish Hurriyet Daily


11:07, 24 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

On the morning of April 24, the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet has
published an extensive interview with Armenian President Serzh

– As a politician who has invested great efforts into the process
of reconciliation between your country and Turkey, what scenario you
would dream of having on April 24 Remembrance Day this year?

I believe one such option would be giving tribute to the innocent
victims of the Armenian Genocide jointly with the Turkish President
on the hill of Tsitsernakaberd, and proclaiming from the Memorial to
the whole world that we join our efforts in condemning the crimes
of genocide of the past thus preventing the possible recurrence of
genocide and other crimes against humanity.

This was exactly our aim when we sent an invitation to the President
of Turkey to participate in the commemoration events on April 24.

Unfortunately, this became another missed opportunity for Turkey.

– If the protocols were implemented, would Armenia still continue its
aggressive campaign calling upon states and international organizations
to recognize the Armenian Genocide?

First of all, the characterization of being ‘aggressive’ is misplaced.

The steps we have taken should not be misconstrued as an attack,
and are not against the Turkish people. And, secondly, I would rather
avoid any hypothetical questions.

That was a process, which had not reached its logical conclusion.

Should it have been crowned with success, perhaps, we would have found
ourselves in another reality: it is possible that eventually Turkey
itself could have acknowledged the Armenian Genocide, and with that
we would enter a new phase of a genuine reconciliation between our
nations. Today we have what we have.

The present tendencies of recognition and condemnation of the Armenian
Genocide by various states and organizations demonstrate in practice
the international community’s awareness that impunity for the crimes
against humanity is inadmissible, and we shall join efforts to devise
effective mechanisms for the prevention thereof.

The continuous process of the Armenian Genocide recognition by the
international community should be a serious signal to the Turkish
authorities that the denials stance of Turkey on this issue does not
in any way or shape fit the values and realities of the XXI century.

– What have you gained from the latest statement by Pope Francis? Did
you anticipate it? What possible consequences do you think it may

World leaders are vested with a unique mission to prevent crimes
against humanity. In this context, the Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica
served by Pope Francis on April 12 to commemorate the Armenian Genocide
Centennial, who followed the lead of Pope John Paul II in defining
the well-known events as genocide, was a clear demonstration to that
effect. The Pope’s statement was a message of humanism, tolerance,
struggle against xenophobia, and crimes against humanity addressed
to the entire humankind. I hope it will become a landmark to guide
especially those countries that subordinate universal values to their
political interests.

The emotional and non-diplomatic reaction of the Turkish leadership
was yet another proof that Turkey continued its policy of evident
denial pursued at a state level, thus taking upon it the burden of the
responsibility for the crime perpetrated by the authorities of the
Ottoman Empire. If Turkey does not share this view, if it disagrees
with numerous countries and international organizations that have
recognized the Armenian Genocide, that is Turkey’s problem, and not
the one of the international community.

– What are your expectations from the U.S. President Obama on April
24 this year? If the United States decides to take into account its
strategic interests in the region, and not to initiate any steps that
might infuriate Turkey, what would be your reaction?

Every country pursues its strategic interests, but there are universal
interests and universal priorities. One of them is to build a secure
and peaceful world, which is possible through straightening out
disputes we presently that exist today. And that means that one
needs to face its own past, learn lessons from it by taking the
necessary steps.

The 28th President of the United States Woodrow Wilson 95 years ago
actually formulated the need for the international recognition of
the Armenian Genocide, since the prevention of the crimes of genocide
and all other future sufferings starts with the acknowledgement.

As a mighty power and champion of democratic values the United States
has on numerous occasions stated its position regarding the Armenian
Genocide. Out of 51 U.S. constituent states 44 recognized and condemned
the Armenian Genocide. Throughout history various American Presidents,
such as Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, described the atrocities against
the Armenian people as genocide. Even those U.S.

Presidents that had not used the word “genocide” during their tenure
had used that term while campaigning. It means that they never
questioned the veracity of what had happened, and only due to certain
political considerations refrained from uttering the word “genocide”.

