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Azerbaijan Violated Fundamental Principles Of International Negotiat


03.08.2009 13:43 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ In a call to the OSCE, the European Armenian
Federation for Justice and Democracy expressed its profound concern
about the danger to the Caucasus security, and in particular to
Armenia and its population, resulting from Azerbaijan’s increased
arms build-up and militarist policies.

The call refers to Azerbaijan’s excessive new investment in
military hardware and technology and the policy statements of
the Azeri President with respect to peace negotiations concerning
the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, under the aegis of the OSCE Minsk
Group Co-Chairs. Given the present realities in Azerbaijan and the
threatening posture of the Aliyev regime, the Federation concludes that
Azerbaijan has violated the fundamental principles of international
negotiations by seriously committing itself to the military option
while giving lip service to the OSCE process. The Federation strongly
urges the Co-Chairs to refocus their efforts, first and foremost, on
the grave security threats resulting from Azerbaijan’s current national
priorities. Azerbaijan cannot be allowed to negotiate from a position
of open belligerence while the Armenian side negotiates in good faith.

Indeed, Azerbaijan has multiplied by 1300% its budget for armaments,
from 175 Million US dollars in 2004 to 2.5 Billion dollars in
2009. President Aliyev’s intensified warmongering declarations are thus
substantiated pointing to a real possibility of an Azeri resumption
of hostilities.

The Federation denounces recent statements made by President Aliyev
in London, which highlight his refusal of any concession on the
Karabakh issue, and his persistence to speak about mere "autonomy"
for Karabakh under Azeri sovereignty, a position which, in effect,
puts an end to the OSCE negotiations process as it has existed so far.

The European Armenian Federation calls on the Co-Chairs to take
Azerbaijan’s military ambitions in the region seriously and, therefore,
demand solid non-aggression guaranties from the Azeri state prior to
any further discussions relating to the Minsk Group agenda. In the
present circumstances, a non-aggression pact obligating Azerbaijan
to peace is the only meaningful objective for OSCE before any further
moves could be considered.

"Armenia and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic have a right to secure
themselves against the continuing threats from Azerbaijan. Furthermore,
the future negotiating process must not exclude the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic, as a full-fledged party to the negotiations. The Azerbaijani
security threats are first directed at the people of Nagorno Karabakh,
which must have its independent say in the process," stated Hilda
Tchoboian, President of the European Armenian Federation.

Tashjian Arbi:
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