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Azeri MP Suggests Starting A "Blitzkrieg" Against Armenia


19.06.2007 13:20

Azeri MP suggests starting a "blitzkrieg" against Armenia.

"This war should not be long, the matter must be settled within one
month. Azerbaijan exceeds Armenia with its military potential. The
protracted war must not harm the economic interests of Azerbaijan and
the foreign powers," Milli Mejlis Deputy Fazail Aghamali declared
in an interview with Bakililar.az. "Since Armenia is not going to
withdraw its troops from the occupied territories, we must liberate
these lands in a military way. Taking such decision is the liability
of the commander-in-chief," the newly-emerged Azerbaijani Hitler said.

At the same time the MP criticized the activity of the OSCE Minsk

"The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs deserve an Oscar for their
"acting." Unfortunately, the mediators do not approach the resolution
of the conflict from the perspective of international law. If up
to now the Co-Chairs have not known Armenia as an aggressor country
and Azerbaijan as a victim of aggression, then the activity of the
OSCE Minsk Group indirectly serves Armenia’s interests," the Azeri
MP concludes.

At the end he declared that "besides the recommendation of the
international structures, there is the UN Charter, according to which
Azerbaijan has the full right to restore its territorial integrity."

Hunanian Jack:
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