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PKK says it killed 586 Turkish soldiers, policemen

The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) said in a report Sunday that its guerrilla fighters have killed hundreds of Turkish soldiers and police officers in a month of clashes with the Turkish army, reports.

In a special report released Sunday on the latest conflict, the PKK said that from Aug. 25 to Sept. 25 its guerrilla fighters had killed “586 soldiers, policemen, special teams and counter-guerrilla forces, and two Turkish soldiers taken captive.”

The group said that only 48 of its fighters had been killed in clashes with the army or by air strikes.

According to the report, the PKK conducted 385 attacks on the army and police in response to 533 Turkish military operations against the guerrilla group.

It added that five guerrilla fighters were taken captive by the Turkish security forces.

The Turkish government and media outlets however, have reported contradicting numbers of the war casualties.

Army sources said that only 129 soldiers and policemen were killed in two months of fighting while the PKK lost 337 of its guerrillas.

Since the resumption of the conflict 30 civilians are also reported to have been killed in the Kurdish areas of Turkey.

Shushan Frangulian:
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