"I Am Neither A Spy Nor A Betrayer"


May 03, 2010

Ernest Vardanyan, a journalist of Armenian origin, arrested in the
Republic of Transdniestria, has appealed for help on May 2, for his
wife and two under-age children, saying Transdniestria National
Security Service employees threaten to "settle a physical score"
with them, and he is being tortured.

"In the name of all saints, please, save my wife and my children. They
make me confess that I have spied and betrayed the homeland
(Transdniestria) in favor of Moldova. They beat me periodically and
threat that they would apply to more ‘inventive’ tortures, which leave
no traces. They threaten to settle a physical score with my wife and
my children," the journalist said in a statement circulated through
security guards.

I am not a spy and I have betrayed no one. I simply said the truth
to improve the life of ordinary people. During the examination they
ascribed the charges of betrayal and espionage to me. "You are to
blame yourself. We had warned you not to give further details and
now it is too late to return," they said.

Vardanyan asks "not to believe in falsely staged interrogation videos
and trumped-up charges. They can ascribe charged to everyone here. I
am forced to give evidence against people criticizing the authorities.

Please, help me to find a good advocate and believe my innocence even
if I publically plead guilty in videos and legal proceeding.

For the sake of his family’s security, I am ready to "plead guilty
and be imprisoned as much as the special bodies and authorities need."

Vardanyan, 33, was arrested on April 7 on charges of espionage for
Moldova and may face 12-20 years in prison.

The Armenian journalist freelanced for the Russian Internet news
agency Novy Region (in the unrecognized Republic of Transdniestria).

In 2009, he started to work also for the Chisinau-based newspaper Puls,
which caused irritation among Transdniestria authorities.

Un Ancien Officier Des Services De Renseignements Admet Des Negligen


3 mai 2010

L’ancien Chef du Departement du renseignement Sabri Uzun a fait sa
declaration le 15 avril lors du procès du journaliste Nedim Sener.

Risquant jusqua 32 annees et demi de prison Sener est poursuivi devant
la justice dans trois affaires differentes lancees contre son livre
"le Meurtre de Dink et le mensonge des renseignements".

Dans le livre, il ecrit les negligences et les essais pour dissimuler
les negligences de la gendarmerie, de la police et des services
secrets turc avant le meurtre du Journaliste Hrant Dink en 2007.

Dans l’audition qui s’est tenue devant la 2ème Cour Criminelle de
Première instance, Uzun a declare qu’il n’avait eu aucune information
quant au projet de meurtre contre Hrant Dink puisque il n’avait pas
d’accès aux rapports rassembles par les agents avant qu’ils n’aient
ete archives. Sans mentionner son nom directement, Uzun a revendique
qu’un Directeur local Ali Fuat Yilmazer l’a tenu eloigne des rapports

Sabri Uzun a dit que " si l’etat est responsable du meurtre de Hrant
Dink, c’est ma responsabilite et c’est vrai. Il y avait la notification
d’un rapport ecrit notifiant qu’une action cruciale allait avoir lieu
qui a mentionne le projet de meurtre de Dink. Si ce rapport m’avait
ete donne avant qu’il n’ait ete archive, ce ne serait pas arrive".

Sener risque 28 ans de prison pour l’accusation d’avoir "identifier
des fonctionnaires en charge de missions anti-terroristes comme des
cibles". La plainte criminelle contre le journaliste a ete deposee
par Ramazan Akyurek, alors Chef de la Police dans Trabzon, Ali Fuat
Yilmazer, Directeur local du renseignement de la Police, du policier
Muhittin Zenit et du Directeur local du renseignement de Trabzon
Faruk Sari.

Les avocats du plaignant Zenit ont demande a Uzun s’il etait
attribue une protection après chaque nouveau rapport. Uzun a repondu,
"Nous ne demandons pas de protection avec chaque rapport mais nous
parlons ici d’un meurtre. C’est serieux. Les rapports lies aux projets
d’assassinats sont d’un par an ou meme plus rarement. Un tel rapoort
poeut avoir lieu une fois en dix ans. S’il arrive, la police et les
renseignements sont obliges de se rencontrer pour discuter de la
question et prendre une decision".

Nedim Sener a critique la question des avocats, avancant que le
meurtre de Dink etait "un projet mis au point par la police". "Dink
etait engage dans un procès a l’epoque il etait dans l’oeil du public
tout le temps" a dit Sener.

