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9th Annual Armenian Independence Day Festival

Nor Serount Cultural Association
440 W. Colorado Blvd. #201
Glendale, CA 91204
Contact: Seta Khodanian
Tel: (818) 391-7938
Email: NorSerount@sbcglobal.net

9th Annual Armenian Independence Day Festival
September 23, 2007

GLENDALE, CA – The ninth annual `Armenian Independence Day Festival’
will delight and entertain all who come to this festive event.

Ten years ago, Nor Serount Cultural Association embarked on this
project and organized its first Festival as its way to celebrate the
homelands independence away from home. And the tradition continues.

The program of the day will feature Armenian music, dance, display of
arts and crafts, games and tournaments for all ages. Delicious food
and desserts will add to the flavor of the festivities.

After the successful presentation of the `Mini Vernisage’ of last
year, NSCA will also sell artworks and crafts in its efforts to
support the artisans and craftsmen of our homeland to ease their
economic hardships in the young republic.

A very exciting performer line-up will entertain the attendees and
convert Verdugo Park in Glendale to a very exciting place.

So come and be part of the celebration on Sunday, September 23 at the
Verdugo Park in Glendale. Admission is free.

For more information about the event and for booth rentals you may
call NSCA at (818) 391-7938.

Tashjian Arbi:
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