Categories: News

ADL Toronto Chapter Elects New Board


AZG Armenian Daily


The annual membership meeting of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party
(ADL) Toronto chapter was held on Saturday, November 1, at the Tekeyan
Center here.

Attending the meeting was the co-chairman of the ADL District Committee
Edmond Azadian, who made a presentation of the District Committee’s
activities since its election last April.

As a democratic organization, the ADL elects its executive board
and conducts its activities by implementing the principles of
its bylaws. Last April, 35 delegates form nine chapters in the US
and Canada convened in Boston and elected their board to head the

Following the chairman’s presentation, the Toronto chapter elected
its new Executive Committee, under the chairmanship of longtime
member George Tutunjian. The executive committee consists of the
following members: Tutunjian, Harry Ampagoumian, Vahe Minnetian,
Azniv Salibian and Shoghig Tutunjian.

Some dissident elements in the chapter have been trying to disrupt
the functioning of the group, instigated by self-appointed "Central
Committee Chairman" Mike Kharabian. The latter is a resident of Saudi
Arabia and Toronto.

The majority of the ADL members in Toronto are supportive of the
duly-elected Executive Committee.

Kharabian, whose "center" is yet to be found, has also been fomenting
discord in the New York/New Jersey area, misleading some well-meaning

All chapters in the US and Canada operate under the jurisdiction
of the ADL District Committee, whose address is 755 Mt. Auburn
St., Watertown, MA 02472, phone number (617) 924-4455 and e-mail

Community organizations and the membership at large are hereby warned
that no resident of Saudi Arabian descent can appoint or dissolve
legally-elected boards in the US and Canada.

The ADL District Committee is the sole legitimate body elected under
the organization’s by-laws and its mandate extends over the years.

(It has come to our attention that a press release was circulated
through the Internet whereby Norayr Megerditchian has presented himself
as chairman of ADL to visiting Karabagh dignitaries. A note has been
sent to the Karabagh authorities and the public is hereby notified
that Norayr Megerdichian does not enjoy any official capacity in the
ADL organization. The duly-elected chapter chairman recognized is
Krikor Salbashian.)

ADL District Committee of US and Canada

Hovhannisian John:
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