Uzun a continue : "j’ai appele l’inspecteur Mustafa Uckuyu quant au
Bulletin d’informations (F4) dd. Le 17 fevrier 2006 qui a mentionne
Hrant Dink et ait demande s’il y avait une nouvelle information.

Uckuyu a repondu que le rapport avait une note disant ‘ le transfert
de l’assignation au bureau C2 ‘. J’ai fait une declaration ecrite de
cela le 4 novembre 2009 et ai ecrit que le service du renseignement
de la police a execute son devoir. Le plein rapoort m’est arrive
seulement plus tard".

"Les inspecteurs m’avaient dit que le rapport a inclus l’information
qu’une action ahurissante a ete projetee liee a Hrant Dink. J’ai ete
stupefie quand j’ai lu l’ensemble du rapport parce qu’il n’a pas fait
seulement mention d’une action ahurissante, mais des informations sur
le meurtre de Dink et sur les armes et l’argent qui avait ete prevu.

J’ai ecrit une declaration supplementaire le 4 decembre 2009. J’ai
ecrit que ‘ je n’avais pas vu le rapport du 17 fevrier 2006 quand
j’etais Chef du Departement. J’en avais ete empeche par le Directeur
local ‘".

Nedim Sener a declare a posteriori "Sabri Uzun a fait une declaration
qui a confirme ce que j’ai ecrit dans mon livre et est meme alle
plus loin. C’est pourquoi je considère sa declaration comme très
importante. Dans mon livre j’ai ecrit que le Chef du Departement du
renseignement Ramazan Akyurek et le Directeur local Ali Fuat Yilmazer
ont neglige leurs devoirs. Uzun a parle comme un ancien chef du
departement au temps où le meurtre de Dink a ete projete. Il a dit,
" oui, le departement a neglige ses devoirs, parce que ces rapoorts
ne m’ont pas ete transmis". J’espère que cette information apportera
la lumière dans le cas du meurtre de Hrant Dink".

Book Of Armenian History By Arakel Of Tabriz Back In Print


Published: Monday May 03, 2010

Arakel of Tabriz cover.

Costa Mesa – Mazda Publishers has announced the release of the
one-volume hardcover edition of Book of History by Arakel of Tabriz
in a newly revised annotated translated by George Bournoutian, with
a new introduction.

The book first appeared in two paperback volumes several years ago
and was soon out of print. It received good reviews and was cited by
numerous scholars.

Arakel’s Book of History is one of the main primary sources for the
history of Armenia, Iran, Georgia and Ottoman Turkey in the seventeenth
century. Arakel’s unique account of the Turco-Persian wars and their
terrible consequences for the Armenian people, which resulted in the
deportation of some 200,000 Armenians to Iran and the establishment
of the Armenian community in New Julfa, is the sole non-Persian source
on the subject.

In addition, Arakel’s describes the Iranian invasions of Georgia, as
well as the Jelali revolts and its effect on Armenia. Moreover Arakel,
a vardapet at Etchmiadzin, explains the decline and the corruption
of the Holy See, during the long period when it had more than one
catholicos at the same time (coadjutors) and its revival after 1629;
the establishment of important monastic schools in eastern Armenia; the
problems faced by the Armenians in Poland; the hardships experienced
by the Jews in Iran; natural disasters, such as earthquakes and fires;
and the amazing messianic movement of Sabbatai Sevi, which took place
in Izmir and spread among the Jews living in Ottoman Turkey.

One of the most important and lengthiest chapters is the chronology
of significant events, which occurred in Armenia, Iran, and Ottoman
Turkey from 651 to 1668, which Arakel compiled from various small
chronicles located in the library at Etchmiadzin.

The new edition of Arakel’s Book of History (number 16 in the Armenian
Studies Series, $65, xiii+637 pp.) will be available in all Armenian
bookstores, as well as Amazon and Barnes and Nobles in mid-May. It
can also be obtained directly from Mazdapub.com


Pashazade Says He Has Been Misinformed



Caucasus Muslims Clerical Office issued a statement which runs that one
of the workers of the office gave false information the Office head
to Pashazade in connection with the visit of the Armenian Catholicos
Garegin II to the Martyr’s Alley. The statement runs that the worker
was punished and it was found out that the Armenian Catholicos did
not visit the Alley.

