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Karen Bekaryan: Karabagh Has No Obligations


April 2 2010

Though during the last one year the Karabakh conflict normalization
process remains the main issue for us, no new changes in the processes
have been recorded yet, regardless the unjustified optimism of the
co-chairs after each meeting, told Karen Bekaryan, the chairman of the
"European Integration" NGO today to the journalists.

According to him the only progressive point in the Karabakh process
was the initiation of the RA President to sign the document on not
using force, which was rejected by the Azerbaijani side.

As for the renewed Madrid Principles K. Bekaryan said he doubts there
is a document like that, "The renewed Madrid Principles, if there
are such, are too tough to be comprehended."

The political scientist said that the talks about the renewed Madrid
principles are usual diplomatic processes.

Answering to the question whether there is probability of resuming the
war K. Bekaryan mentioned that we should never exclude the probability
of war, "On one hand we should not put the people into the panic,
and on the other hand we shouldn’t walk with the pink eyeglasses."

K. Bekaryan also didn’t exclude the participation of Karabakh to the
negotiations stating that there are two important factors for that.

"The first factor is that they should make it clearer for the mediator
countries that the effective ending in this format will be hard and
impossible, as it becomes clear for everyone that if Karabakh is not
participating in the negotiations it doesn’t have any obligations too
in that case. The second one is that the existence of the new reality
after the August war is still obvious, thus those two factors together
allow the NKR become a negotiating side," Bekaryan thinks.

However according to the chairman of the "European Integration" it
is a big question whether it is good or bad that Karabakh is not at
the Negotiation table. According to Karen Bekaryan Karabakh is in
an interesting situation, it gets angry, confused time by time but
when this reaction passes it calms down as it has not signed under
anything, thus the speaker thinks that Karabakh has no obligations
whatever the negotiating sides decide.

Hunanian Jack:
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