Sports: Mkhitaryan: I will try to make my people happy with good moments, Armenia

Armenian national football squad captain and Manchester United (England) midfielder Henrikh Mkhitaryan, who is also United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Goodwill Ambassador  in Armenia, noted, during the UNICEF Armenia Facebook conference on Wednesday, which were the most beautiful and the most important goals he scored for the English club.

“If we consider with beauty, most beautiful is the scorpion kick goal that was scored on December 26 [2016], in the match with Sunderland [England],” said the 28-year-old footballer. “And if we speak about importance—the goal in the Europa League final [against Ajax (the Netherlands)].”

And when asked what the best moment of his career was, Mkhitaryan responded: “I have had many good moments; I can’t recall now. But I believe that I will have lot more good moments, and I will try to make my people happy with good moments.”

Azerbaijan’s official statements run counter to de-facto steps – Nalbandian

Tert, Armenia

14:03 • 13.06.17

Azerbaijani officials have a unique talent of focusing too much on repeated demands while taking actions running counter to them, FM Edward Nalbandian said today commenting on the Azerbaijani foreign minister's recent statement highlighting the unacceptability of the status quo over Nagorno-Karabakh.

At a news conference held jointly with his Estonian counterpart, Sven Mikser, Armenia’s top diplomat also blamed the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry for never abiding by the committment to coordinate joint press releases.

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Citing the UN Security Council resolitions, repeatedly cited by Azerbaijan, Nalbandian also highlighted Azerbaijan's failure to take steps towards their implementation.

“There are four resolutions by the UN Security Council, because after each resolution’s passage, Azerbaijan rejected the previous one. Besides, they were not about the negotiation process but were rather aimed at ending military operations and establishing ceasefire,” he added.

Mark Grigoryan appointed as executive director of Public Radio of Armenia

ARKA, Armenia

YEREVAN, June 12. /ARKA/. Armenia’s Public Television and Radio Company Council has appointed today  Mark Grigoryan as  Executive Director of the Public Radio of Armenia. 

Mark Grigoryan was born in 1958 in Yerevan. In 1980, after graduating from Yerevan State University, he joined the Yerevan Scientific Research and Design Institute of Automated Urban Management Systems.

He began a journalist’s career in 1993 as deputy editor of ‘Svoboda" newspaper in Yerevan. In 1995-1996 he worked for the Armenian International Magazine. He has authored and edited 16 books, many research  and journalistic articles and is one of the founders of the Caucasus Institute in Yerevan.

In late 2002, following an assassination attempt, he moved to London, UK, where he worked for the Russian service of the BBC. In 2003, he received the Hellman / Hammett Journalist Award in recognition of courage in the face of political persecution. In 2014 he returned to Armenia, and worked for various TV channels. Since 2016 he has served as adviser to the executive director of Public Radio. -0-

18:17 12.06.2017

Livre: Arménie : Au pays des pierres

Café Babel, France
7 juin 2017
Article publié le 7 juin 2017

Article publié le 7 juin 2017

Dans son livre In the Country of Stones publié mi-juin 2017, le photographe français Nicolas Blandin nous raconte son voyage en Arménie à travers les visages et paysages d'un pays politiquement et géographiquement « enclavé ».

cafébabel : Pourquoi appelles-tu l’Arménie Pays de pierre ?

Nicolas Blandin : L’Arménie (en arménien «Hayastan») est souvent surnommée « Karastan » (littéralement « pays de pierres », ndlr) par ses habitants, en raison des étendues montagneuses et des roches éruptives qui dominent le paysage. Selon une légende arménienne, en créant le monde, Dieu aurait déversé de la terre et des pierres à travers un immense tamis. La terre molle serait tombée d’un côté et les pierres de l’autre, exactement là où se situe l’Arménie aujourd’hui.

cafébabel : Quelle Arménie as-tu voulu montrer dans ton projet ?

Nicolas Blandin : Mes images sont avant tout le fruit d’une expérience personnelle et subjective. Plusieurs choses m’ont fasciné en Arménie : la façon dont l’histoire et la mémoire collective se manifestent visuellement dans le paysage, que ce soit à travers les imposants restes de 71 ans de régime soviétique, les répercussions du séisme de 1988 dans le nord du pays ou encore la question du génocide et des frontières. J'ai aussi été frappé par les histoires personnelles des gens rencontrés et les symboles qui rappellent que l’Arménie fut le premier pays à adopter le christianisme comme religion officielle (dès l’an 301). Enfin, on y trouve la nature insaisissable du présent dans ce pays enclavé  - géographiquement et politiquement - qui semble évoluer selon ses propres règles, avec d’indéniables moments de grâce et de beauté malgré les difficultés économiques et la rudesse du paysage.

cafébabel : Quel genre de voyage as-tu réalisé en Arménie ?