Recall according to an interview of Pashazade, Garegin II, while in
Baku, visited the Martyr’s Alley. The press service of Holy Echmiadzin
refuted the information and turned to the Caucasus Muslims Clerical
Office to refute it either.

BAKU: ‘We need to bring human element into settlement process’

news.az, Azerbaijan
May 1 2010

‘We need to bring human element into settlement process’
Sat 01 May 2010 | 08:58 GMT Text size:

Irina Ghaplanyan News.Az Irina Ghaplanyan, University of Cambridge,
Graduate Student, Politics and International Studies.

Do you expect progress in the Karabagh settlement during this year?

Unfortunately, I do not foresee any progress in the Nagorno-Karabakh
settlement this year mainly due to the upcoming parliamentary
elections in November in Azerbaijan. Mutual concessions is what it
takes for the settlement to move forward, but none of the political
parties participating in the elections would propose any concessions
as they would lose political dividends in the eyes of their

There is an opinion that representatives of culture and youth can do
even more in the Karabagh settlement than politicians. Do you think
that intensification of such visit’s exchanges can create more
positive atmosphere between Azerbaijanis and Armenians?

Undoubtedly. The NK process is politically `overdosed’ and largely
exhausted. We constantly hear military rhetoric from Azeri
politicians, but I doubt that they will send their sons to risk their
lives for the war that they are advocating. Moreover, this rhetoric
deepens the distrust that Armenians in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh
have towards Azerbaijan’s leaders. We need to bring the human element
into the settlement process, and this is exactly why members of youth
and culture organizations must get involved. Through interaction with
each other the youth of both nations will realize that the enemy that
the political discourse in each respective country paints, is actually
a fellow human being with largely the same social and economic
problems. The injection of human element in this process is crucial,
as it will not only offer more avenues for communication, but also
ensure that military rhetoric would gradually become unpopular and
through this process you create an environment for the empowerment of
civil society.

Catholicos Garegin II participated at an inter-religious summit in
Baku on April 26th, it was his first visit to Azerbaijan. Do you share
hopes that this visit and dialog can bring the two nations together?

Yes, I hope that this dialog will not be a one time but a recurring
event. All religions share some basic humane principles, of which
crucial in the case of NK settlement are the value of human life and
the significance of compromise. So I do believe that religious
leaders, carrying the respective authorities in their countries and
advocating peaceful resolution of the NK conflict, indeed could
positively influence the peace process.

Garegin II and leader of Azeri Muslims A.Pashazadeh supported a dialog
between religious leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Both sides say
that the Karabakh conflict has no religious base. Anyway what kind of
role can play religious leaders in the settlement?

Indeed, the NK conflict is largely of ethnic base. Now, we can
exacerbate the conflict by accentuating the religions differences, but
it is really encouraging to witness the exact opposite process,
whereby the religious leaders engage in a discourse of commonality,
which advocates that, indeed, any religion preaches peace. And this is
exactly the role that, hopefully, the religious leaders will adopt and
preach what they are called to preach ` that is, peace.


BAKU: CESSS director sends letter to Turkish journalist

Trend, Azerbaijan
May 1 2010

Center for Eurasian Security and Strategic Studies director sends
letter to Turkish journalist
01.05.2010 16:34
Azerbaijan, Baku, May 1 / Trend R. Hafizoglu /

The Center for Eurasian Security and Strategic Studies director Khatam
Jabbarli sent an open letter to Turkish journalist of "Hurriyyet"
newspaper Mehmet Ali Birand.

In his letter Jabbarli indicated mistakes made in pro-Armenian
journalist Mehmet Ali Birand’s articles concerning Azerbaijan.

Strengthening of the Turkish-Azerbaijani relations, strong rebuff of
the two countries towards pressure from certain centers of power, the
basic position of the fraternal countries cause serious concern of
Turkey’s and Azerbaijani opponents.

Turkish journalist Birand conducts anti-Azerbaijani propaganda for a
long period. Azerbaijani press responded by sound arguments on the
author’s claim of an article published April 15 in the newspaper
"Hurriyyet". The following article dated April 28 shows that Birand
was instructed to conduct "revision" of Azerbaijani-Turkish relations,
make a possible blow on fraternal relations.

