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Armenia Has Turned Into Human Rights Capital, Says Mrs Belhassen


April 6 2010

Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan hosted Tuesday FIDH president
Souhayr Belhassen, who is on a visit to Armenia in connection with
holding in Yerevan the FIDH 37th Congress-Forum.

A spokesperson for the State Administration said that President
Sargsyan praised the cooperation between the International Federation
for Human Rights and Armenia, and welcomed the decision to hold the
Forum in Yerevan. He pointed that there are numerous problems in
Armenia, related to the sphere of human rights, which can hardly be
solved at once.

"We are guided here by principle of comparison: if we have more
problems today in comparison with last years, then there is a serious
necessity to reconstruct our activities; however, if there are fewer
problems today, then it means that all the efforts are made in right
direction," Serzh Sargsyan said.

Mrs. Souhayr Belhassen thanked President Sargsyan for efforts and
contribution to organisation of the Forum, describing its holding in
Armenia as historical event: "Armenia has turned into capital of human
rights," she said. She also pointed that processes of human rights’
protection throughout the region are in better conditions here in
Armenia, and today the importance is being attached to entire region
via Armenia.

Mrs. Belhassen expressed hope that cooperation with Armenia will
develop, contributing to improvement of Armenian structures, aimed
at protecting the human rights. She also pointed that all requests
and messages that had been sent to Armenia’s government were always

President Sargsyan wished the Forum success and effective work,
and said hopes the guests will have time to learn Armenia’s history
and traditions.

Toganian Liana:
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