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On Mamedov’s ‘Priceless’ Thoughts


Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am
Aug 6 2009

Azerbaijan has once again tried to pass the desirable for reality,
Foreign Ministry Press Secretary Tigran Balayan told NEWS.am,
commenting on the statement by Novruz Mamedov of the Azerbaijani
presidential staff. He stated that Armenia is pressured into making
concessions on Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.

"Mamedov’s ‘priceless’ thoughts indicate he lacks information and
wants to pass the desirable for reality, which has repeatedly been
noted by the OSCE Minsk Group," Balayan said.

He quoted the OSCE MG Co-Chair Matthew Bryza, who stated Mamedov had
not taken part in any meeting of the Armenian-Azerbaijani presidential
meetings. So cannot make any judgments on the negotiation process.

Toganian Liana:
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