Nicolas Blandin : J’ai réalisé un premier voyage en stop avec ma copine durant trois semaines en septembre 2013. Nous avions entendu parler de la légendaire hospitalité arménienne, mais nous étions loin d’imaginer l’accueil, la curiosité et la bienveillance qui nous attendaient. Certains villages voient tellement peu d’étrangers que l’on est facilement salué et invité à boire le café. Durant le voyage nous avions parfois le sentiment d’avoir renoué avec de lointains cousins, et étions décidés à revenir un jour. J’ai donc saisi l’occasion d’un volontariat au YMCA de Spitak pour passer cette fois plus de temps dans le nord du pays, en hiver.

cafébabel : Pour le jeune voyageur européen, que recommandes-tu ?

Nicolas Blandin : L’Arménie est une terre riche d’histoire, de culture et de contrastes. Le voyage vaut le détour ne serait-ce que pour ses habitants, curieux et ouverts. Le Caucase du Sud est une région fascinante qui vous place au carrefour de l'Europe, de la Russie, de l'Asie centrale et du Moyen-Orient.

cafébabel : Est-ce facile d’y voyager ?

Nicolas Blandin : À moins de parler le russe ou l’arménien – l’anglais est encore marginal, même à Erevan, la capitale – cela demande un peu de débrouillardise pour dépasser la barrière de la langue et le manque d’infrastructures et d’informations. Mais la curiosité et la bienveillance des Arméniens font vite oublier ces difficultés.

cafébabel : Quel genre de personnes as-tu rencontré en Arménie ?

Nicolas Blandin : L’itinérance, la curiosité et la photographie permettent toutes les rencontres. J’ai ainsi rencontré des jeunes, des moins jeunes, des locaux, des membres de la diaspora arménienne en quête de racines, des gens ayant des membres de leur famille dispersés au quatre coins du monde, des familles séparées pendant plusieurs mois de l’année, les hommes allant travailler en Russie pour gagner leur vie.

cafébabel : Le moment le plus WTF du voyage ?

Nicolas Blandin : En faisant du stop près de Khor Virap, une voiture s’arrête. Nous faisons les présentations usuelles. Lorsque ma copine annonce qu’elle est Allemande, Samuel – le conducteur qui nous l’apprendrons plus tard a vécu un an en Allemagne du temps de la RDA  - lance en allemand, avec humour : « Was ist los ? Nichts ist los. Arbeitslos ! » (Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ? Rien. Chômage !, ndlr)

cafébabel : En Europe, l’Arménie est malheureusement un pays très méconnu. Quand on va sur Google, la troisième entrée, c'est « le génocide arménien». Quelles sont selon toi les trois merveilles de ce pays ?

Nicolas Blandin : L’un des innombrables monastères (certains datant du IVe siècle) perchés sur une colline, au-dessus d’un lac ou d’un canyon : Khor Virap et sa vue imprenable sur l’Ararat, Noravank et ses montagnes rouges, Tatev ou encore Sevanavank surplombant le lac Sevan pour ne citer que ceux-là.

Les toiles du peintre Minas Avetisian aussi. Son ancienne demeure à Jajur, près de Gyumri, a été convertie en mini musée. Enfin, il y  aussi les noix confites. Les fruits, les légumes, le lavash (fine galette, ndlr) et la gastronomie arménienne en général valent le détour).

cafébabel : Le monde est encore très partagé sur la question du génocide.  Arrive-t-on à échanger avec les Arméniens sur ce passé douloureux ? 

Nicolas Blandin : Les gens aimeraient évidemment que la mémoire des massacrés soit honorée et que le génocide soit officiellement reconnu. Mais la reconnaissance officielle du génocide est freinée par d’importants enjeux diplomatiques, financiers et territoriaux.

cafébabel : 25 ans après la chute de l'URSS, les jeunes arméniens se rappellent-ils de cette époque ?

Nicolas Blandin : Tout dépend des jeunes à qui l’on pose la question et de l’âge qu’ils avaient à l’époque. Pour certains, notamment dans le nord du pays, la chute de l’URSS a coïncidé avec les retombées du séisme de 1988. Deux bouleversements majeurs difficiles à oublier.

cafébabel : On qualifie souvent les ex-États soviétiques de pays encore « divisés ». Quel est le ressenti des jeunes arméniens par rapport à l’Europe et à la Russie ?

Nicolas Blandin : Depuis son indépendance en 1991, l’Arménie a toujours gardé des relations étroites avec la Russie pour des raisons économiques et politiques. Le pays est en effet très enclavé géographiquement et surtout politiquement face au blocus imposé par la Turquie à l’ouest et l'Azerbaïdjan à l’est. Face au manque d’opportunités d’emploi, nombreux sont les Arméniens, jeunes et moins jeunes, qui s'en vont gagner leur vie en Russie au moins une partie de l’année.