We strongly believe that universal values will eventually prevail
over ephemeral political interests.

– In spite of the European Parliament recognition of the Armenian
claims in 1987, and a similar resolution adopted on April 15 this
year, I have met numerous European liberals in past years that
happened to support the Turkish views that history is better left
to historians. There was also a reference to that effect in the
Armenian-Turkish protocols too, aiming at the establishment of a
special commission. Despite this we have noticed the position of the
Armenian authorities that history is not a matter of discussion. This
is a kind of controversial stance, isn’t it?

I do not know which representatives of the European Parliament you
have met but the resolution of April 15, 2015, was adopted by a sheer
majority in the European Parliament that represents 28 European states,
and around half a billion people. That in itself is already a very
vocal fact that testifies the clear cut position of the European
family with regard to the Armenian Genocide.

By adopting that document, the European legislative body paid tribute
to the memory of 1.5mln victims of the Armenian Genocide, and once
again underscored its commitment to the protection of human rights
and universal values.

On the notion of leaving history to historians: the veracity of
the Armenian Genocide has been studied by various scholars, social
and political figures, international law experts, the International
Association of Genocide Scholars, lawmakers, and also a number of
Turkish historians for about a century now. The unanimous view of all
of them was that what happened to the Armenian people in the Ottoman
Empire definitely constituted genocide. Under the light of this,
it becomes obvious that the Turkish proposal of establishing the
so-called commission of historians has only one goal, which is to
delay the process of the Armenian Genocide recognition, and divert
the attention of international community from that crime. That is
not only our view but also the view of the international community
that goes on recognizing and condemning the Armenian Genocide.

The protocols contain no clause of establishing any commission
on historical studies. The respective paragraph in the protocol
envisages a dialogue aimed at restoring mutual confidence between
the two nations, which entailed the establishment of a sub-commission.

Throughout the negotiations the Armenian side has stressed on numerous
occasions at various levels also to the Turkish side that the veracity
of the Genocide cannot be questioned under any circumstances.

– On February 16 you recalled the protocols from your Parliament. On
the other hand, the protocols are still in the Turkish Parliament
waiting for a politically expedient time for ratification. Isn’t this
move by Armenia perceived as a step back from the reconciliation
efforts on your side? Does this mean the 2009 process has failed

I will ask a rhetorical question: when the expedient time will
arrive according to the Turkish standards? It has already been
the sixth year since the protocols have been signed: when is the
expedient time? On the part of Turkey this signifies lack of any
basic respect not only towards the side that the protocols have been
concluded with but also towards its international obligations. The
years behind have demonstrated that Turkey is looking forward not
to some convenient moment, but instead is trying to prevent the
manifestation of unambiguous position of the international community
on the Armenian Genocide by imitating a process of the Armenian-Turkish
rapprochement, claiming that recognitions were something that hindered
the reconciliation.

The process of the Armenian-Turkish reconciliation was launched upon my
initiative, and pursued a very simple goal – to establish diplomatic
relations without any preconditions, and unseal the last closed
border in Europe, safeguarding peaceful and neighborly coexistence
of our nations.

Unfortunately, the lack of political will on the part of the
Turkish authorities, distortion of the letter and spirit of the
protocols, fresh manifestations of denial, and continuously brought
up preconditions intended to feed groundless demands of Azerbaijan
thwarted the implementation of the protocols. Everyone is well-aware
that it was Armenia that could have brought up some preconditions
in the first place, but we have not resorted to it yet since we are
guided by our vision of establishing an environment of cooperation
in the region.

After six years of unfulfilled expectations I have decided to recall
the protocols from the parliament. On one occasion I said that
the Armenians are not going to wait indefinitely for the Turkish
authorities to be able to find a convenient moment to finally ratify
those protocols.

