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ANCA: Sen. Menendez Reaffirms Hold On Hoagland Nomination

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
Email anca@anca.org

April 24, 2007
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Ambassador Evans Calls for Passage
of Armenian Genocide Resolution

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) reaffirmed his "hold"
on the controversial nomination of Richard Hoagland to serve as
U.S. Ambassador to Armenia in his remarks today at an Armenian
Genocide observance organized by the Congressional Armenian Caucus
in Capitol Hill’s historic Cannon Caucus Room, reported the
Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

The Bush Administration has twice nominated Richard Hoagland to
replace John Marshall Evans, a decorated career diplomat who was
fired last year by the Secretary of State for speaking truthfully
about the Armenian Genocide. From the outset, the Hoagland
nomination has been the focus of intense controversy, first because
of the State Department’s willingness to explain its firing of
Evans, and later due to his denial of the Armenian Genocide in his
responses to questions raised during his confirmation hearing.
These remarks, which extended far beyond the euphemistic word games
traditionally employed by the State Department, sparked outrage
among Armenian Americans and widespread Congressional opposition to
his posting in Yerevan.

Looking to Ambassador Evans, who was seated in the first row of the
standing room only hall, Senator Menendez said, "I wish the
Ambassador was back in Armenia, but if we cannot get him there, I
refuse to release my hold on Ambassador Hoagland because of his
testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee." The
Senator added, to a sustained ovation, that, "the President
[should] appoint a new nominee who will represent the interests of
the United States and Armenia much better."

In his remarks, Ambassador Evans, the program’s keynote speaker,
called upon Congress to pass the Armenian Genocide Resolution. In
a speech repeatedly interrupted by applause, he said, "If we dare
not call the 1915 events genocide, we make it more likely that
current genocides, such as that in Darfur, will continue and future
genocides will occur… This is why, ladies and gentlemen, after 92
years, the time has come to call a spade a spade. House Resolution
106 on the affirmation of the United States record on the Armenian
Genocide should be adopted by the Congress." The former envoy
continued, stressing: "History does matter. Truth does matter.
Justice does matter."

The Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.Res.106 in the House and
S.Res.106 in the Senate, calls on the President to properly
recognize the Armenian Genocide and encourages the Administration
to ensure that the lessons of this crime are used to help prevent
future genocides. The resolution has over 190 cosponsors in the
House and 30 cosponsors in the Senate.

The April 24th observance was presided over by the Co-Chairmen of
the Armenian Caucus, Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Joe Knollenberg (R-
MI), and featured moving speeches by the lead authors of H.Res.106,
Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and George Radanovich (R-CA); original
cosponsors Brad Sherman (D-CA) and Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), both
of whom serve on the Foreign Affairs Committee; Senator Menendez;
and Representatives Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Ed Royce (R-CA), Donald
Payne (D-NJ), Jim Costa (D-CA), Mark Kirk (R-IL), and Diane Watson
(D-CA). Congressmen Jim McGovern (D-MA), David Dreier (R-CA) and
Tim Walz (D-MN) also participated in the remembrance.

Congressman Schiff, in his remarks, questioned the claims by
opponents of H.Res.106 that Turkey is making progress toward
recognizing the Armenian Genocide. "Was the murder of Hrant Dink
progress? No it was not. Was the bringing of charges against a
Nobel Prize-winning author progress? No it is not. Was the
inception of Article 301, which makes it a crime to insult
Turkishness progress? No it is not. The irony of our government’s
position is that instead of pressing Turkey to repeal Article 301,
our own State Department is trying to enforce 301 here in America,
here in our Congress – and that cannot be."

Representative Radanovich, expanding on this theme, said that, "I
am sorry that the State Department and the Administration are slow
to recognize the Armenian Genocide in the United States. And they
argue that we need to deal with Turkey with kid gloves, and they
need to come to this admission on their own. The fact is they are
not going to come to this admission on their own – and they need
prodding from the United States – and our recognition of the
Genocide will get us to the point where every civilized country in
the world should be."

Holding up a copy of a New York Times April 23, 2007, full-page
advertisement placed by Turkey denying the Armenian Genocide, Rep.
Anna Eshoo, the only member of Congress of Armenian descent,
stated, "My friends, we have work to do. They [the Turkish
government] have money, they have sway in Washington DC, as you
well know. I think the truth will help liberate the country of
Turkey and the people of Turkey, when we pass this resolution."
The ad, placed by the Embassy of Turkey, is valued at $130,000.
Similar ads were placed in the Washington Times and L.A. Times.


Note the Editor: Photos provided under separate cover.

Chakrian Hovsep:
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