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Armenian Government To Submit Amended Version Of Package Of Several


Noyan Tapan
Aug 17, 2007

YEREVAN, AUGUST 17, NOYAN TAPAN. At the August 16 sitting, the Armenian
government made amendments in the RA government’s Decision No 1560-N
on Approval of Technical Regulations on Meat and Meat Products of
October 19, 2006, which is in particular conditioned by the necessity
to bring the safety indices prescribed by the regulations into line
with sanitary and epidemiologic rules and norms of the Hygienic
Requirements to the Safety of Food Raw Material and Foodstuffs and
to the Food Value. The decision also proceeds from the necessity to
make amendments, which are conditioned by the procedure of certifying
the conformity and are in compliance with legislative requirements
of the decision’s provisions.

In accordance with the RA Water Code and the RA Law on the National
Water Program, the government decided to appoint the RA ministry
of agriculture as the authorized state governance body in charge
of organization and implementation of measures aimed at preventing
and eliminating the harmful impact of river water. The minister of
agriculture was instructed to submit, within three months, a proposal
to the RA government regarding measures to ensure the use of powers
stipulated by the decision. The RA ministers of territorial governance,
urban development and environmental protection, and the chairman of
the State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre adjunct to the RA
government were instructed to present, within 15 days, the necessary
information to the RA minister of agriculture and to assist with the
work on development of the program on protection of settlements,
areas of economic value and citizens’ property from the risk of
river flooding.

By making redistribution in the 2007 state budget of the RA and some
amendments in the RA government’s decision No 1851-N of December 21,
2006, the government allocated 40.2 mln drams (about 0 thousand) from
its 2007 reserve fund to the Syunik regional administration with the
aim of financing the construction of buildings for families that live
in wooden houses in the village of Lernadzor (Syunik region).

At the siiting, the government approved the Program of Geological
Prospecting Work stipulated in the RA Law on the 2007 State Budget
of the RA.

According to the RA Law on International Agreements of the RA, the
government approved the proposal for signing the Agreement on Free
Trade between the governments of Armenia and Egypt.

By another decision, amendments and additions were made,
in accordance with the RA Law on Archival Activity, in the RA
government’s Decision No 351 on Approval of the Exemplary List of
Archival Documents with Indication of Their Retention Period of March
9, 2006, which is also conditioned by the necessity to clarify the
current legislation. Particularly, taking into account the fact that
limitation of actions does not apply to the requests about return of
deposits that depositors file to banks. These amendments and additions
have also been made due to the fact that the currently prescribed
period of keeping bank documents about deposits is not sufficient in
case of demanding these deposits.

The governrment approved the bill on making an amendment to the RA
Law on State Registration of Property Rights, which will be submitted
to the National Assembly. Adoption of the bill is conditioned by the
necessity to specify the provision on period of state registration of
rights, which is stipulated by the indicated law. In particular, it
is proposed calculating the period for presenting the rights arising
from property-related transactions for state registration not from
the day of signing the transaction but from the day of their being
certified by the notary.

In accordance with the RA Law on State Administrative Institutions, the
government made amendments in the RA government’s decision No 1917-N
of Novemeber 28, 2002. The adoption of this decision is conditioned,
in particular, by the necessity to bring the decision’s provision
into line with requirements of the RA Judicial Code, the RA Law on
Bringing the RA Judicial Code into Force and the RA Law on Court
Service. The decision also envisages creating an Information and PR
Unit at the RA Ministry of Justice.

In accordance with the RA Law on Legal Acts, the government made an
amendment to the RA government’s Decision No 1112-N on Approval of the
Order of Transferring Students from One Higher Educational Institution
to Another of July 14, 2005, based on which such a transfer may be done
without permission of the RA minister of education and science. The
decision will increase autonomy of higher educational institutions
and allow to make efficient and independent decisions on transfer of
students from one higher educational institution to another.

In accordance with the RA Law on State Administrative Institutions,
the government decided to take the area (covering 286 square meters
and with the balance sheet cost of 1,269,268 drams) on the 4th floor
of the building at 25 Pushkin Street (Yerevan) belonging to the
Staff of Rescue Service of Armenia state administrative institution
of the RA Ministry of Territorial Governance and to transfer this
area to the Staff of the RA Ministry of Territorial Governance state
administrative institution.

Pursuant to Article 53 Part 4 of the RA Law on Rules of Procedure of
the RA National Assembly, the government made a decision to submit
to the RA National Assembly the amended version of the package
consisting of the bill on making amendments and additions to the RA
Law on Circulation of Poisonous Substances and Explosive Suvstances
and Devices, the bill on making amendments and additions to the RA
law on State Duty and the bill on making amendments to the RA Law
on Licensing.

By another decision, the government approved the governmenal
conclusions about several bills submitted on deputies’s initiative –
these conclusions will be presented to the RA NA.

The government approved the temporary schemes of using the lands of
the Vagharshapat city community (Armavir region) and the Hankavan
rural community (Kotayk region). Decision were made to change the
categories of these lands, as well as of lands in the Nor Geghi rural
community of Kotayk region.

NT was informed from the RA Government Information and PR Department
that in accordance with the RA Law on Civil Service, the government
made a decision to appoint Armen Shahnazarian the head of the staff
of the RA Ministry of Finance and Economy.

Toneyan Mark:
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