Cela dit le regard des gens, notamment des jeunes, est aussi tourné vers l’Europe et les États-Unis, qui abritent une importante diaspora arménienne. La politique étrangère arménienne semble peu à peu chercher un soutien plus fort de l’Occident.


Toronto men involved in violent clash at Turkish ambassador’s residence in Washington

Toronto Star, Canada

Alpkenan Dereci said he and other Erdogan supporters were the “real victims,” though they were seen striking protesters.

Alpkenan Dereci, in the yellow T-shirt, is seen holding back Ahmet Dereci, who is shouting at a Washington, D.C. police officer during a protest last week. The two Toronto men are supporters of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  (Voice of America news video)  

Toronto residents Alpkenan Dereci and Ahmet Dereci, enthusiastic supporters of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, are seen on video joining Erdogan’s security team in striking protesters near the residence of Turkey’s U.S. ambassador.

Videos published by the New York Times and other media show that Alpkenan Dereci punched and shoved a protester. They show that the man identified by the Times as Ahmet Dereci punched a protester and then kicked him twice when he was lying defenceless on the ground.

The Derecis have not been arrested or charged with any offence. Alpkenan Dereci told a Turkish news agency that they were victims of assault, not perpetrators.

Alpkenan Dereci was also on the receiving end of violence during the melee; videos show he was struck in the face by a bullhorn tossed at him after he landed a punch near the head of a protester. His face and shirt were bloodied, and he told a Turkish news agency that he required 17 stitches.

Article Continued Below

People on the pro-Erdogan side were the “real victims” and were “openly assaulted,” Alpkenan Dereci said in a video published by the Andalou Agency. The media, he said, had failed to show that Erdogan’s supporters were themselves attacked.

“We cannot understand this,” he said.

The melee quickly turned into an international incident. Critics and even supporters of President Donald Trump, who had met with Erdogan earlier in the day, have demanded a forceful diplomatic response from his administration.

A spokesperson for the Washington police said Friday that “the investigation remains active.” The probe is being conducted by the police, the State Department and Secret Service.

Though Erdogan’s security team committed much of the violence, the civilians not employed by his government are more vulnerable to legal consequences: Erdogan bodyguards are likely protected by diplomatic immunity.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser called the confrontation a “violent attack on a peaceful demonstration.” Republican Sen. John McCain said there is “no excuse for this kind of thuggish behaviour” and called for the expulsion of the Turkish ambassador. A bipartisan group of senators called on the State Department to revoke the ambassador’s credentials if Turkey did not waive immunity for the people involved.

The Turkish government, meanwhile, summoned the U.S. ambassador to complain about the actions of Washington police officers.

Turkey said its side acted in “self-defence,” but multiple videos contradict this claim at least in part. They show Erdogan’s security team pushing past police officers to punch, kick and, in one case, choke protesters who were not posing a threat.

The Derecis were described by the Times as cousins; the Star could not confirm this. They are highly visible in videos of the clash on account of their T-shirts: Alpkenan in yellow and Ahmet in purple. At one point, Alpkenan, his face and shirt bloody, holds back Ahmet, who is shouting at a police officer.

Two people were arrested at the scene, one for aggravated assault and one for assault on a police officer. At least 10 people were injured.

Alpkenan Dereci could not be reached for comment through Facebook and Twitter. Ahmet Dereci, whose Facebook and LinkedIn pages say he owns an electrical contracting company in North York, declined to respond to a request for comment.

“I don’t believe he’s able to talk, or he’s not going to return any calls or emails at the moment,” said a man who answered the phone at the company.

The Derecis are vocal supporters of Erdogan on their Facebook pages and in Toronto, where they have attended pro-Erdogan events. The Turkish media reported that they were part of a group that travelled from Canada to greet Erdogan in Washington; Alpkenan Dereci said he had previously travelled to Cuba for an Erdogan trip there.

“We love him very much and we would like to visit him and talk to him during his visits,” he said.

The Washington incident occurred after Erdogan met with Trump at the White House. Erdogan, who has been criticized in Turkey and abroad for his crackdown on dissenters at home, was sitting in his car in front of the residence when his security team began chasing after the protesters standing across the street.

