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Cyprus Parliament Speaker: Non-recognition of Armenian Genocide insp

Cyprus Parliament Speaker: Non-recognition of Armenian Genocide inspires Turkey

22:07, 03.04.2015
Region:World News, Armenia, Turkey
Theme: Politics

Cyprus newspaper Phileleutheros wrote an article regarding the photo
exhibition devoted to the Armenian Genocide. During the opening of the
exhibition jointly organized by the Armenian Parliament and the
Armenian Genocide museum-institute, Cyprus Parliament Speaker
Yiannakis OMIROU Ioanis Omaron delivered a speech.

He noted that Turkey refuses to recognize the crime committed against
Armenian people, while the non-recognition of the Armenian Genocide by
some countries inspires Turkey, as reported by Phileleutheros. The
Cypriot official called upon all civilized countries to recognize the
Armenian Genocide – the most terrible crime of the 20th century.

According to Omarou, non-recognition of crimes against humanity leads
to their repetition. He also reminded that the Parliament of Cyprus
was the first in Europe to unanimously recognize the Armenian Genocide
thrice – in 1975, 1982 and 1990 respectively.

Armenia News – NEWS.am

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