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“No to robbery” initiative announces new stage of struggle against power price hike




The “No to robbery” initiative announces a new stage of struggle against the planned electricity price hike. They will continue the struggle in a wider format: the street protests will be combined with discussions involving lawyers and economists.

The “No to robbery” initiative is currently considering whether to accept President Serzh Sargsyan’s offer to meet or not.

Speaking about the results of the 7-day protests, members of the initiative said “there has been no split or disagreement.” “Simply some decided to stay on Baghramyan Avenue, others moved to the Liberty Square for discussions.”

“Our permanent presence on Baghramyan Avenue would prevent us from struggling on a different platform,” Sofya Hovsepyan noted. “We will achieve no results by simply closing an avenue. We need consultations with experienced specialists to understand whether the proposal by the President was a manipulation or something to stick to. We can do nothing without public support.”

“No to robbery” announced it does not coordinate the actions on Baghramyan Street any more, but will cooperate with people there.

Members of the initiative assert they are not satisfied with the President’s offer to subsidize the cost until audit is conducted, but say that keeping Baghramyan closed is not a solution. They promise to block the streets again, if the results of the audit turn unsatisfactory.

Liana Toganian:
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