It was not Armenia that closed the Armenian-Turkish border, and it is
not Armenia shutting the doors to the reconciliation. Unfortunately,
the window of opportunity to arrive at historic reconciliation between
our nations was missed because of the unconstructive Turkish policies.

We, however, are ready to embark upon a constructive dialogue with
Turkey in case it faces its own history, heeds to the calls of the
international community, and guided itself by the vision of creating
a peaceful future for the Armenian and Turkish peoples.

– Does the Republic of Armenia have any territorial claims from Turkey?

The Republic of Armenia has never declared any territorial claims
either to Turkey, or to any other country since our independence.

There has never been such an issue on the foreign policy agenda of our
country, and there is none today. That is a clear cut position. We are
a fully-fledged and responsible member of the international community.

As a member to the United Nations we recognize our role in the
international affairs, we respect the principles of international
law, and the same, incidentally, we anticipate from our neighbor to
the West. The one that illegally keeps the border with our country
shut, turning it into the last closed border in Europe, and brings up
unacceptable preconditions for the establishment of the diplomatic
relations with Armenia in disrespect towards the international
community that mediated the Zurich Protocols. The Zurich Protocols,
I remind you, which bears Turkey’s own signature underneath.

And, finally, I would like to register: you might have noticed that the
talk of Armenia’s territorial claims towards Turkey or any intentions
of our to that effect is mainly carried in Turkey, not in Armenia. I
will stop here to let each of us draw his own conclusions as why it
is so.

– Why Armenia considered offensive the Turkish invitation to
participate in the ceremonies dedicated to the Battle of Canakkale
on April 24? The Turkish officials were saying that for the past 20
years they had been marking that event, and the present year has been
significant because of the hundredth anniversary of the Canakkale
battle. It seems around 30 heads of states are going to participate
in that ceremony. Is Armenia concerned about that?

The events scheduled for the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide
Centennial are not a matter of competition for us. If the Turkish
authorities are in pursuit of securing more state leaders in attendance
at any cost in order to overshadow the Armenian Genocide Centennial
events, we have got much more serious and forward-looking goals, that
is to establish a vigorous platform together with the international
community in struggling against the past and future crimes against

In contrast to Turkey, we neither force, nor threaten, and nor
blackmail the international community to partake in our commemoration
events. The representatives of states and international organizations
are coming to Armenia guided not by political or economic gains,
but principles, universal values and moral imperatives.

As you have indicated, it has been for only 20 years that Turkey holds
those ceremonies. But let us also register that in the course of those
20 years it has never been held on April 24. This is the first year
that the celebration is planned on the very same day of April 24,
when the Armenian people for a hundred years has been firmly getting
together to commemorate the innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide.

Regardless of what name do the Turkish authorities ascribe to the
Armenian Genocide, such an indelicate move manifested disrespectful
attitude towards their own citizens – the memory of 1.5 million
murdered Armenians. Meanwhile, had Turkey a slightest willingness to
normalize our relations, figuratively speaking, “it should not have
organized a feast and celebration on the day when the neighbor is
mourning at home.”

– Don’t you think that opening the border will change the existing
difficulties in the relations?

Opening the border will change many things. First of all, it will
create a certain atmosphere of trust, lay foundation of establishing
beneficial business ties, and make a considerable contribution to
the economic development of the Eastern provinces of Turkey. Opening
the border will also make contacts between our civil societies more
active, making them more informed about each other’s approaches and
perceptions, which, I believe, will also have a positive impact on
the two nations’ rapprochement.

– Now, as April 24 passes, what will be the strategy of the Armenian
state in the upcoming years? Will there be a place for renewed efforts
to start a new process of rapprochement? Do you personally have the
political will to change this process of stalemate, which does not
make it possible for the two states to live as neighbors?

We have stated many times that our struggle does not end in 2015 – it
will just enter a more mature phase. Let us not forget that we have had
an opportunity to raise the issue of the Armenian Genocide, and condemn
it only after the declaration of independence of the third Republic
of Armenia. And that means that our struggle has just started. And
it will be more coordinated and purposeful in the upcoming years.