Western Prelacy News – 5/26/16

Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
6252 Honolulu Avenue
La Crescenta, CA 91214
Tel: (818) 248-7737
Fax: (818) 248-7745
E-mail: [email protected]


        On Sunday, May 28, 2017, the 99th anniversary of the first Republic
of Armenia will be celebrated within Prelacy Churches with Thanksgiving
Prayers for the Republic and the blessing of the Armenian flag.
        H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, will preside over
Divine Liturgy, conduct Thanksgiving Prayers for the Republic, bless the
Armenian tricolor, and deliver the sermon at Holy Martyrs Church in Encino. 
        At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, requiem prayers will be offered
for the martyrs of Sardarabad, Gharakilise, Pash Abaran, and all the heroes
who have given their lives in defense of our lands.    
        We invite our faithful to join us in honoring all those who fought
for and secured the independence of our homeland. 






        On Friday, May 19, 2017, the 45th Western Prelacy Representative
Assembly convened at Holy Martyrs Church "Avedissian" Hall in Encino
presided by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and with the
participation of Catholicosate Central Executive member Mr. Khajag Dikijian,
clergy, members of the Religious Council, Executive Council, Board of
Trustees, Board of Regents, and CASPS, principals, directors, and a majority
of delegates. This year's Assembly was hosted by the Holy Martyrs Church
Board of Trustees.
        The two-day Assembly carried out its proceedings in view of His
Holiness Catholicos Aram I's "Year of Renewal" proclamation, with
discussions and drafting of future events focusing around renewal and
        The first day's proceedings began with prayer and requiem for clergy
and lay servants who passed away in the previous year, namely Archpriest Fr.
Mesrob Tashjian, Dikran Sarkuni, Jack Gahvejian, and Sarkis Yegenian.
        The Prelate invited Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian to read the message
of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I. His Holiness greeted the participants and
urged them to draft future endeavors with a practical approach and a great
sense of responsibility. Given that we are in the "Year of Renewal," our
Pontiff advised for renewal among all members of the Prelacy family and in
all areas of service. His Holiness highlighted the importance of
revitalization in our parishes, noting that individual parishes form the
backbone of the Prelacy collectivity, as well as in our schools, and the
priority of drawing our youth into the life of our church. His Holiness
concluded by commending the Prelate, clergy, and Executive Council and
expressing confidence that they will continue their service with renewed
drive and initiative.
        The election of the tivan followed, with Mr. George Chorbajian and
Dr. Garo Agopian elected to serve as Chairmen, and Mr. Hamo Kasbarian and
Mr. Vartan Minassian as Secretaries.
        Catholicosate Central Executive member Mr. Khajag Dikijian delivered
his message, in which he urged for the "Year of Renewal" message to be the
guideline for future endeavors, called for serious examination of the
challenge to engage our youth, and stating that the Western Prelacy is
fortunate to have five members of the Brotherhood serving, called for closer
collaboration between clergy and laity. In conclusion, Mr. Dikijian lauded
the role of the Holy See of Cilicia Seminary, commended the diligent efforts
of the Prelate and Councils, and wished success to all.
        On behalf of the Executive Council, Chairman Mr. Vahe Hovaguimian
thanked the Representative Assembly for their confidence in the Executive
Council, reflected on the visit of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, and spoke
on the need to plan not only for the coming year but the coming years.
        On behalf of the host parish, Archpriest Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian
addressed the gathering, noting that the church is not merely a physical
structure but a living expression of the service of its servants and
        The Prelate began his message by giving thanks to God for granting
another year of service to our church and nation and for the opportunity to
collectively review the endeavors of the previous term and collectively plan
for the coming year and years, looking ahead to the 50th anniversary of the
establishment of the Western Prelacy in five years. His Eminence commended
all those who serve under the umbrella of our Prelacy, noting that our
successes are due to collective efforts, and stating confidently that all
will continue to serve with added drive and vigor to reorganize, renew, and
revitalize our collective mission. On behalf of the Western Prelacy family,
the Prelate extended thanks and gratitude to our Pontiff for his paternal
wisdom and guidance as well as for his visit in October of 2016. 
        Next, the Prelate went over some of the highlights of the past year,
notably the addition of Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan and Very Rev. Fr. Vache
Balekjian to the Prelacy family, efforts in the advancement of the Armenian
Cause, support to the lawsuit by the Holy See of Cilicia demanding the
return of our historic properties in Sis, aid to Artsakh following the
four-day war, the ongoing "New Cilicia" village project in Artsakh, and
more. His Eminence spoke of the unparalleled and indispensable role of the
Armenian Church as a homeland, a school, a cultural center, and the bastion
of our heritage in the Diaspora especially, and called for continued service
with this awareness and reality in mind. The Prelate concluded by thanking
all for their collaboration and cooperation, and Holy Martyrs Church for
hosting this year's Assembly.
        The election of the resolution and vote-counting committee followed,
after which of Board of Trustees Chairs or representatives presented the
activities of their respective parishes in the previous year. 
        The Prelate thereafter announced that as in previous years, this
year too, in collaboration with the Executive Council, it was decided that
two individuals would be honored for their decades-long service spanning
from the Middle East to the Western Prelacy. The two honorees, Mr. Zareh
Markarian and Mr. Vahe Kradjian were invited to the podium to receive
plaques of appreciation and commendation from the Prelate, who was joined by
the Chairmen of the Religious and Executive Councils. Both expressed their
thanks to the Prelate and Councils for the honor.
        Prior to resuming the proceedings, the Assembly came to a decision
to send a letter of thanks to the state of Texas for becoming the 46th state
to recognize the Armenian Genocide, as well as letters to U.S. Attorney
General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson condemning the
violence by Turkish President Erdogan's security detail against peaceful
protestors in Washington D.C.
        The meeting continued with the presentation of the financial report,
Auditing Committee report, briefing by the Board of Regents, briefings by
the Religious and Executive Councils, and a review of the annual activities
of the Prelate and Councils, which were found to be "highly commendable." 
        In preparation for the Catholicosate General Assembly, which will be
held in Antelias from December 5-8, 15 delegates and 3 alternates were
unanimously elected. They are: Vahe Hovaguimian, Garo Eshgian, Hrair Balian,
Gaidzag Zetlian, Vahan Bezdikian, George Chorbajian, Meher Der Ohanessian,
Avo Kechichian, Joe Samuelian, Mark Shirin, Dr. Kaloust Agopian, Elo
Boyajian, Seta Tarpinian, Rostom Aintablian, and Khatchig Yeretzian. The
three alternates are: Dr. Garo Agopian, Adroushan Armenian, and Rima
Boghossian. The first day's proceedings concluded with the drafting of
proposals to present to the General Assembly. 
        The Assembly reconvened on the morning of Saturday, May 20th. The
second day focused on the drafting of future activities relating to the
"Year of Renewal," a strategic planning framework based on a plan of action
provided by His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, the 60th anniversary of the
establishment of the North American Prelacy in 2018, the 100th anniversary
of the first Republic of Armenia and Homenetmen, and more. The proposals
offered by the clergy conference held on the eve of the Assembly were
presented, and the session also included the presentation and ratification
of the new budget, election of the Auditing Committee, and unforeseen
        On behalf of the tivan, co-chair Dr. Garo Agopian thanked the
participants for their input, the staff, and especially the Prelate for his
diligent leadership. The Prelate delivered his closing message, in which he
thanked the host parish, tivan, and delegates for their attentiveness and
contribution, and expressed hope that delegates and Board of Trustees
members will assembly in the coming weeks to put into action the guideline
provided by His Holiness. His Eminence thanked especially Mr. Khajag
Dikijian for his close collaboration and valuable suggestions, commended the
staff, and once again welcomed the new clergymen. The Assembly came to a
close with the benediction and "Cilicia." 

