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We Are Waiting For Arevik’s Victory


06.12.2007 10:57

In 2008 Sirusho will represent Armenia at Eurovision Song
Contest. Speaking about Arevik, a youth ensemble that will represent
Armenia at Junior Eurovision-2007, Sirusho said: "I understand
responsibility that lies on the children. I’m sure that with their
beautiful voices and smiles they will uphold the honor of Armenia It’s
not essential whether we shall win or not. Participation is important."

Alla Levonyan adheres to a different opinion. For her participation is
not enough. "I do not think that participation is already a victory,
but in this case everything is different. First, this is the first
time children are participating in the contest. Besides, they will
present our flag, our country to the children of the world."

Moreover, Alla Levonyan is confident that Arevik is closest to the

"I think they will win, because the song is a very good one. Besides,
I know they have prepared well and will perform brilliantly. I wish
them to win."

Song-writer Edgar Gyanjumyan assessed Arevik’s song as very kind:
"The dream they are singing about is indirectly addressed to God."

Composer Arthur Grigoryan said "Arevik will occupy a good position,
since it is unique, childish and educated." He says the ensemble is
worth being included in the top five.

Badalian Vardan:
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