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Promised $50K Humanitarian Aid to Iraq Yezidis


Yezidi Community Rep: Armenian Government Hasn’t Transferred the $50K in
Promised Humanitarian Aid to Iraq

Marine Martirosyan

In an interview with Hetq, Mameh Amiryan, president of the Minjar Yezidi
National Coalition of Armenia, said that as far as he knows no Yezidi from
Iraq has sought refuge in Armenia and that he hasn’t heard from the
Armenian government as to whether it would assist those seeking to resettle
in the country.

As to whether the Armenian government has transferred the US$ 50,000 it
recently promised in humanitarian aid to the Yezidi community in Iraq,
Amiryan said that the money hasn’t been sent.

`They haven’t transferred the $50,000 as promised. One week has passed and
we haven’t seen anything being done,’ Amiryan told Hetq.

The Yezidi representative said that his organization or other individuals
were supposed to facilitate the transfer.

`To the extent possible, we found a way to get the funds there. We went to
the United Nations office e in Yerevan and were told that there was a
program by which the government could allocate the $50,000 to the United
Nations affiliate in Armenia who would in turn forward the funds to the
U.N. affiliate in Iraq. We approached the Armenian government with this
proposal. They said they would study the matter and find a route. We
haven’t heard anything since.

Kajoyan Gevork:
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