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Raffi Hovannisian’s Unpublished Interview With Turkish News Magazine

The Heritage Party
31 Moscovian Street
Yerevan, Armenia
Tel.: (+374 – 10) 53.69.13
Fax: (+374 – 10) 53.26.97
Email: info@heritage.am; office@heritage.am

5 September 2008


Yerevan–On August 21, Armenia’s first foreign minister and Heritage Party
founder Raffi K. Hovannisian received a request for an interview from the
"Yeni Aktuel" magazine of Turkey. A few days later he delivered, and the
magazine thankfully received, his responses to its questions. For reasons
yet unknown, the interview has not to date been published.

For the record, the unmodified original transcript of questions and answers

"Q- President Sarkisyan has invited Turkish President Abdullah Gul to visit
Armenia on September 6 to watch the World Cup qualifying match between
Armenia and Turkey. How do you think about that? According your opinion,
what must do Turkish President? What do you prefer as an Armenian citizen?

A- We know well that the opportunities for and challenges of Armenia’s and
Turkey’s ultimate reconciliation cannot be solved in a 90-minute football
match. Only an honest and brave dialogue–its format flexible, its
allegiance to truth unshakeable–can bring our nations the peace and
friendship we desire.

Q- Can this be a good opportunity for Turkish and Armenian relationship if
we considere that Turkey and Armenia have no diplomatic links since 1990’s
and the border between Turkey and Armenia is closed.

A- There is never a bad time to begin good relations. The absence of
diplomatic ties and open frontiers has been Ankara’s unilateral policy of

Q- Actually, what are the expectations of Armenian people from Turkey? What
must do Turkey to re-create relations between two countries?

A- The Armenian people expect good faith and integrity: good faith in
process and integrity of substance. In respect of the latter, it is crucial
to most citizens of Armenia that Turkey face the exclusionist legacy of the
Great Armenian Dispossession–beginning with recognizing the genocidal past,
teaching it, and atoning for it through, inter alia, a joint celebration of
the Armenian civilization from Mount Ararat and Ani to all the other
capitals, towns, villages, fortresses, schools, academies, churches, and
monasteries of the ancestral homeland; the conduct of a full
inventorization, restoration, and operationalization of the Armenian
cultural heritage within its jurisdiction; the realization of a guaranteed
right of secure voluntary return for the progeny and descendants of the
dispossessed; and an end to its long-standing blockade of Armenia, which
constitutes an act of enmity and a material breach of the very
Soviet-Turkish treaties on which Ankara relies to assert its eastern
frontier. Only through a landmark demonstration of fortitude, good will, and
sincerity can the sovereign Republics of Turkey and Armenia come to their
first-ever bilateral agreement in all of history.

Q- On your opinion, what is the Turkish image for an Armenian? What do
Armenians feel about Turkey and Turks?

A- I appreciate the distinction you make, because in reality governments and
peoples are different–and, unfortunately in the Armenian case,
conflicting–concepts. I cannot speak for Armenia’s government. But it seems
to me that the majority of Armenians bear no inherent hostility toward the
people of Turkey and, quite the contrary, are ready and happy to begin a
conciliation process, so long as it is founded on respect–for each other
and for the truth. My grandmother, a Genocide survivor from Ordu, was saved
as a little girl by a Turkish family of good conscience whom she blessed
until her dying day.

Q- On your opinion, how these two countries can solve commun problems?

A- How do two neighbors solve problems? They talk. They talk politely and
respectfully. They talk honestly. Most importantly, they talk bravely. If
either side lacks any of these commitments–if the aim, in other words, is
to achieve not peace but a momentary detente–then all of these discussions
are ephemeral and fruitless.

Q- What is your opinion about Turkish prime minister Erdogan’s proposal
about a "Caucasian Cooperation Platform."

A- Cooperation is key to conflict resolution, but we must define the goals
for which we cooperate. If the objective is to forge a lasting peace between
Armenia and Turkey based on a fundamental acceptance of history and a
courageously-negotiated program to overcome all outstanding matters of
division, then I applaud the letter and spirit of that cooperation. But if
the mission is to engineer a geopolitical lockdown or to contractualize a
revision of Turkey’s past, there is neither purpose nor morality to it. The
relevant scenarios are there for the choosing; it remains for us to break
out of the box and shift the strategic paradigm in resolution to a future
where both nations become partners in a common neighborhood of liberty,
human rights, democratic values, and shared security."

Nahapetian Samvel:
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