"There are many mistakes in Birand’s article. There were so many
mistakes that I am tired to find and correct them. If Birand wants, I
can give him lessons of history and grammar of the Turkish language,
at least to prevent distortion of our beautiful Turkic language and
not to allow leading the society in the wrong direction. Birand made
serious mistakes. He is not even able to copy. He must be more
attentive. There are no such people as Azeri. There are Azeri Turks.
Turkish journalist made a serious mistake. He wrote that the
Azerbaijani parliament abolished the autonomous status of Nagorno
Karabakh in 1989", the letter says.

You can familiarize with a text of the letter via


Crossroads E-Newsletter – April 29, 2010

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168

April 29, 2010
All parishes of the Eastern Prelacy will offer a requiem service for
Bishop Nshan Topouzian, Prelate of the Aderbadagan diocese (Iran), who
went to his eternal rest on April 27, 2010, in Armenia. Bishop Nshan
was 44 years old.
Details of the extreme unction and burial services, which are
expected to take place in Tabriz, Iran, have not yet been finalized.
To read the special issue of Crossroads that was sent on
Tuesday click here (
4882/goto: 6c0dc670857a01d8680273b2320
Commemorations of the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide took
place throughout the world, even in Istanbul.
In New York the Eastern Prelacy together with eight other
religious and community organizations marked the occasion on Saturday
evening, April 24, with a solemn requiem service and program at
St. Illuminators Cathedral.
An overflow crowd listened in rapt attention to the keynote
address by the well-know educator, writer and translator, Professor
Peter Balakian. The program featured performances by Armenian youth of
various ages which gave the evening an atmosphere of hope and
optimism. The dramatic presentation, Voices of the Survivors, and the
Hamazkayin Arekag Choir elicited thunderous applause, as did the vocal
selections, Hayasdan and Hayrenkis Hed, by Vagharshak Ohanian.
The commemoration at Times Square, organized by the Knights of
Vartan, and co-sponsored by all Armenian religious and community
organizations, was moved indoors to Kavookjian Hall at St. Vartans
Cathedral, because of the rain. As in previous years, the event was
attended by thousands of Armenians from the metro New York area, as
well as from the Mid-Atlantic, and New England areas. Archbishop
Oshagan delivered the invocation on this occasion which brought
together many congressmen and city and state officials.
Earlier in the week, as reported in last weeks Crossroads,
Archbishop Oshagan delivered the opening prayer at the House of
Representatives in Washington, DC, where he met with many congressmen,
and attended and delivered the invocation at the commemoration
organized by the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues.

This Sunday, May 2, Archbishop Oshagan will preside over the Divine
Liturgy and deliver the sermon at Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence,
Rhode Island.

Saturday evening, May 1, Archbishop Oshagan will attend a fundraising
event for Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey. The event,
which is under the auspices of His Eminence, is hosted by Peter and
Sharon Najarian-Chipolone at their home in Old Tappan, New Jersey.

Bishop Anoushavan is in Antelias, Lebanon, where he is attending
meetings of the committee for canonizing the Armenian martyrs. The
meetings, with representatives from the Holy Mother See of Etchmiadzin
and the Holy See of Cilicia, began today, April 29 and will continue
to Monday, May 3.
The Prelacy Ladies Guilds Mothers Day luncheon will take place on
Monday, May 10, at the New York Palace, 455 Madison Avenue, New York
City. Reception begins at 12 noon with luncheon at 1 pm.
Grace Keshgegian, a member of St. Gregorys Church in
Philadelphia, is being honored as the Prelacys Mother of the
Year. Grace is not only a faithful member of her local parish, but
well-known on a national level through her service as a delegate to
the National Representative Assembly, as well as her dedicated support
of other community organizations, most significantly the Armenian
Sisters Academy in Philadelphia.
For information about the Mothers Day luncheon contact the
Prelacy at 212-689-7810.

The Eastern Prelacys National Representative Assembly (NRA) will
convene in New York beginning May 13 to May 15. It is being hosted by
the two New York parishes: St. Illuminators Cathedral and St. Sarkis
Church. It is the first time the NRA is being hosted jointly by two
parishes and it is the first time since 1962 that the NRA will take
place in New York. The overall theme of the NRA will focus on His
Holiness proclamation of 2010 as the Year of the Armenian Woman.
The Assemblys banquet is scheduled for Friday, May 14, at the
Crowne Plaza at LaGuardia Airport. The banquet is open to the public;
reservations can be made by contacting Dr. Louiza Kubikian at
For more information about the NRA click here (
4882/goto: /nra

