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BAKU: Armenia: Idea Of "Genocide" As A Brand And Opium For People


Today.Az, Azerbaijan
April 24 2008

The issue of responsibility of Osman empire for the so-called
termination of Armenian population has once been considered in court.

This was in the 1920s when Malta tribunal to judge Osman officials for
crimes against Armenians was convened by initiative of Great Britain.

The most curious was that English appointed Armenian scientist Khang
Khazaryan the head of the expert group, empowered to confirm the
arguments of prosecution. He was instructed to study carefully the
archives of the Osman empire, Great Britain and the United States
for the due materials.

Yet, Khazaryan and his assistants failed to reveal any proves that
would evidence that Osman officials ever sanctioned or encouraged
murders of Armenians. In the end, the British prosecutor general
passed the verdict of not guilty and freed 144 detainees after two
years and four months of imprisonment.

It seems that the issue should have been put an end to. Yet this did
not occur. Armenians again armed with well-checked methods of blackmail
and terror. The political murders of former officials of the Osman
empire and Azerbaijan People’s Republic, committed by terrorists of
the Dashnaktsutsun party fall on the 1920s.

Within 50 years after that the world endured a new wave of violence
committed by Armenian terror organizations. Not only Turks, but
also Jews, Russia, French, Americans and representatives of other
nationalities fell victims of this terror. This have not put Armenians
closer to recognition of the so-called genocide, but only antagonized
the world against them.

In the end, then working US President R.Reigan said following the
next criminal action of Armenian terrorists on July 28 of 1883;
"Neither real nor false resentment may justify the terrors of these
days. On behalf of people and government of the United States, I
voice my deep condolence to the Turkish government and families of
innocent victims. But just a condolence would not do. This senseless
violence should be stopped. I will speak with other leaders of the
countries regarding urgent and more coordinated measures to terminate
such brutal and inhuman actions from a civilian community"

Along with the terror activity Armenians carried out intensive
propaganda, aimed at recognition of the so-called genocide. Uruguay
was the first to fall for the bait (1965) and by 2008 the number of
countries, believing in the Armenian interpretation of the events,
which occurred 90 years ago, reached 20.

On the whole, due to the rapid development of mas media the idea of
"genocide of Armenians" changed so much that it now resemble a kind
of Jegregor-a structure, which has its own energy and subdue new and
new areas. According to specialists in Jegregorology, the number of
supporters is one of the crucial factors of Jegregor’s power, as a
structure, influencing the processes in the surrounding world. In turn,
Jegregor gives support and power and self-confidence to people. And,
indeed, the idea of "genocide of Armenians", the propaganda campaign in
its favor, give power to Armenians by playing a role of a consolidating
factor and at the same time being a means of self-identification
for Armenians.

American professor Jirire Libaridian noted analyzing the problem
that the fear of the Armenian diaspora for assimilation "obliged
its representative to find anchors, which would prove their national
identity. Thus, the combat with recognition of genocide has turned into
an arranging enterprise and uniting principle. It unites the past and
future: future consists of recognition of the past. Present is just
a moment of struggle". At the same time, at any stage the struggle
turns into an all-absorbing process, when it is not clear what you
are struggling for and against whom. In the end, Armenians start
to fight against each other, which we currently observe in Armenia,
where a front of combat against the Karabakh clan is initiated under
the slogan of fight till the end.

By the way, for Armenian authorities the myth of genocide is a suitable
propaganda slogan, allowing to pass the buck of public resentment to
an external enemy and have an unlimited access to Diaspora’s reserves
outside Armenia. According to Armenian opposition activist Armen
Grigoryan, official Yerevan "shares view of most Diaspora Armenians
according to which recognition of genocide is more important than
diplomatic relations with Turkey and opening of borders which would
allow Armenia to make effective use of ways of communications with
the European and Near Eastern countries". This is profitable for the
ruling elite, as "the recognition of genocide as an urgent task of
external policy is a good bait, ensuring support of the Diaspora to
the non-democratic internal policy".

It should be reminded that idea of "genocide of Armenians" has turned
into a kind of political brand, offered to interested countries
on the external market. The political brand science has become
a separate trend in political science. In line with it, external
policy of countries is nothing but attraction of attention to the
country by means of different political brands. According to Lyaporov,
these brands become a kind of state ideas, used "as a key message to
the external world". The scientist presents most significant brand
countries, including the idea of the United States-American Dream,
Great Britain -Cool Britannia, Italy-Dolche Vita, Germany-Vorsprung
durch Technik, Switzerland-Keeping Privacy. Continuing this list and
applying it to Armenia, we will have: current idea of Armenia-Armenian
Genocide. This is what Armenia offers to purchase. As a rule, this
product (in a form of adoption of any political decision) is purchased
by the states which have definite, unfriendly plans towards Turkey. The
fact that this product is false is a secondary issue for a customer.

It is curious that Armenian authors personally speak about Armenians’
striving to manipulate the historical facts. According to political
scientist Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan "Armenians love their own history,
reread it with admiration, focusing on the most terrible pages of
national disasters. They admire tragedies and disasters, being proud
of managing to survive. False, immature patriotism makes Armenians
exaggerate the sufferings of their people and increase the number of
victims of any disasters".

In his research "Virtual Passions", professor Rovshan Mustafayev states
that the idea of Armenian genocide has recently become virtual, when
"figures lose common sense, as their main argument. In conditions
of expansion of virtual reality, this idea "flies along the halls
of representatives of democracy, is widely voiced in the press,
encourages creation of a network of lobby organizations", but "even in
the flight it is not a sign bird, by whose help Arabians and ancient
Romans tried to predict their fate".

The presence of countries who were historical enemies of Turkey and who
consider the said concept as a working tool of their own policy towards
Ankara, on the list of states, recognizing the "genocide of Armenians"
is as obvious as the fact that due decisions of any parliaments are
more politically motivated than historically substantiated. On the
whole, as Russian political scientist Heydar Jemal says "myths of
genocide is a strongest weapon of the international liberal club,
promoting organization of politically correct zombieing of "the
silent majority".

The problem of Armenians is that the myths, they create, will finally
blast as a soap bubble, giving the sack to those who believed in
this tales. The awareness is already coming. Voices of those, who
tried to wake their compatriots, are already heard in Armenia. At
one of the conferences in Yerevan, where public figures of the three
South Caucasus countries, young Armenian writer Luisa Pogosyan voiced
interesting ideas on the aforementioned subject: "Myths on genocide,
we were feeding on in the Soviet times for many years, have transformed
into a doomed idea of eternal animosity between Armenians and Turks
as well as Azerbaijanis. The process of genocide recognition, process
of condemning crimes against humanity, I think, has transformed into a
complex of our exclusiveness and supremacy over the whole world. This
is the disease, which hinder us from correct perception of reality and
moving forward". If such opinions have emerged, there is a hope that
era of awareness will start in Armenia, which will have a positive
impact on the political atmosphere in the region.

Kajoyan Gevork:
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