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Bottles ‘Move Along’ Baghramyan Avenue


[11:51 pm] 13 April, 2007

At 7:00 p.m. "Impeachment" alliance started their campaign from
Freedom Square. The time was due to another festival "Spring-2007"
organized by Yerevan City Hall.

But for the festival, the meeting was to start at 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. By
5:30 p.m. the square was still empty and there was nothing but the
microphones and some musical equipment on the stage. The organizers
played loud music thus trying to justify the abrupt ending of the

As soon as the representatives of "Impeachment" arrived, the police
headed by Alexander Afyan, Lieutenant Colonel of RA Police Central
Office warned Vahagn Khachatryan, member to a Social-political
initiative group to hold their campaign meeting in the area assigned
by Municipality i.e. outside the fence as far as the whole festival
equipment was inside.

RA National Anthem opened the meeting; the latter carried the message
of " The impeachment of RA President and his criminal administrative

Aram Karapetyan, chairman of "New Times" party as well as Aram
Sargsyan, leader of "Republican" party together with their party
members were also present.

In fact, the organizers were carrying empty bottles having the
following message: "Let’s impeach him together!"

To mention, in case the opposition is a majority in the NA after the
elections, they will make Robert Kocharyan quit his office.

Kafian Jirair:
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