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San Diego Commemorative Committee Hosted Vigil Remembering Victims O


May 7, 2010 – 11:57 AMT 06:57 GMT

The San Diego Commemorative Committee (Committee), in cooperation
with the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Armenian students’
organizations, hosted a commemorative vigil remembering the victims
of the Armenian Genocide. For the past twenty years, the Committee,
alongside Father Datev Tatoulian of St. John Garabed Church, has
spearheaded this annual commemoration.

Yeghig Keshishian, the Armenian Assembly of America’s (Assembly)
Western Region Director served as Master of Ceremonies for the 95th
Anniversary Commemoration, which included several featured speakers.

During his remarks, Keshishian discussed the negative consequences
of Turkish denial and reiterated the Assembly’s resolve in securing
unequivocal U.S. affirmation of the Armenian Genocide.

Representing Congressman Bob Filner (D-CA), Congressional Aide Willie
Blair focused on the importance of U.S. affirmation of the Armenian
Genocide, as well as Turkey, in terms of its own democratic advancement
as a nation. UCSD Professor Gershon Shafir talked about the enormous
impact of the phenomenon of genocides as a whole and the process of
rebuilding while the concluding speaker, Mark Geragos, addressed the
legal aspects of genocide and ongoing work within the Diaspora.

Joining the 200 in attendance was the daughter of Dr. Jacob &
Elizabeth Kunzler, Mrs. Elizabeth Marshall. Marshall’s parents were
Swiss missionaries, who during the Armenian Genocide rescued Armenian
orphans from the tyranny that befell the Armenian people. Dr.

Kunzler’s book Land of Blood & Tears provides an authoritative account
of the Ottoman Turk’s genocidal campaign against the Armenian people.

"On behalf of the Armenian Assembly, I wish to thank the Commemorative
Committee and student body for their initiative," stated Keshishian.

"The ongoing support of the community is a testament to the Armenian
spirit, and our joint efforts to confront denial wherever it may
exist," he added, the Assembly said in a press release.

Torgomian Varazdat:
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