This year once again the Prelacy is sponsoring a conference for the
Yeretzgins. As in past years the conference will provide an
opportunity for the wives of our parish priests to meet with each
other to discuss issues of importance. The program will take place on
Thursday, May 13. The Prelate, Archbishop Oshagan, will open the
program. The morning session will feature a presentation by Iris
Papazian on Women as Guardians of Armenian Family Values, and the
afternoon session will feature a presentation by Yn. Joanna Baghsarian
on Women as Christian
Educators Today. Throughout the day, periods of open discussion will
take place where the Yeretzgins can exchange and share their thoughts
and ideas.
On Friday morning, May 14, the group will go to the
Metropolitan Museum of Art where they will have a guided tour,
especially of the two Armenian khatchkars and other exhibits of
interest. They will have lunch at the museum before returning to the
hotel in Queens.

The 24th annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute Summer Program, for
youth ages 13-18, is scheduled to take place at the St. Mary of
Providence Center in Elverson, Pennsylvania, from June 25-July 4,
2010. The program is sponsored by the Armenian Religious Education
Council (AREC). For more information click here (
4882/goto: /departments/arec/datev-institute

Beginning April 12 and continuing through to Pentecost (May 23), in
addition to other readings portions of the four Gospels are read each
day: Luke is read in the morning; John is read at mid-day; Matthew is
read at the beginning of the evening hour; and Mark is read at the end
of the evening hour.
Bible readings for today, Thursday, April 29 are: Luke 8:1-21;
Acts 11:1-26; 1 Peter 3:10-22; John 4:24-42; Matthew 9:35-10:15; Mark
then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trial, and to
keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of
judgmentespecially those who indulge their flesh in depraved lust, and
who despise authority.
Bold and willful, they are not afraid to slander the glorious
ones, whereas angels, though greater in might and power, do not bring
against them a slanderous judgment from the Lord. These people,
however, are like irrational animals, mere creatures of instinct, born
to be caught and killed. They slander what they do not understand, and
when those creatures are destroyed, they also will be destroyed,
suffering the penalty for doing wrong. They count it a pleasure to
revel in the daytime. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their
dissipation while they feast with you. They have eyes full of
adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have
hearts trained in greed. Accursed children! They have left the
straight road and have gone astray, following the road of Balaam son
of Bosot, but was rebuked for his own transgression; a speechless
donkey spoke with a human voice and restrained the prophets madness.
These are waterless springs and mists driven by a storm; for
them the deepest darkness has been reserved. For they speak bombastic
nonsense, and with licentious desires of the flesh they entice people
who have just escaped from those who live in error. They promise them
freedom, but they themselves are slaves to whatever masters them. For
if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the
knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again
entangled in them and overpowered, the last state has become worse for
them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to
have known the way of righteousness than, after knowing it, to turn
back from the holy commandment that was passed on to them. It has
happened to them according to the true proverb, The dog turns back to
its own vomit, and, The sow is washed only to wallow in the mud. (2
Peter: 2:9-22)
For a listing of the coming weeks Bible readings click here (
4882/goto: elacy/PDF/2010dbr-4.pdf

This Sunday, May 2, the Armenian Church commemorates the Apparition of
the Cross (Yerevoumun Sourp Khatchi). The Apparition of the Holy Cross
is the third feast of the Holy Cross in the Armenian liturgical
calendar. It is celebrated on the fifth Sunday of Easter, in
remembrance of the appearance of the sign of the cross over the city
of Jerusalem in 351
A.D., which remained in the sky for about a week. The apparition,
which extended from Golgotha to the Mount of Olives (about two miles),
was brighter than the sun and was seen by all of Jerusalem. This event
is celebrated by the Armenian and Greek churches. The Greeks observe
it on a fixed day (May 7), while the Armenian observation is moveable
depending on the date of Easter. It is celebrated on the fifth Sunday
of Easter, which is the fourth Sunday after Easter.

Women in the Bible , a five-part Bible study began yesterday and will
continue for the next four Wednesdays. The study spotlights some of
the female characters in the grand biblical story of
Sponsored by the Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council
(AREC) and St. Illuminators Armenian Cathedral, the classes are held
at the Cathedral (221 E. 27th Street, New York City).
The classes begin at 7:15 pm with a presentation (45 minutes)
followed by Q and discussion (45 minutes), conducted by Dn. Shant
Kazanjian, Director of AREC.
The program is free and open to the public, though
registration is required. For registration or information, contact the
Cathedral office at 212-689-5880 or the Prelacy office at 212-689-7810
or at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).

