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Call it ‘genocide’?

American Thinker, AZ
Aug 22 2007

Call it ‘genocide’?

Thomas Lifson

The ADL’s odd stance on the Armenian genocide may reflect a broader
controversy and odd behavior on the topic. John Rosenthal of the
excellent site Transatlantic Intelligencer wrote in 2005 about
France’s treatment of Bernard Lewis’ (the Bernard Lewis) criticism of
the use of the term "genocide" to describe what the Turks undertook
against Armenians. In sum, he believes that what was done was
terrible, but that it doesn’t rise to the level of genocide, and even
diminishes the term if so applied.

What is peculiar about France is that it has done its best to block
websites from carrying Prof. Lewis’ critique.

I have a high regard for Prof. Lewis, and in fact, even though I
disagree with him on the Armenian genocide, I would like to read what
he has to say. But the link to his thoughts from TA is blocked, even
for users like me in the USA.

This is one of those debates that can be a learning experience. It is
regrettable that part of it is being shut down.


Ekmekjian Janet:
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