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AAA: US Slams Turkish PM Erdogan For Another Anti-Israel Remark

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U.S. Slams Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan For Another Anti-Israel Remark

By Taniel Koushakjian

August 22, 2013

In the latest development of the Turkish government’s increasingly
anti-Israel posture, this week Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan
made the audacious claim that Israel was behind the Egyptian military’s
ouster of Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi. Speaking to a group
of provincial governors of his AKP party, Erdogan reportedly stated: =80=9CWhat
do they say in Egypt? Democracy is not at the ballot box. Who is behind it?
Israel. We have in our hands documentation.’

This statement was quickly rebuffed by Israeli and U.S. government
officials. In response to a reporter’s question specifically citing
Erdogan’s comments, White House Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest said
`We strongly condemn the statements that were made by Prime Minister
Erdogan today.’ `Suggesting that Israel is somehow responsible for recent
events in Egypt is offensive, unsubstantiated and wrong,’ Earnest stated.

According to the Jerusalem Post, `Erdogan’s rant was not worthy of a
response, Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said Tuesday. `This is a
statement well worth not commenting on.”

Erdogan’s anti-Semitic statements have become a new normal for him
and his
Islamic AKP Party. A few weeks ago, Erdogan blamed the Turkish uprisings
surrounding the Gezi Park protests as being motivated by the `interest rate
lobby,’ a reference widely interpreted to mean Israel.

These statements have an unfortunate effect on Turkish society.
Anti-Americanism in Turkey is among the highest in world and has been for
many years. The growing anti-Semitism and increasing Islamism in the
Turkish government appear related.

However, Erdogan’s comments are not just confined to Israel and the Jewish
people. A headline last month in Commentary Magazine read `Erdogan’s
disdain extends from Jews to Blacks.’ Author Michael Rubin states that
`Criticizing Kemal KılıçdaroÄ=9Flu, the leader of the center-left and secular
Republican Peoples Party (CHP), ErdoÄ=9Fan declared, `KılıçdaroÄ=9Flu is striving
every bit he can to raise himself from the level of a black person to the
level of a white man.’

Jewish-American and African-American members of the Congressional Turkish
Caucus feel should be made aware of these statements and reconsider their
support of a government and society that is increasingly at odds with U.S.
interests and those of our allies Israel and Armenia.

Taniel Koushakjian is the Communications Director of the Armenian Assembly
of America. Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the
largest, Washington-based, nationwide organization promoting public
understanding and awareness of Armenian issues.

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