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Obama Wavers On Pledge To Declare Armenian Genocide


17.03.2009 18:41 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Obama administration is hesitating on a
promised presidential declaration that Armenians were the victims of
genocide in the early 20th century, fearful of alienating Turkey when
U.S. officials badly want its help.

President Obama and other top administration officials pledged during
the presidential campaign to officially designate the 1915 killings of
Armenians by the Ottoman Turks as genocide. Many Armenian Americans,
who are descendants of the victims and survivors, have long sought
such a declaration.

But the administration also has been soliciting Ankara’s help on
Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and other security issues amid Turkish warnings
that an official U.S. statement would imperil Turkey’s assistance.

Administration officials are considering postponing a presidential
statement, citing progress toward a thaw in relations between Turkey
and neighboring Armenia. Further signs of warming — such as talk
of reopening border crossings — would strengthen arguments that a
U.S. statement could imperil the progress.

"At this moment, our focus is on how, moving forward, the United States
can help Armenia and Turkey work together to come to terms with the
past," said Michael Hammer, a spokesman for the National Security
Council. He said the administration was "encouraged" by improvements
in relations and believed it was "important that the countries have
an open and honest dialogue about the past."

Armenian Americans and their supporters, however, say policies that
avoid offending Turkey merely advance Ankara’s denial of brutal
periods in its history.

An estimated 1.5 million Armenians were victims of planned killings
by the Ottoman Turks as the empire was dissolving during World War I,
an episode historians have concluded was a genocide. But Turkey and
some of its supporters contend that the deaths resulted from civil
war and unrest and that their numbers were exaggerated.

American presidents have long sought to avoid calling the killings
a genocide, fearing repercussions from a NATO ally that is acutely
sensitive to the charge. In 2007, the Bush administration argued for
a delay in a congressional genocide resolution, saying that Turkish
assistance was needed for the safety of U.S. troops in Iraq.

For Obama, the controversy comes at an especially sensitive time. He
is visiting Turkey on April 5, and his views on the issue will command
worldwide attention. Armenian Americans, meanwhile, have been pushing
for a White House declaration on April 24, the annual remembrance
day. Congressional supporters are also planning to reintroduce the
genocide resolution soon.

Obama’s visit to Turkey has become risky for the administration,
said Mark Parris, a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey. "Plopping the
president down over there really does raise the stakes," said Parris,
now co-director of the Brookings Institution’s program on Turkey. "Now
it can’t be overlooked. . . . It could carry costs to his credibility."

Obama declared repeatedly during his campaign that the killings were
genocide. Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary
Rodham Clinton are on record with similar positions.

But the Obama administration would like to use Turkey as part of the
military supply line for Afghanistan. It also would like more help
regarding Iraq, Iran’s nuclear program, Russia and Mideast peace.

Relations between Turkey and Armenia began warming noticeably in
September, when Turkish President Abdullah Gul became the first Turkish
leader to visit Armenia. The countries are considering opening borders
and embassies, initiating economic cooperation and establishing a
historical commission.

But Parris said further openings to Armenia would carry domestic
risks for Turkish leaders, who could be reluctant to do so if they
thought Obama would declare a genocide on April 24.

Congressional supporters of the genocide resolution expressed
frustration about the latest resistance.

"The argument that some are making now is only the latest incarnation
of the same old tired refrain: that we should recognize the genocide
— just not this year," said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank), one of
the sponsors of the resolution.

Another advocate, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks), said that
though the strength of Turkey’s cautions was declining, Turks remained
influential with lawmakers who believed a halt in Ankara’s aid could
hurt U.S. troops. Sherman called it "their ugly ace in the hole."

Aram Hamparian, executive director of the Armenian National Committee
of America, remained optimistic. Obama "is a man of his word and has
been crystal clear on the issue," The Los Angeles Times cited him
as saying.

But Turks remain uneasy. Ali Babacan, the Turkish foreign minister,
warned in a TV interview last week that Obama’s visit didn’t preclude
a genocide declaration.

"The Turks fully understand that the danger of the [genocide]
resolution is not going away," said Bulent Aliriza, director of the
Turkey Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Tambiyan Samvel:
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