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Young chess player from Karabakh became twice champion of Armenia

Young chess player from Karabakh became twice champion of Armenia

Regnum reports.
26-04-2008 13:33:46 – KarabakhOpen

Manuel Petrosyan, 8, who lives in the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh,
became twice champion of chess in the juvenile championships in
Armenia. The Regnum Agency reports that the boy got 8 of 9 in the
competition of 30 chess players under age 10 (7 wins and 2 draws).
In 2006 Manuel Petrosyan participated in the world championship in
Batumi and took the fifth place and got a cup. Manuel has been playing
chess since he was 4.
Another Karabakhi chess player Hovik Hayrapetyan took the second place
in Armenia in the group under 18,

Kharatian Ani:
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