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Like Charles De Gaulle


Oct 16 2007

In 1958 General Charles de Gaulle returned not to restore the old
but with a political program to create anew, stated Suren Suranyans,
member of the political board of the Republic Party, on October 16,
addressing the young people marking the first presidential election
of Armenia. "Is the aim of the first president’s activity to restore
the opposition which failed in the parliamentary election of May 12?

No. Even though most opposition activists have devoted themselves
to struggle over the past six-seven years, underwent violence and
torture. It is an axiom that it is impossible to restore something
that is absent politically and institutionally," Suren Surenyans says.

He thinks it is not LevonTer-Petrosyan’s mission to return the forces
of the former government. Suren Surenyans thinks the mission of the
first president is to remove the old and worn system and create a new
system. "The value, the target of which is the citizen. The new system
must be the shaper and embodiment of peace, public and political
urge for country’s development. This system’s priorities must be
structural reforms to comply with EU and NATO standards, excluding
monopolies in any sphere of public life, security and welfare of
citizens, elimination of conflicts and blocked borders with neighbors,
integration with regional and global processes," Suren Surenyans says.

Vanyan Gary:
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