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Francophonie PA Session Started In Yerevan

Francophonie PA session started in Yerevan

May 4 2010

The 23rd European regional session of Parliamentary Assembly of
Francophonie started in Yerevan.

In his welcoming speech RA Parliament Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan
said that language skills enrich people, noting that French can be
considered a native tongue for many descendents of Genocide victims
who found their second motherland in French-speaking countries.

According to Abrahamyan, Armenia’s associative membership in PA
Francophonie incites the process of integration to Europe. He added
that our country is ready to fulfill commitments, but not at the
expense of the impairment of state and national interests.

RA Speaker also touched upon topical political processes in Armenia,
underlining that the country is ready to establish relations with
all neighbors and had already made such a move seeking to hold
dialogue with Turkey without preconditions. "However, Ankara did not
appraise Yerevan’s stance and torpedoed the dialogue. As a result
Armenia suspended ratification process of the Protocols. Though,
it does not mean we walked out of the process, and expect Turkey to
display constructivism," he noted. He also stated that aspiration to
settle relations with Turkey might not push aside Armenia’s national
interests, turning Genocide issue into the matter of bargain. "Armenia
will henceforth be consecutive in international recognition of Armenian
Genocide perpetrated in Ottoman Empire," Abrahamyan emphasized.

Speaking about Karabakh peace process, politician stressed that
Azerbaijan’s warlike statements destabilize situation in the region and
misinform international community. "Azerbaijan makes similar statements
fully realizing that its military capability cannot provide victory in
case hostility breaks out," he said. "Nagorno-Karabakh will never be
a part of Azerbaijan," Abrahamyan declared, pointing out that Karabakh
peace process is not linked with Armenia-Turkey reconciliation.

Kamalian Hagop:
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