The bridges of rapprochement are not burned yet and we even initiated
rapprochement ourselves. However, it is impossible to open the
door whose key we don’t have. And even now, when we commemorate the
centennial of our innocent victims, I declare that we are ready for
the normalization of relations with Turkey, for starting a process
of rapprochement between the Armenian and Turkish nations without
any preconditions.

– Prime Minister Davutoglu of the Republic of Turkey made a statement
on April 19, which was unexpected for us. He said, “I express my
condolences to the grandchildren of Ottoman Armenians who lost their
lives during WWI.” There were also expressions like sharing the pain,
true memory, honestly confronting the past in the statement. Another
surprise is that on April 24, a liturgy will be served in the Armenian
Patriarchate. How do you assess the content of this message?

It is interesting that this message was published on April 19. If it
had been made public on April 24, i.e., on the day of the centennial
of the Genocide or a day before that, I would have considered it
as an ordinary statement whose denialist content we know from the
previous statements. However, since it was made public so early, in
our opinion, it is an attempt to resist or affect the larger process
related to the recognition of the Genocide that is under way around
the world. It is understandable why it was made public on April 19.

And I think it was inappropriate to distort, manipulate or respond
to His Holiness Pope Francis’s words.

I don’t want to talk about the content of that spurious statement –
I expect that on April 24, Mr. Erdogan, the President of Turkey, will
prove to be more robust and rational and will make a real statement,
in which he will say what happened, which will make it possible for
us to start a process of rapprochement between our two nations. To be
more accurate, perhaps, one needs to say – not between the nations,
but between ourselves and the Turkish government because I don’t
blame the Turkish people, the Turks for anything whatsoever.

– If you are ready to share your feelings toward the Turkish people,
I would like to ask the following question. During the same war, what
does the pain suffered by the Turkish and Muslim societies signify
to you? Does Armenia admit the pain, sufferings, and deportations of
Turks during the same period?

The Armenian people cannot but understand that suffering because the
Armenian people have suffered many defeats and won many victories
during their three-millennia-long history. There have been both
sufferings and joys; therefore, the Armenian people can understand
very well what any people, including the Turkish people, can undergo
during war. However, it is one thing to suffer and another thing to
undergo genocide. If the Turkish people also went through genocide
during the Ottoman rule, let the current government of Turkey recognize
the genocide of both Armenians and Turks, which was committed by the
Ottoman government.

It is one thing when residents of one, two, or three villages move to
another place, or individual citizens change their places of residence,
which we pity, but when a whole people is eliminated, it is quite
another thing. I suggest that you pay attention to two facts: first,
the statements of the Young Turks’ leaders about their intentions
to eliminate Armenians. Secondly, there are interviews with Raphael
Lemkin, during which he was asked, “What does genocide mean?”

He answered, “Genocide is what happened to Armenians and Jews.” What
can one add to this?

I hope that some years on from now, there will be so many people in
Turkey who realize what happened, that it will be impossible to make
statements like the one the Prime Minister made (on April 19).

EU Delegation Head: "Crime Against Genocide" Forum Will Not Remain W


21:04, 23.04.2015
Region:World News, Armenia, Turkey
Theme: Politics

The results of the ‘Crime against Genocide’ global forum are already
evident, and the most important of those results is the dissemination
of information about genocide, Head of EU Delegation to Armenia Traian
Hristea told Armenian News on Thursday.

According to him, the forum included many interesting speeches and
presentations, which enabled to look at the problem from fresh
perspective. All this cannot remain without repercussions, and
elevating the level of awareness should be used for further actions.

According to Hristea, on the first day the forums hosted researchers,
and on the second day – politicians, which already shows high level
of interest towards that event.

“I’ll be glad to see the resolutions and declarations adopted at the
forum to advance and come into reality,” Traian Hristea said.

