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Chuvashia Prosecutors Charge Youths With Hate Crimes


Union of Councils for Jews in the Former Soviet Union
August 14, 2008

The Novocheboksary, Russia (Republic of Chuvashia) branch of the
Investigative Committee charged a group of youths with hate crimes,
according to an August 13, 2008 article in the Kazan edition of the
national daily "Kommersant." Seven students face charges of inciting
ethnic hatred, hooliganism, assault, and vandalism in connection with
a series of attacks on ethnic minorities and youth groups associated
with trends that neo-Nazis view as "un-Russian" (including fans of
"racially impure" rap music). Over the course of four years, the
extremists assaulted their victims, posted leaflets calling for
violence against ethnic and religious minorities, and shattered
windows in an Armenian owned shoe store, which they spray-painted
with racist threats. Their four-year reign of terror came to an end
after a February 6, 2008 brawl with ethnic Russian rap music fans,
which ended in two rap fans being stabbed. The local FSB identified
the suspects and found neo-Nazi literature in their possession. One
suspect is being held in pre-trial detention, while the others have
signed a written pledge not to leave the city pending their trial.

Frangulian Shushan:
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