Categories: News

Kim Kardashian: I Love My…Booty


Feb 5 2009

Last week Kim Kardashaian came to the defense of Jessica Simpson,
who is under media scrutiny for looking curvier than usual. Kim
claimed to be twice Jessica’s size–which is a bit of a stretch. But
her signature booty just might be double the volume of the newly
voluptuous Simpson’s derriere.

The reality star’s trademark caboose has been the subject of much
debate (and more than a little criticism from her former BFF Paris
Hilton). Some have even wondered aloud whether or not she’s had
butt-implants, a claim which Kim has vehemently denied. "I’m Armenian;
you should see all the women in my family. The women have bigger
breasts and bigger butts. That’s how I was born. I can’t help it. I’m
not gonna fight it. I definitely need to work out more and tone up,
but I’m proud of my body," says Kardashian.

In a seeming effort to celebrate the glory of ample glutes, Kim
recently taped a workout DVD while most Americans were sitting on
the couch watching the Super Bowl and stuffing their faces.

She told People magazine, "For young girls to see exercise videos that
have only skinny girls…well, that’s something they can’t attain,"
says Kardashian. "I want this to be something that can be realistic
for most girls."

Now that’s a sentiment we can all get behind.

Has there been too much fuss over Kim Kardashian’s backside?

Nahapetian Samvel:
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