        On Thursday, , the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord
Jesus Christ was celebrated within the Western Prelacy with Divine Liturgy
and a luncheon.
        The day began with Divine Liturgy at St. Mary's Church in Glendale
presided by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and with the
participation of Prelacy clergy members. Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan
celebrated Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon, in which he spoke of the
feast's deeper meaning, inviting the faithful to open their spiritual eyes
and witness the glory of Christ.
        Next, guests headed to Brandview Ballroom for the traditional
luncheon organized by the Ladies Auxiliary, which this year was hosted by
Prelacy and community benefactor Mrs. Silva Tchakmakjian. Among the guests
in attendance were members of the Prelacy Executive Council, the wives of
Executive Council members, ARS members, parishes' Ladies Guilds' members,
sponsors, and friends. 
        The program began with the invocation by the Prelate, who also
conveyed his blessings and well wishes. Ladies Auxiliary member Mrs. Sossy
Guekguezian served as the MC, while member Mrs. Vania Babikian spoke about
the popular traditions associated with the feast and the duty of all to
preserve our centuries-old national traditions as they are a significant
part of our national identity. During lunch, guests enjoyed music by Salpi
Mayilian and participated in the traditional drawing of lots.
        In his message, the Prelate commended the hard work of the Ladies
Auxiliary and thanked the host, sponsors, and guests for their ongoing
support and gracious donations made on such occasions, which are in
themselves expressions of solidarity for the Prelacy's mission. Next the
Prelate spoke on the commemoration of the feast itself, stating that is an
invitation for each individual faithful to celebrate the glorification of
our Lord and prepare ourselves to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit,
Pentecost, ten days later. At the conclusion of his message, the Prelate
presented a plaque to Mrs. Silva Tchakmakjian for her generous donation of
$10,000 to host the luncheon, and gladly announced that next year's hosts
are Mrs. Kathy Bedrosian and her daughters Linda Abdulian and Jane Asmar,
all of whom had traveled from Fresno to participate in the day's
        The celebration continued, with the festive atmosphere inspiring
guests to make generous donations. 



