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People Are Not Almighty But Not Powerless Either

Davit Karabekyan, Analyst

05-09-2007 11:36:26

The presidential election was on July 19. The elections like
our life are a controversial process, the results bring hope or
disappointment. Eventually, however, much depends on what each voter,
political force or NGO expected from the election.

In this analysis we will try to compare the positive and negative
things about this election. In my opinion, it is positive a) that
the second leader in the short history of Karabakh is non-communist,
non-nomenclature; b) a new generation of politicians emerged who
are determined, rational, open and pragmatic; c) the role of the
media in shaping public opinion and public processes grew; d) the
tradition which rules out appointment of a state leader imposed by
the top government (the leaders of the election campaign stepped
on the political scene from civil movements: veterans, students,
others) formed.

The election also showed that it is impossible to win the presidential,
as well as the parliamentary elections without support from the
society. It is a guarantee that the new leader must be known to the
society and authoritative. It is commendable that the politicians
of the new surge, although carefully but consistently, started to
criticize the government.

In this context, the politicians of the new surge should hold on,
first of all because they lost not only to the representative of
the political elite but also to a rather popular person. Second,
because defeat often teaches more and better than victory. Third,
there cannot be two winners in an election.

The new generation of politicians should also analyze the objective
(lack of resources, late start of the campaign, etc.) and subjective
(organizational, psychological, etc.) reasons of the defeat and keep
in mind that all the outstanding politicians had gone through defeat
and disappointment before they tasted victory.

Unfortunately, criticism often contained rudiments of the past:
it passed by sharp issues, one person or another, one category of
officials or another.

As a result the program theses suffered, which appeared deficient
and abstract. The impression was that these drawbacks in the society
occurred by themselves or due to part of officials and will disappear
by magic.

Unfortunately, nothing emerges from out of nowhere and disappears into
nowhere, and sometimes it is more difficult to fight the manifestations
and metastases of social evil than to eliminate their cause.

The second drawback is the failure to activate in the consciousness of
the society that major transformations in the society are impossible
without their energy and participation. The society again made the
same mistake and goes from one extremity to the other: hope that "he"
will change everything, and nothing will change. In the meantime,
the truth is somewhere in between: people are not almighty but they
are not powerless either, just like the leaders. It is not easy for
people to overcome the inertia and stagnation of officials but it
does not lift responsibility for the state of things in the country.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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