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Freeman withdrawal and the ADL

Foreign Policy magazine online
Freeman withdrawal and the ADL
March 13, 2009by Fgordon

Yes, the pro-Israel Lobby is powerful – way too powerful. But its
hypocrisy regarding the issue of genocide – specifically the Armenian
genocide – simply dwarfs the issue of its power.

Indeed, if more people looked into this issue of genocide denial by
the Lobby, the latter’s hold over peoples’ hearts and minds would be
greatly diminished.

The Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith
and some other top level pro-Israel Lobby groups not only deny the
Armenian Genocide, but have helped Turkey to defeat Armenian genocide
resolutions in Congress. The hypocrisy of it all is simply
breathtaking, This fact alone utterly destroys the credibility of the

It is disappointing that Walt and Mearsheimer have never brought up
the issue. Why haven’t they? They surely are aware of it.

Now, you may or may not like the Armenian genocide resolution, but
much of the alleged moral authority of the Lobby – and U.S. support
for Israel – depend on the tragedy of the Holocaust.

But the fact that the ADL and some other – not all – of the top
pro-Israel Lobby groups have worked with Turkey to deny the Armenian
genocide proves that these groups lack principle. Moreover, it is
clear that they are using the Holocaust purely for political purposes.
The Lobby is insincere even about mass murder.

And if the Lobby is not principled about THAT, then it must be
unprincipled on all issues. As the reader knows, the Holocaust is used
as a major justification for the U.S. to support Israel. But it is now
clear – with their hypocrisy about the Armenian genocide – that the
ADL, AJC, and others are simply not truthful.

More information and hundreds of articles on the issue of the ADL and
Lobby’s genocide hypocrisy can be found at

Click on "History of Lobbying" (Warning: not for the fainthearted) and
"News Archive".

If critics of the Lobby don’t care enough about our country to use
that material, they have only themselves to blame and can’t be taken

Again –

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