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Bulgarian Cultural Days To Be Held In Armenia In 2008


Noyan Tapan
Nov 14, 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 14, NOYAN TAPAN. Highly appreciating the current
level of the Armenian-Bulgarian cooperation, Robert Kocharian, the
President of the Republic of Armenia, mentioned during the November
14 meeting with Sergey Stanishev, the Prime Minister of Bulgaria,
who has arrived in Armenia on an official visit, that the traditional
communication, spiritual-cultural generalities draw the two countries
and peoples closer.

During the conversation the two parties discussed the whole range of
the Armenian-Bulgarian relations, particularly attaching importance
to the further activization of the economic cooperation. They also
referred to the possibilities of the cooperation of the two countries
within the framework of the European New Neighbourhood Policy.

In the relations of the two countries Sergey Stanishev preserved a
special role for the Bulgarian-Armenian community, the members of
which, in his words, are totally integrated into society and have a
great participation in different spheres of the life of the country.

During the meeting they also spoke about the cultural cooperation. It
was mentioned that an agreement was made on holding Bulgarian cultural
days in Armenia next year following the example of the Armenian
cultural days held in Bulgaria in 2004.

According to the information provided to Noyan Tapan by the RA
President’s Press Office, Serge Sargsian, the Prime Minister of the
Republic of Armenia, also took part in the meeting.

Ekmekjian Janet:
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