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NKR Newly Elected President Sako Sahakian’s Inauguration Held In Ste


DeFacto Agency, Armenia
Sept 7 2007

Today, September 7, NKR newly elected President Bako Sahakian’s
inauguration was held in Stepanakert.

IAA DE FACTO presents the full text of the inaugural address of the
President of the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic Bako Sahakian at a special
sitting of the NKR National Assembly.

Honorable President of the Republic of Armenia, Honorable Mr. Arkady
Ghoukasyan, Your Grace, Respected Chairman of the National Assembly,
Distinguished deputies and guests, Ladies and gentlemen, Assuming
high and responsible post of the President of the Nagorno Karabagh
Republic I would like to thank in the first place our people for
active participation in the July 19 Presidential elections and my
constituency for confidence. I appreciate the position of those
citizens who voted for other Presidential candidates too. This
means that they are concerned about development and progress in our
country. These visions will be definitely taken into consideration.

The past elections once again vindicated a unified will of the people
of Artsakh to live in a free and sovereign historical motherland.

Simultaneously, they demonstrated a decisive role of the country’s
public sector in forming the state’s supreme authority. In the coming
five years we will continue to build free and prosperous country
securing for this very purpose cooperation between all strata of
our society.

Taking the opportunity I would like to thank all foreign state and
nongovernmental structures, international organizations, mass media
that carried out observation of the July 19 elections and covered this
important for our state event. The assessments of the observers will
substantially contribute to the rating of our country as an effectively
functioning state worthy of international recognition. We also highly
appreciate their remarks and suggestions, which will be taken into
consideration in elaborating further democratization of our country.

These assessments prove that the foundation of our independent
statehood is quite firm. In this context I would like to express my
respect and gratitude to the first President of the Nagorno Karabagh
Republic, President of the Republic of Armenia Robert Kocharyan to his
merit and contribution to NKR’s declaration as an independent state,
effective organization of the republic’s defense against aggression,
development of state institutions, economic recovery in the first
postwar years, as well as for his input in just settlement of the
Nagornyy Karabagh conflict.

Achievements in the recent period gave me a right to thank on behalf
of people second president of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic Arkady
Ghoukasyan. Under his leadership in the last ten years our country
registered considerable progress in carrying out socioeconomic reforms,
democratization of public and political life, and finally adopted
its basic law – the Constitution. We are confident that Mr.

Ghoukasyan will continue to use reach experience of state, political
and national figure for the interests of the Motherland.

Dear friends, During the campaign I got another chance to visit almost
all settlements of the republic and get acquainted with problems and
concerns of our people. It was very much important for me see and hear
about all these issues. In the coming five years we will definitely
take into account suggestions and advice given during these meetings.

The main goal of my presidency will be to have a viable, socially just,
economically developed, and politically stable state. The strength
of such a state to a greater extent is derivative from our policy
towards the needs of the youth and socially vulnerable strata.

The authorities have much to do in this field.

Being guided by the Constitution we will continue to build a state,
which will protect the interests of its citizens. Ethnic minorities
will enjoy special protection.

We have a clear-cut agenda of challenges facing our republic. To
address them we need to reshape the policy of socioeconomic development
and put special emphasize on exploring investment resources directing
them into the most perspective fields. Available scientific and
intellectual potential will also serve this purpose.

International recognition of the Artsakh Republic, which is a pillar
of our foreign policy, will give a serious impetus to the pace of
our development. This is also in the interests of the region. NKR
Defense Army will be ready to rebuff any attack against our state and
society. The issues of army building, strengthening defense capacity,
solving social problems of the servicemen will be always in the focus
of attention.

We are exclusively adherent to the principles of peaceful settlement of
the Karabagh-Azerbaijan conflict. Highly appreciating the efforts of
international mediators, we hope that our opponents will eventually
realize that there is no alternative to the full participation of
the Nagorno Karabagh Republic in the negotiation process.

Ladies and gentlemen, International recognition of the Nagorno Karabagh
Republic is the most important task that requires hard work to further
consolidate potentials of Artsakh, Armenia and the Diaspora and deepen
traditional cooperation. Our strength is in our unity.

At the end I would like to thank all those who have congratulated
me on my election. I assure you that all my energy, knowledge, and
experience will be used for the good of our nation.

Thank you.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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