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Steinberg’s Regional Visit – A Message To Turkey


17:03 04/02/2010

Turkey’s condemnation and disdain over the OSCE Minsk Group closed
all doors for it to assume as a mediator in Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict resolution, the director of Armenian Center for National
and International Studies (ACNIS) Richard Kirakosyan told a press
conference today.

"This is not good for Nagorno-Karabakh and for the region, Turkey
should not be allowed to assume as a mediator," the expert said. He
highlighted that Nagorno-Karabakh issue and MG Co-Chairs’ activity
has nothing to do with the Armenian-Turkish normalization and the
two processes are not linked.

Panorama.am recalls that Turkey’s PM Erdogan slammed the MG over no
serious advance registered in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement
for the recent 20 years.

Referring to the US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg’s
regional visit, Kirakosyan said it’s not linked to Karabakh issue
since he is not intent to pay a visit to Baku.

Steinberg’s regional visit is a message to Turkey over soonest
ratification of the protocols and not becomng the first state to
enrage the US President, otherwise Obama will show his strong sides
as a leader, he said.

Mamian George:
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