        On Wednesday, , members of the Armenian Relief Society
Western Regional Executive, headed by Chairwoman Rebecca Berberian, paid a
visit to the Prelacy where they met with H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
Mardirossian, Prelate. 
        As their term comes to a close, the guests had come to give an
overview of their activities in the previous year, in particular on the
social services the organization provides, ranging from refugee programs,
immigration, homelessness, and more.
        The Prelate highly commended the members for their compassionate and
dedicated service, affirmed the Prelacy's support, and wished them continued
success in their humanitarian mission. 



        On Sunday, May 21, 2017, the 9th annual banquet of the Armenian
National Committee of America Burbank Chapter was held at Anoush Banquet
Hall in Glendale, during which individuals and organizations were honored
for their service to the community. This year's honorees were: Jess
Talamantes ("William Saroyan" Award), Araksya Karapetyan ("Hrant Dink"
Award), Children's Hospital Los Angeles ("Johannes Lepsius Award), Ani
Gharibian and Nazeli Khodabakhsk ("Karekin Njteh" Award).
        H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, delivered the
invocation and conveyed his congratulatory greetings. His Eminence highly
commended the devoted members and volunteers of the ANCA Burbank Chapter for
their diligent service and efforts in promoting awareness of and advancing
our cause, the elected officials and sponsors for their vital solidarity and
support, and the honorees for their exemplary service and contributions to
the betterment and progress of the Armenian-American community and of
society in general, praying for God to grant them all good health, strength,
and wisdom so that they may continue to serve with renewed drive and
dedication toward even greater accomplishments.
        Welcoming remarks were delivered by Banquet Committee Co-Chair Souzi
Ohanian, followed by remarks by Glendale City Clerk Ardashes Kassakhian, who
served as the evening's Master of Ceremonies, and the Banquet Committee's
message by Co-Chair Vicky Marashlian. During dinner, guests enjoyed
traditional Armenian dances. The awards presentation followed. The ANCA-WR
message was delivered by Chairwoman Nora Hovsepian, Esq., and the ANCA
Burbank chapter message by Co-Chair Zareh Khachatourian.



        On Friday, May 19, 2017, the Committee for Armenian Students in
Public Schools hosted its 11th annual reception honoring outstanding 10th,
11th, and 12th grade students of LAUSD local districts Northeast and
        Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian attended and read the
congratulatory message of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate,
which began with greetings to elected officials, principals, teachers, and
administrators of the Los Angeles Unified School District, members and
friends of CASPS, parents and students.
        The Prelate applauded the hard work of the students which earned
them recognition by CASPS and offered his blessings for continued successes
in the years ahead. His Eminence reminded the youth to always give thanks to
God for His bountiful blessings and guidance in all stages of their lives,
as well as to their parents and teachers for their unwavering support and
encouragement and for instilling in them principles and values that will
lead them through life. He advised them also to remain firm in their
Christian beliefs and values in all circumstances, to uphold the ideals and
principles of our nation, and to always give their best, stating that with
hard work and perseverance nothing is out of their reach. Finally, the
Prelate urged the youth to never forget their roots and heritage as
Armenian-Americans and to contribute to the advancement of our cause and the
prosperity of our nation. 


RFE/RL Armenian Report – 05/24/2017


Ruling Party To Dominate New Parliament Body

 . Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia -- Parliament majority leader Vahram Baghdasarian speaks to
RFE/RL's Armenian service, Yerevan, 12Oct2016

President Serzh Sarkisian's ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK),
which enjoys a majority in the current parliament, will also dominate
a new body to be established in it as part of the recent reform.

"An individual's role will also be reduced in the parliament," HHK
parliamentary faction leader Vahram Baghdasarian said in an interview
with RFE/RL's Armenian service (, commenting on the
planned establishment of a National Assembly Council.

According to the revised Law on the National Assembly Regulations, the
National Assembly will have a Council that will have broad powers
vested in it. This body composed of the parliament speaker, his
deputies, one representative from each standing committee and
parliamentary faction will approve the draft agendas of regular
sessions of the National Assembly, turn to the Constitutional Court on
the matter of terminating the powers of a lawmaker, approve the
accreditation of journalists and the conduct of press briefings and
press conferences in parliament.

Decisions at the Council are to be made through voting. According to
the law, the Council shall meet on Mondays during regular sessions at
a time set by the parliament speaker.

Baghdasarian, who will represent the HHK in the Council, believes this
body will raise the efficiency of the National Assembly's work. The
HHK and its junior coalition partner, Dashnaktsutyun, are expected to
have a majority in this body: 11 of the 17 members of the Council are
to represent the pro-government majority.