ATP: Coalition of Businesses and Organizations Unite for Earth Day C

65 Main Street
Watertown, MA 02472 USA
Tel: (617) 926-TREE
Email: [email protected]

April 22, 2015

Coalition of Businesses and Organizations Unite for Earth Day Cleanup of
Yerevan Children’s Railway

YEREVAN–On Saturday, April 18, Armenia Tree Project (ATP) organized a
large-scale trash clean-up at Yerevan Children’s Railway and the adjacent
river banks along the Hrazdan River. The cleanup is one in a series of
events being organized in Armenia as part of the global Earth Day movement.

“Our objective is a clean and healthy Yerevan,” noted ATP Country Director
Lucineh Kassarjian in remarks welcoming nearly 75 volunteers. “The
Children’s Railway is a popular gathering place for families in summer since
there are large shade trees and rides for children, so we are excited to
make the area more hospitable and beautiful. We thank all organizations and
volunteers that are present with us today with such enthusiasm and good

The initiators of the clean-up event were ATP in partnership with the “Barev
Yerevan” members of the Yerevan City Council. Two leaders of this community
service event were parliamentarian Anahit Bakhshyan and singer-activist
Arthur Ispirian. With the support of the City of Yerevan, three garbage
trucks were provided to remove close to 100 bags of waste collected that

During the event, Lucineh recognized several other key partners: “We thank
Green Bean coffee shop for not only joining the event with their entire
staff, but also bringing sweets for everyone to enjoy. We also thank Deem
Communications for participating with their entire team and supporting the
organizing of the event. This was an excellent day to elevate the concepts
of corporate social responsibility and community volunteerism in Armenia.”

Other major partners who participated in the cleanup were the European Union
delegation headed by Traian Hristea, the Lithuanian Embassy represented by
Ambassador Erikas Petrikas, Jinishian Memorial Foundation, VivaCell MTS,
Birthright Armenia, Armenian Volunteer Corps, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur
Internationale Zusammenarbeit), Synopsys Armenia, Fuller Center for Housing,
Concept Studio, and Storaket Architectural Studio.

In addition to the cleanup, ATP has initiated a series of public tree
planting events for Earth Day. Groups of volunteers have planted fruit and
decorative trees at community sites in Kotayk region on April 16 and 23,
with other plantings scheduled later this spring.

Since its inception in 1994, ATP has planted more than 4.7 million trees,
established three nurseries and two environmental education centers, and has
greened villages, churches, parks, and open spaces throughout Armenia. In
the process, the organization has provided employment for hundreds of people
and provided vital resources to thousands of villagers throughout the

Country Of Missed Opportunities: What Is Awaiting Armenia?


Igor Muradyan, Political Analyst
Comments – 22 April 2015, 20:24

At the end of the ’80s the impression was that Armenia was entering
into a more favorable political period of modern history, and one
needs to follow the developments attentively and act accordingly.

There was a lot of lip service and very little money.

At that time the massive rallies seemed to be the essence of history.

In fact, only their noise and wish to desert are left. Then the
Armenian society deserted successfully, leaving their own country in
the hands of adventurers. Then, however, there was no awareness of
what a serious action they were going to encounter.

September 3 put a full stop to the period of anticipation and patience
of the West. In the fall of 2013 most supporters of the Atlantic bias
of Armenia were speaking confidently about the reasons of breaking up
with the European Union and facing to the marginal Eurasian bloc. A lot
of arguments, reasons and factors were listed. However, the president
refused grants of 4.5 billion euro. What had scared the president to
give up on this? It has not been understood yet.

Presently, the politicians of different Western states are competing in
ignoring Armenia. There are hopes related with the military circles
which can ignore the government’s guidance and lead the country
towards NATO. Even after the failure of European integration of
Armenia expectations regarding NATO remain but they did not come true
either because the Armenian government followed Russia’s guidance. The
Armenian military circles surrendered in the political field without
a battle, reluctant to spoil their careers and welfare.

