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Sergei Bagapsh, re-elected to Abkhazia’s presidency post

Sergei Bagapsh, re-elected to Abkhazia’s presidency post
13.12.2009 15:40 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The current president of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh has
won presidential elections last Saturday, head of the Central
Electoral Commission (CEC) of Abkhazia Batal Tapagua said.

According to him, 59.4% of the vote were given to Sergei Bagapsh
during elections. A repeat vote will not be held. One of presidential
candidates Raul Khajimba said that does not recognize the election
results and intends to appeal in CEC and in court. According Raul
Khajimba, the elections were flawed and the number of voters
represented in the lists in each polling station differed from the
actual situation, Newsru.com reported.

Karakhanian Suren:
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