A world premiere staged reading of Silence in a Circular Rainbow, a
new play by Herand Markarian will take place on three consecutive
days, April 30 (10 am), May 1 (2 pm), and May 2 (2 pm), at the James
L. Meader Little Theater, Russell Sage College in Troy, New York. It
is directed by David Baecker and features Lorraine Serabian. The
setting is the beginning of World War I and the systematic oppression
of the Armenians in Ottoman Turkey. For information (

A commemorative exhibition, The Armenian Geocide95 Years Later, in
Remembrance, opened on April 1 and will continue through April 30, in
Providence, Rhode Island. The exhibition was produced in collaboration
with the University of Rhode Island, and is on display at URI
Feinstein Providence Campus Gallery, 80 Washington Street,
Providence. The exhibition curator is Berge Ara Zobian, director of
Gallery Z in Providence. The exhibit features the works of more than
50 professional artists and over 100 works of school-age children, as
well as theatrical productions and lectures. For information:
[email protected]
(ma ilto:[email protected]).

The Prelacy Bookstore has a nice selection of music CDs. Here are
three for your consideration:
The Amici Chamber Ensemble
Featuring the music of Arno Babajanian, Serouj Kradjian, Parsegh
Ganatchian, Aram Khachaturian, and Alexander Arutiunian.
$18.00 plus shipping and handling
To hear a sample selection click here (
4882/goto: mble3Babadjanian.mp3
The musical Mazmanian familyGreg, Ida, Eddy, and Rosepresent a
dazzling collection of folk-inspired classics.
$12.00 plus shipping and handling
To hear a sample selection click here (
4882/goto: rMovSarer.mp3
Arpie Dadoyan
A selection of Armenian and French songs by this popular singer,
writer, comedian, and satirist are featured in her first vocal album.
$15.00 plus shipping and handling
To hear a sample selection click here (
4882/goto: diLseh.mp3
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) OR BY
TELEPHONE AT 212-689-7810.

May 1New York State Theatre Institute presents Silence in a Circular
Rainbow, a staged reading of a play by Herand Markarian at the James
L. Meader Little Theatre, Troy, New York. For information about bus
transportation: Sonia 917-679-6992; Anahid 917-751-4916; Rita
May 1Third Annual Silent Auction and Wine Tasting, Holy Trinity
Church, 635 Grove St., Worcester, Massachusetts, 7 pm to 10 pm. Join
us for hors doeurves, wine and a fun-filled night. General admission
$20; students $15. For information: 508-852-2414 or visit web site
(mailto:a [email protected])), or send email to
[email protected]
(mailto:arm [email protected]).
May 2Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon sponsored by Ladies Guild of
St. Gregory Church, North Andover, Massachusetts, Jaffarian Hall, 158
Main Street, North Andover.
May 5Second of five Bible studies on Women in the Bible at
St. Illuminators Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New York City, 7:15
pm. Sponsored b7y the Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council
and St. Illuminators Cathedral.
May 10Mothers Day luncheon sponsored by the Prelacy Ladies Guild, New
York Palace, 455 Madison Avenue, New York City. Reception at 12 noon;
lunch at 1 pm.
May 12Third of five Bible studies on Women in the Bible at
St. Illuminators Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New York City, 7:15
pm. Sponsored by the Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council and
St. Illuminators Cathedral.
May 13 to 16National Representative Assembly hosted by
St. Illuminators Cathedral, New York City, and St. Sarkis Church,
Douglaston, New York.
May 13-14NALG Annual Conference in conjunction with the NRA, Crowne
Plaza, LaGuardia Airport Hotel. For information Mary Derderian,
781-762-4253, [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
May 19Fourth of five Bible studies on Women in the Bible at
St. Illuminators Cathedral, New York City, 7:15 pm. Sponsored by the
Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council and St. Illuminators
May 22Divine Liturgy and annual banquet, presided by His Grace Bishop
Anoushavan Tanielian, St. Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville,
May 2375th Anniversary celebration of Holy Trinity Church, Worcester,
Massachusetts, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan,
at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Worcester. For information: 508-852-2414.
May 26Fifth and final Bible study on Women in the Bible at
St. Illuminators Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New York City, 7:15
pm. Sponsored by the Prelacys Armenian Religious Education Council and
St. Illuminators Cathedral.
June 12Food Festival sponsored by Ladies Guild of St. Gregory Church,
Jaffarian Hall, 158 Main Street, North Andover, Massachusetts.
June 25-July 424th annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute Summer
Program for youth ages 13 to 18, at St. Mary of Providence Center,
Elverson, Pennsylvania.
June 27St. Hagop (Racine) annual Madagh and Church Picnic at Johnsons
Park (Hwy 38) Racine, Wisconsin.
July 17A Hye Summer Night V, dance hosted by Ladies Guild of
Sts. Vartanantz Church and ARS Ani Chapter, Providence, Rhode Island,
at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Cranston,
Rhode Island. For tickets and information: Joyce Bagdasarian
(401-434-4467) or Joyce Yeremian. (401-354-8770).
August 15Annual picnic of St. Stephen Church, Watertown,
Massachusetts, at Camp Haiastan, Franklin, Massachusetts (12 noon to 5
pm). For information: 617-924-7562.
August 22Annual picnic of St. Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville,
October 8-10The Eastern Prelacys Linked In workshop weekend for young
adults at Holy Virgin Marys Spiritual Vineyard, Charlton,
Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacys web

