Categories: News

City Council Urges Citizens Not To Break Laws


20:45 24/09/2007

For several months, city council officials, led by vice-mayor Kamo
Areyan, have been walking the streets of Yerevan, and are revealing
structures on the verge of collapse. Responsibility of these structures
will pass to the vice-mayor’s office, which has stated that structures
that do not meet building codes and standards should be torn down. In
the course of 20 days, 164 sites have been registered, of which 76
have been declared as in a state of collapse. "Our purpose is to stop
the construction of illegal buildings.

There is no choice in the matter," Areyan said today, adding that as
a result of their work less such illegal structures are being built.

In his words, courts now are studying 145 such cases.

Possible fines range from 200,000 dram up to 1.5 million dram. "Day
and night we are spending time telling our citizens that they should
obey the law, and not to build illegal structures," Areyan said.

We asked Mr. Areyan if in fact there were such statistics, or if
government officials were merely carrying out orders, since the
population of Davit Bek boulevard is protesting that homes constructed
by city officials aren’t being torn down, while theirs are, to which
he replied, "All are equal in front of the law.

Those buildings were constructed by different people from different
fields. No exception was made for them."

Nalbandian Eduard:
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