Within the year following September 3 the United States and the U.K.

were trying to figure out the prospects and status of NATO-Armenia
cooperation. Armenia has never been ignored by NATO and the Western
community. The developments in Ukraine made Armenia a NATO enemy
without an exaggeration. We are trying to be delicate but the situation
is more serious. Armenia is not present in a single presentable and
realistic project, economic and military programs, is not going to
participate in any serious project.

The “problem” for United States is how to avoid discussions of
the Armenian issues if they cannot be used even in the anti-Turkish
direction. The United States is even reluctant to enter into any debate
and make claims on Armenia’s domestic policy. What’s the purpose if
the country has stopped being a subject of international law?

The United States has announced through its ambassador that Armenia
need not expect financial assistance from the United States, and
this was anticipated provided the huge dynamics of the international
policy. The country that has been ignored by the United States will
not be assisted by the EU either.

The time is up when the West can reply the question directly: does
Armenia remain Russia’s vassal or in a worse state and will the West
wish to integrate with a country where the logic and moods of big
layers of the society are incomprehensible if it takes fundamental
steps in its foreign policy? According to the West, the public in
Armenia is sick and cannot realize the trouble it is in.

Not a long time ago twenty representatives of the Armenian Diaspora
met in Rome. They arrived at the conclusion that “the Armenians made
some mistake”. They should not have ignored the opinion and interests
of the West, and in the upcoming decades Armenia will not be able to
survive as a sovereign state.

A French businessman said the time has come when Armenia must live
under Russia’s foot. It was meant that it is necessary to wait for
the collapse of Russia, the loss of its present status. In addition,
none of those present made up their mind to invest money in Armenia.

Something was said about humanitarian aid but without any enthusiasm.

No doubt, the Armenian people have achieved their goal, loss of
sovereignty, and let everyone understand that they do not need
a sovereign state. We should congratulate all the campaigners of
capitulation. How can the United States and NATO bid for Russia’s
vassal. This is absurd. What complementarism are they talking about?

Presently, it is ridiculous to talk to the politicians of the West
about Armenia, there is no curiosity, let alone interests. Some are
trying to consider Armenia’s geopolitical “advantages” but if the
United States has successfully bypassed Turkey as a geopolitical
partner it will bypass Armenia as well.

Russia has already demonstrated that it does not need Armenia as a
partner. Armenia does not interest anyone, let alone its reputation.

It would be good to call an international conference and discuss
the following question: how is Armenia going to survive as Russia’s
vassal? But who will take part in that conference? Perhaps only
Russian experts and drunken members of the Russian parliament.

The Armenians, independent from their education, have not realized
that all the opportunities have been missed. Even the recent meager
offers are gone.

There is no time, everything is clear, and nobody wants to deal with
such a country. Apparently, no opportunity of history and international
politics has been used, not even partly.

Baroness Caroline Cox: Karabakh Has Same Right To Self-Determination


13:27, 23.04.2015
Region:Armenia, Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Turkey
Theme: Politics

YEREVAN. – Baroness Caroline Cox, who is a member of the British
House of Lords, drew parallels between the Armenian Genocide and
Azerbaijan’s actions.

Cox delivered remarks Thursday at the two-day International Social
and Political Global Forum against the Crime of Genocide. This
forum is devoted to the Armenian Genocide Centennial, it is held in
Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan, and about 600 participants from
fifty countries are taking part in this event.

First, the baroness noted that she is personally sad to represent
the parliament of a country which does not recognize the Armenian
Genocide, and this is shameful, but Wales and Scotland have recognized
this genocide.

As per Baroness Cox, Azerbaijan’s objective of ousting the Armenians
from their historical homeland, Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh), is another
attempt at genocide.

She noted that it is very important to realize that Artsakh has the
same right to self-determination as Kosovo, and you need to fight so
that justice prevails for Karabakh, too.

Cox added that it is indispensible to recognize the truth about the
genocide, and hiding or denying this vice means leaving the wound
without medicine so that it constantly bleeds.