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Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])


Sukias Avetsiyan: "As Far As The Turkish Government Is Not Officiall

Sukias Avetsiyan: "As Far As The Turkish Government Is Not Officially Rejecting The Negotiation Process It May Be Considered ANegotiating Side"

APRIL 29, 2010

YEREVAN, APRIL 29, ARMENPRESS: As far as the Turkish government is not
officially rejecting the negotiation process it may be considered
a negotiating side, member of Armenian Republican party Sukias
Avetisyan said today at the joint press conference with member of
the ARF faction Ara Nranyan. According to him, the Armenia side will
wait for a certain time to understand what steps are being carried
out toward the ratification of the Armenian-Turkish protocols.

S. Avetisyan, in response to the remark of Ara Nranyan, that the
protocols are full of dangers, said that both the president and the
coalition have many times stated that there are no pre-conditions under
the lines of the protocols, and Armenian will ratify them only in case
Turkey starts certain activity in that direction. "In his last speech
the president once again made Turkey understand that the latter has
no right to interfere into the Karabakh conflict settlement process,"
S. Avetisyan said.

According to the ARF representative the allegations that "today’s
Turkey is not the former one and many things have changed and it is
already possible to go to concessions for the sake of prosperity and
cooperation" do not correspond to reality. "Turkey disputes the right
of the Armenian people to live in their homeland," Ara Nranyan said.

S. Avetisyan did not agree with him, noting that from the past year
intensive activity started in Turkey even over the Armenian Genocide
issue. He also highlighted the circumstance that certain people in
Turkey understood that time has come to solve issues.

Armenia Could Export Electrical Power To Turkey – Sargsyan


April 27 2010

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said Armenia could export electrical
power to Turkey and the countries of the Middle East, but cannot do
so because of the blocked border.

"Despite the fact that the process of settling our relations has been
suspended due to the lack of action taken by the Turkish government,
we see a potential for the export of electrical power to Turkey and
transit to the countries of the Middle East," Sargsyan said at the
11th meeting of the presidential Nuclear Power Security Council.

"The opening of this final blocked European border would help normalize
economic relations, including in the sphere of energy," Sargsyan said.

Sargsyan pointed out the importance of Armenia’s integration in the
world energy system and the republic’s participation in regional
energy projects.

There are currently no formal diplomatic relations between Armenia
and Turkey, as the two countries have major disagreements over the
events of 1915 in the Ottoman Empire. A number of countries have
recognized the massacres in which, according to various sources, up
to 1.5 million people were killed, as genocide. Armenia is pressing
Turkey to recognize the massacre as the genocide of Armenians, but
Turkey is refusing to do so.

Armenian And Chinese Presidents To Meet In China


12:15 29/04/2010


At the invitation China’s President Hu Jintao, Armenian President
Serzh Sargsyan left for China to attend the official opening of
"Shanghai-Expo 2010".

President’s press service reported the delegation due to Shanghai
includes the ministers of foreign affairs, economy, energy and natural
resources, and other high rankings officials.

In the frames of the visit President will have a meeting with
China’s Jintao. President will also visit the pavilions of USA,
Russian Federation and China.

President chaired delegation is due back to Armenia on May 3.