Categories: News

Ballot Question

K. Eldridge Abington

Boston Globe
September 29, 2008
United States

RE "CHARACTER flaws on the ballot" (Editorial, Sept. 23): Here we go
again. Transliteration of candidates’ names for Chinese voters? How
about ballots in Cyrillic, Greek, or Armenian? In order to have a
cohesive government and community, it has to be in one language.

I was born here, and while my relatives kept their language and their
culture, they realized the value of learning English in order to be
part of this new country. How do you think people of Italian descent,
living next door to Lebanese or Russian immigrants, learned to speak
with each other? English was their common bond.

This transliteration measure is ridiculous, and opens the door to
all communities to insist on ballots in their language.

Vardanian Garo:
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