Categories: News

Address Of The President Of Armenia To The People Of The Republic Of


October 11, 2009

Dear compatriots: For the past several months the attention of Armenia
and the Armenians worldwide was focused on the ongoing process of the
normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations and in particular
the two initialed Protocols. All parts and layers of the Armenian
nation answered our call to open a public debate on the documents and
engaged in it. We saw a new strong wave of a debate over the smaller
and bigger issues which concern Armenia and the Armenians.

The debate included a large variety of issues not related to the
Armenian-Turkish negotiations but concerning the whole Armenian
nation. This process caused and triggered a new, engaged discussion
on the place and the role of Armenia and the Armenians, the present
and the future of Armenia and the Armenians. As a result, the
world saw and understood that, when it comes to the normalization
of the Armenian-Turkish relations, they have to deal not just with
Armenia with its three million population, but with the ten million
Armenians. And let no one ignore the fact that, contrary to any
slogans, the Armenian nation is united in its goals and is strong
with its sons and daughters. And let no one try to split Armenia and
our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora in presenting their concern
over the future of Armenia as an attempt to impose something on the
Republic Armenia.

My fellow compatriots,

The historic destine of our nation has many times been focuses on the
directive of searching wise exits of the most complex situations. We
have only succeeded when we pragmatically assessed the current
challenges and took appropriate actions. Today we also find ourselves
in a similar position. In order to build and consolidate our statehood
we, in our collective identity, need to demonstrate adequate thinking
and action.

Today, we are trying to put on a normal track the relations with a
country where, under the Ottoman rule, our nation fell victim to the
policy of patricide and genocide. The scars of the Genocide do not
heal. And the memory of our martyrs and future of our generations
dictates to have solid and stable state, powerful and prosperous
country, a country which is the rebirth of the dreams of the whole
Armenian nation. One of the significant steps along that road is
having normal relations with all our neighbors, including Turkey.

Independence dictates the will and determination to take responsible
decisions; it dictates pragmatism and forward-looking sustained
work. That is the road I have selected. I have done it with the strong
understanding of the historical reality and a strong belief in the
future of our people.

There is no alternative to the establishment of the relations with
Turkey without any precondition. It is the dictate of the time. It is
not this need that is being debated today. The concern of individuals
and some political forces is caused by the different interpretation
of certain provisions contained in the Protocols and their historic
mistrust towards Turkey.

Having realistically assessed these circumstances and being convinced
in the necessity and correctness of the steps undertaken, I insist
on the following:

1. No relations with Turkey can question the reality of the patricide
and the genocide perpetrated against the Armenian nation. It is a known
fact and it should be recognized and condemned by the whole progressive
humanity. The relevant sub-commission to be established under the
intergovernmental commission, is not a commission of historians.

2. The issue of the existing border between Armenia and Turkey is to
be resolved through prevailing norms of the international law. The
Protocols do not go beyond that.

3. These relations cannot and do not relate to the resolution of
the Nagorno Karabagh conflict, which is an independent and separate
process. Armenian does not regard the clause of the territorial
integrity and inviolability of the borders contained in the Protocols
as in any way related to the Nagorno Karabagh problem.

4. The Armenian side will give an adequate reaction if Turkey protracts
the process of ratification or raises conditions for it. Armenia
undertakes no unilateral commitments though these Protocols and
does not make any unilateral affirmations. Armenia is signing these
Protocols in order to create basis for the establishment of normal
relations between our two countries. Hence, if Turkey fails to ratify
the Protocols within a reasonable timeframe and does not implement all
the clauses contained herein within the provided timeframe or violates
them in the future, Armenia will immediately take appropriate steps
as stipulated by the international law.

Dear compatriots, in addressing you I want to emphasize that today,
more than ever our people should stand united; we should have
capability of maturing our collective identity to life in the reality
of statehood. That is our road to the future.

The signing of the Protocols will be followed by stages of their
ratification and implementation. All the concerns and possible threats
which were so widely expressed in the course of the debate will be
taken into careful consideration and we shall be able to prevent
any development that might contradict our national interest. Today,
I am more than convinced that we will succeed. And we will do that
together, all of us, the Armenians. Today we are not the same we were
only a few months ago. And it is a fact from now on.

I have confidence in the wisdom of our people. I have confidence that
together we shall hand down a prosperous and peaceful motherland to
our generation. It will definitely be so.

And may God be with us!

Antonian Lara:
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