Baroness Caroline Cox expressed a view that the Armenian Genocide
recognition stems also from the interests of Turkey and the Turkish

Turkish Twitter Users Demand To Expel Armenian Migrants From Turkey


14:31 23/04/2015 ” SOCIETY

In these days, Turkish Twitter users are using the hashtag
#ErmeniKacaklarSınırdıÅ~_ıEdilsin, which translates as “expel
illegal Armenian migrants.”

According to, this hashtag is used in extremist and
racist tweets such as “The Armenians who are in Turkey illegally must
be expelled as soon as possible,” “Damn all who considers themselves
Hrant and Armenian,” “Let them not see the morning of April 25,”
“Armenians who are in Turkey illegally must be expelled and go
to hell.”

This hashtag is actively spread with pictures and words of Kemal
Ataturk. Members and supporters of the Grey Wolves Turkish nationalist
organization are believed to be publishing such tweets.

The hashtag is used in anti-Armenian and anti-genocide tweets.

A Turk In Yerevan: Zaman Paper’s Photo Editor In Armenia To Cover Ap


GENOCIDE | 23.04.15 | 12:54


Selahattin Sevi

ArmeniaNow reporter

Selahattin Sevi, the editor of photo department of the Turkish Zaman
daily, arrived in Armenia to cover how Armenians commemorate on April
24 their forebears who fell victim to mass killings and deportations
in Ottoman Turkey a century ago.

100 years after the killings Turkey still denies that it was a
systematic effort of the Ottoman government to exterminate Armenians
as a people.

The Turkish photographer, who had been in Armenia many times before,
says that the Centennial is commemorated not as a grief but as more
of a remembrance day.

“On the 95th anniversary I was in Beirut; it was a grief day there, and
now I can see that the stress is put on the claims. I am interested in
attending the numerous exhibitions and concerts organized in Yerevan on
these days. The Centennial has gained a cultural coloring. I thought
that the society might have protested that, for instance, System of
a Down is holding a concert, but, on the other hand, the band has
features that contain political message in it and the concert is in
the context,” Sevi told ArmeniaNow.

The Turkish photographer is surprised: a small country like Armenia
with numerous social-economic problems spends quite a lot of money
to commemorate the Centennial with large-scale events. He singles out
his participation at the social-political forum Against the Crime of
Genocide where he could have interviews with people who are not easy
to be found, such as Kate Nahapetian, Government Affairs Director of
the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

The theme of the Genocide for Sevi is on the agenda, as much as all
the rest of most important events happening in the world.

“There were many human movements and losses during the first half of
the previous century; Armenians bore the most damage as a result,”
Sevi said, avoiding the use of the word genocide.

In Armenia he never met Genocide survivors, instead he met those
years ago in the city of Anjar in Lebanon, which in 1939 was founded
by Armenians who had left their Armenian villages in Musa-Ler.

“As you speak to them you understand what actually happened,” he
said and added that what they knew of the Armenian Genocide was
from their history textbook where it was introduced in a completely
different context.

Selahattin Sevi was in Armenia first in 2001. Together with a group
of Diaspora Armenians he traveled to Kesaria, Kars and then to Armenia.

“It took us a long time to cover the 15 minutes’ traveling distance
from Kars to Armenia [the border today is closed and travelers have to
go through Georgia]. Then we visited Echmiadzin. We met the Patriarch,
whom we constantly wanted to ask questions.

We took a group photo in front of the Cathedral after which he said we
could ask questions, but before he wanted to ask us a question, “Do we
recognize the Genocide or not?” The question was shocking for me then.

Years later I can say that back then the rough political position
was more vivid, a lot has changed now,” the Turkish photographer says.

Addressing the issue of “people-to-people diplomacy” between the two
countries the journalist says that Turkish-Armenian journalist and
scholar Hrant Dink’s tragic death in 2007 had a critical significance
for Turkey.

