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EU, NATO Launch Ahtisaari Plan Implementation


28.02.2008 15:22 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The International Steering Group on Kosovo (ISG)
began its formative meeting in Vienna on Thursday.

Main task of the ISG will be to monitor the plan presented by UN
Kosovo negotiator Martti Ahtisaari by the authorities of the newly
independent former Serbian province.

Ahtisaari envisaged the formation of the ISG in his status proposal
which foresaw internationally monitored independence for Kosovo with
special protection mechanisms for the Serbian minority population
and Serbian cultural heritage.

The ISG meets at Italy’s initiative and will comprise of
representatives from the EU, NATO, but members of the Kosovo Contact
Group – but without Contact Group member Russia which does not
participate because of its opposition to Kosovo’s independence.

The Contact Group, with its members Russia, Germany, France, Britain,
Italy and the United States has been the most important group to deal
with the issue.

Other states like Austria, Australia, Sweden, Finland, Japan or
Switzerland were also invited to participate in ISG, the AFP reports.

Proclaimed on February 17, Kosovo’s independence was recognized by
the U.S., EU, some European powers and Turkey as well as by a number
of Muslim states.

Frangulian Shushan:
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