Categories: News

New Minister Is Against Solving Problems At The Table


17-09-2007 16:48:26

The minister of trade and development of economy Nerses Yeritsyan held
a news conference on September 17. He has been in office for 100 days
and he talked to reporters about his visions rather than achievements.

He says it is necessary to shape a global image of Armenia, when it
is clear on uttering the name of the country what it is like. Nerses
Yeritsyan says this image cannot be shaped in a day but in five, ten,
or even 30 years.

The moves towards this global image are different, including
effective cooperation of the government and businesses, the use of
deeper approaches toward problem solution, spurring of investments
and protecting business, shaping a global thinking. The reporters
asked the minister how business will be protected if the interests of
the business and the government agency clash. The reporter gave the
example of the Royal Armenia company the leadership of which accuses
the customs service of bribery and the customs service accuses the
company of smuggling.

"I believe that our ministry must be able to reveal obstacles to
business, present it to the government in detail, and I think we need
to be bold and courageous enough to discuss them openly. Not everything
will be accepted by people, and people may offer counterarguments,
the problem is to build the arguments correctly, which requires
serious efforts. Many are offended from one another, the problem is
not solved because they are fond of sitting at the table and talking,
and the problem is supposed to solve by itself. No, it involves a
complicated analysis," Nerses Yeritsyan says.

According to the minister, it is necessary to create a mechanism of
understanding the process. "We need to describe the process to prevent
manipulation of terms and procedures, and we all need to share the
same perception of the problem. Yes, I see that the ministry should
work towards this, I think the issues must be raised and we must
pursue their solution through discussion and professional work,"
Nerses Yeritsyan says.

Topchian Jane:
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