“Hrant’s murder… we saw a human flood on his burial; that was the
most correct answer; in Turkey there is a social layer which does not
tolerate injustice, illegality and is ready to fight for all that. And
especially after Dink’s murder the democratic diplomacy was activated,”
he said.

According to him, this very type of diplomacy has a big significance
when the pressure on the government is from below.

Selahattin Sevi states three preconditions without which success is
impossible – media, democracy and a conscious society.

RFI/Grand Reportage : Les Armeniens De Marseille, Gardiens De La Mem


Publie le : 23-04-2015

Info Collectif VAN – – Le Grand reportage du mardi
21 avril 2015 sur RFI a ete dedie au centenaire du genocide armenien.

“C’etait le 24 avril 1915 : jour funeste en Armenie, alors partie de
l’Empire ottoman. C’est le debut du genocide du peuple armenien accuse
de comploter contre le gouvernement de l’epoque. Un million et demi de
personnes perissent, massacrees sur place ou deportees dans le desert.

Les survivants fuient l’empire, et beaucoup se refugient en France.

Marseille est leur port d’entree. Un siècle plus tard, le drame du
genocide, toujours nie par la Turquie, ne cesse de hanter la communaute
armenienne de la ville.” Le Collectif VAN vous propose d’ecouter un
Grand reportage d’Anna Piekarec ici.


mardi 21 avril 2015 a 04:37

Grand reportage par Anna Piekarec

Les Armeniens de Marseille, gardiens de la memoire

C’etait le 24 avril 1915. La police de l’Empire ottoman arrete les
intellectuels armeniens de Constantinople. Cette rafle donne le coup
d’envoi du genocide du peuple armenien accuse de comploter contre le
gouvernement de l’epoque. Un million et demi de personnes perissent,
massacrees sur place ou deportees dans le desert syrien par les soldats
turcs. Les survivants fuient l’empire, et beaucoup se refugient en
France. Marseille est leur port d’entree. Un siècle plus tard, le
drame du genocide, toujours nie par la Turquie, ne cesse de hanter
la communaute armenienne, estimee aujourd’hui a Marseille a 80 000

Ecouter le Grand reportage d’Anna Piekarec ici


RFI propose, du lundi au vendredi, un grand reportage et des enquetes
realises par les envoyes speciaux et les correspondants de la
redaction, partout dans le monde.

*** Diffusions du lundi au vendredi, a 04h37 TU et 12h40 TU vers le
monde (sauf Paris et Afrique) ; a 07h40 TU vers le monde et Paris ;
12h10 TU vers l’Afrique ; a 18h10 TU vers toutes cibles.

Source/Lien : RFI

Russian President Vladimir Putin To Fly To Yerevan


YEREVAN, April 23. /ARKA/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will fly
to Yerevan Thursday evening to attend events dedicated to the centenary
of Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire in 1915 and 1916, TASS reports.

Before departure Putin is set to meet with Russia’s Security Council
members and to have a phone talk with his Finnish counterpart Sauli
Niinisto. According to Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, the two
countries’ leaders will first of all discuss Russia-Finland relations
and probably Russia-EU relations, including the exchange of economic

Speaking about Putin’s visit to Yerevan, his assistant Yuri Ushakov
said that Russians attach great importance to the 100th anniversary
of the tragic events in Ottoman Empire, understand the significance
of the centenary for friendly Armenia, Armenian communities worldwide,
including about 3 million Armenians who live in Russia.

He said that more than 1.5 million of Armenians were killed in Turkey
in 2015 and 2016, over 600,000 people were expelled to Mesopotamia’s
desert and other 300,000 found shelter in Russia.

He said victims of the genocide are commemorated every year on
April 24.

On April 24, Turkey will mark the centenary of Canakkale Battle,
and Russian State Duma Speaker Sergey Narishkin will attend that event.

Ushakov said that the Turkish president is well-informed about Putin’s
intention to be in Armenia on April 24.

The Russian president will visit the memorial of the genocide victims
and will speak at the commemoration ceremony.

He will also talk to Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and French
President Francois Hollande. —0—-