"We are trying to reduce the role of an individual in all spheres,
including in the National Assembly, giving preference to more
collegial bodies so that decisions are made as a result of
discussions," the leader of the HHK parliamentary faction explained.

According to Baghdasarian, meetings of the Council will be open for

As for the majority that the ruling party will have in the Council,
Baghdasarian said: "It wasn't us who determined this. This was decided
as a result of the elections. People determined that. If a stable
majority was formed as a result of the elections, then the political
force that assumes responsibility for the country should play a
hegemonic role. I consider it illogical if we assume responsibility
and let others make the decisions."

Edmon Marukian, of the opposition Yelk faction, said that with only
one representative in the new Council they will have no influence on
the vote.

"We will have our voice there# But it is clear that we will have no
influence during the voting. We, of course, will try to have some
impact by our arguments, but at the level of voting they can vote the
way they want. And what happened in the chamber will happen there as
well," said Marukian.

Meanwhile, the second largest parliamentary faction represented by the
Tsarukian Alliance considers the formation of the Council to be
progress. Yet, member of the alliance, Deputy Speaker Mikael
Melkumian, who is also included in the Council, is not rushing to make
conclusions as to whether the opposition that will be a minority in
the body will be able to have any degree of influence in

"I consider the formation of this Council to be a step forward at
least for the reason that in terms of decision-making it will ensure
its collegial nature," Melkumian said.

Opposition Alliance Reports Election-Related Crime

 . Sisak Gabrielian

Armenia - Nikol Pashinian (C) and Edmon Marukian (R), leaders o the
opposition Yelk alliance, campaign for mayoral elections in Yerevan,

An opposition alliance has asked authorities to look into some alleged
evidence suggesting that vote buying by Armenia's ruling party during
municipal elections in Yerevan earlier this month had a "systematized
and centralized" nature.

Head of the parliamentary faction of the opposition Yelk alliance
Nikol Pashinian on Wednesday enclosed with the application to the
prosecutor-general some documents that were found in the garbage can
near one of the campaign offices of the Republican Party of Armenia
(HHK). (Hence, the documents in Armenia are known as ZibiLeaks).

The documents in question, Yelk says, mention the sums of money and
services rendered in concrete addresses as well as instructions for
campaigners for the organization of the process of distributing money
among citizens.

According to the opposition bloc, police were also involved in this
process, as one of the documents was faxed from a telephone number
belonging to the police.

Yelk MP Edmon Marukian said that they will be consistent in ensuring
that prosecutors open proceedings into the case and punish those

"We have collected this evidence and have vowed to be consistent," he

Yelk polled 21 percent in the May 14 municipal elections and will form
the second largest faction in Yerevan's Council of Elders. The HHK
swept the elections with over 71 percent and its top candidate Taron
Markarian retained his mayoral position.

The HHK has all along denied it ever offered cash or services to

Postanjian Appeals Election Body's Decision In Administrative Court

 . Hovannes Movsisian

Armenia -- Leader of the Yerkir Tsirani party Zaruhi Postanjian,
Yerevan, 24May2017

Leader of the opposition Yerkir Tsirani party Zaruhi Postanjian on
Wednesday filed an action with the administrative court to annul the
results of the May 14 municipal elections in Yerevan.

Yerkir Tsirani finished third in the race of three political forces
with 8 percent of the vote and will have five members in the 65-seat
Council of Elders dominated by the ruling Republican Party of Armenia

Last week the opposition party appealed the results of the vote at the
Central Electoral Commission (CEC) demanding that it annul the outcome
of the elections due to "large-scale fraud implemented by the HHK with
the assistance of police officers" that, according to the party,
included vote buying, guidance of voters, as well as violence against
Postanjian and her proxy.

The CEC turned down the application, arguing that no evidence was
provided to substantiate Yerkir Tsirani's claim.

After submitting her claim to the administrative court, Postanjian
again insisted in an interview with RFE/RL's Armenian service
( that the HHK won the elections due to fraud and
pressure on voters.

"Citizens did not have the opportunity to exercise their voting right,
and some, being intimidated, did not even participate in the
elections," Postanjian claimed. "Because for them it was clear that if
a mayoral candidate and a proxy can be subjected to violence, then how
can it be an election?"

Postanjian, who ran for mayor in the May 14 ballot, personally went to
one of HHK campaign offices located in HHK candidate, incumbent mayor
Taron Markarian's home district of Avan on the day of the voting to
expose what she claimed was a vote buying scheme. Along with her
daughter, Lilit Drampian, who also acted as her proxy she was forced
out of the HHK premises by police officers called in by ruling party

In a statement released shortly after the incident Postanjian, then a
member of the National Assembly, claimed violence was used against her
and her daughter, who suffered a concussion. She also deplored the
lack of response from appropriate law-enforcement bodies to the
incident. The Special Investigative Service of Armenia later launched
two probes in connection with the incident.

Representatives of the HHK deny using any vote buying or pressuring
voters in any elections, insisting that the votes garnered by the
party show that it remains the most popular political force in

Press Review

"Zhamanak" suggests that President Serzh Sarkisian's unwillingness to
speak about his political plans prompts that not everything is under
his control. "The actions of Sarkisian reveal his goal - not to allow
anyone to understand what he is doing. This is not an action or tactic
of a person who keeps the situation under his control. But, however
strange that may seem, due to this Sarkisian manages to control the
situation or create a full imitation of keeping the situation under
control," the paper writes.

"Haykakan Zhamanak" writes: "According to the official data published
by the National Statistical Service, during the first four months of
this year, as compared to the same period of 2016, construction
volumes in Armenia decreased by 13.4 percent. And this is in the case
when last year, as compared to 2015, construction volumes dropped by
7.4 percent. Construction is usually considered to be a mirror of the
economic situation. In other words, if the economy is active,
construction is active too. Even though during the past six or seven
years some "bright" economic results have been posted in Armenia, the
construction sector has never recovered. And this means that other
economic indicators were simply artificial."

(Anush Mkrtchian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2017 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Minsk Group’s non-standard statement points out the part responsible for escalation – Nalbandian

Armenia’s acting Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland on the sidelines of the 127th Session of the Committee of the Ministers of the Council of Europe in Cyprus.

The interlocutors discussed a number of issues facing the Council of Europe and the routes of their resolution. The Secretary General hailed the effective cooperation established between Armenia and the Council of Europe.

Edward Nalbandian briefed Thorbjørn Jagland on the results of the parliamentary elections held in Armenia in April and praised the Venice Commission’s export support. Reference was made to the developments within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the need to take practical steps to recover the trust in the organization.

Edward Nalbandian presented the efforts of Armenia and the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs towards creation of conditions conducive to furthering the process of peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

Armenia’s top diplomat said “Baku is doing the utmost to disrupt the peace process.” Opposing the consistent calls of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and the international community to strongly observe the ceasefire regime, Azerbaijan keeps violating the trilateral agreements on ceasefire.”

Edward Nalbandian stressed that “Armenia constantly calls on the OSCE Minsk Group to point out the party responsible for ceasefire violations. “By turning down the creation of an investigation mechanism, Azerbaijan is trying to avoid responsibility for periodic violations of the ceasefire regime,” Nalbandian said.

He added, however, that “the non-standard statement issued by the Co-Chairs yesterday clearly points to the party responsible for escalation.”

US arming Syrian Kurds unacceptable – Turkey

Photo: EPA

Turkey’s deputy prime minister says the US decision to supply weapons to Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State militants in Syria is “unacceptable,” the BBC reports.

Arming the Popular Protection Units (YPG) would “not be beneficial”, Nurettin Canikli told A Haber TV.

Ankara says the YPG is an extension of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), designated a terrorist group by the US.

Washington says the YPG is essential to the operation to capture the IS stronghold of Raqqa.

The YPG leads the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Kurdish and Arab militias that has driven IS militants from about 6,000 sq km of northern Syria over the past two years with the help of US-led coalition air strikes and military advisers.

India’s Vice-President on Armenian Genocide: No two opinions regarding killings of innocent people




“There cannot be two opinions regarding the killings of the innocent people, be it in this region, Asia, Africa or in Latin America. We are obliged to adopt the universal values,” India’s Vice President

India’s Vice-President Mohammad Hamid Ansari met with students and faculty of the Yerevan State University today and visited the Matenadaran Institute of Ancient Manuscripts.

On a three-day official visit to Armenia, Vice President Hamid Ansari visited the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Tuesday to pay tribute to the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims. Speaking about the feelings, the Vice-President said “any killing of humans by other human beings can generate only one feeling.” He said “it’s part of history no one can be proud of.”

“There cannot be two opinions regarding the killings of the innocent people, be it in this region, Asia, Africa or in Latin America. We are obliged to adopt the universal values,” he added.

Hamid Ansari also revealed the message he left in the guestbook of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. “These materials are witnesses to the terrible violence that befell the Armenian people. Only through values like tolerance and mutual understanding can we hope for a peaceful and harmonious future,” he wrote.

Born in the city of Kolkata so dear to Armenians, India’s Vice-President emphasized the centuries-old Armenian-Indian ties and hailed the role of Armenians in the development of his country.

“I’ve come to a country far from India, but close to the individual and collective memory of Indians,” Hamid Ansari stressed. “This year we celebrate the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations and I hope high-level visits will contribute to the further deepening of relations,” he said.