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Disabled People Invisible In Azerbaijan


[03:50 pm] 07 April, 2007

People with disabilities still live on the margins of society.

In a Baku apartment, a pale thin boy in a blue sweater and tracksuit
trousers used his small fists to haul himself up in bed and pulled a
wheelchair closer to the edge of the bed so that he could get into him.

He wheeled himself over to the door to answer it and let in a guest.

Ilkin Gafarov is 13 and is unable to walk on his own because of a
congenital condition which means his legs have not developed fully. He
will be confined to a wheelchair for life.

"I’ve never gone to school – I’m tutored at home," said Ilkin.

His mother Afyat said, "He is very shy and shuns company. I think
he’s simply grown tired of all these sympathetic and embarrassed
glances from passers-by and acquaintances.

"Of course, he wants to play with other children. He wants to have
friends – boys and girls. I often find him at the window watching kids
of his age-group running one after another, playing and laughing …

Ilkin doesn’t laugh very much."

Ilkin himself rarely complains, and the look in his eyes is mature
beyond his years. He is very good at computer programming and spends
hours in front of a computer screen.

"Maybe I will be able to go to university in future and become a
famous programmer," he said wistfully.

Ilkin is lucky that his parents can afford to hire tutors for
him. Azerbaijani schools are not equipped to deal with pupils with
disabilities, who have to go to special schools instead.

The education ministry says a new law on integrated education is
beginning to bring disabled children into mainstream schools. The
law says children with physical disabilities should attend general
schools like any other pupils.

However, before the law can really take effect, school premises will
have to be adapted, a transformation which could take many years.

The disabled are still a virtually invisible group in
Azerbaijan. According to the government statistics agency, there are
around 275,000 people with various physical disabilities.

These days, they are no longer referred to as "invalids" but as
"people with disabilities". But apart from that little has changed.

Lotus, a centre for disability issues, says the country lacks
no entrances, ramps, lifts or toilets designed for people with
disabilities, so public buildings, underground passages and railway
stations are no-go areas for them.

People classed as being in the "first category", the most seriously
affected, receive a monthly benefit of 65 manats (74 US dollars),
the next category 45 manats and the third group 24 manats. They also
receive concessions when buying a flat or taking out a mortgage loan,
while veterans injured in the Nagorny Karabakh conflict are entitled
to a free apartment and medical aid.

Recipients say the benefits are pitifully low.

"All these privileges are enough to make a cat laugh," said Viktor
Stepanovich, 81. His disability dates from 1943, after he went to
war as a 17-year-old.

"I am a group two invalid. I’m old and need money badly – medicines
are very expensive," he said.

"Prices are soaring, and taxes have gone up several times." Listing
the battles he took part in the Second World War, the old man brushed
away the tears welling up in his eyes.

"I was at a medical clinic the other day," he said. "I had hardly
entered the waiting room when they asked me for money. And what’s
worse, the doctor won’t even look at you unless you put a "shirvan"
[two manats] in his pocket. He doesn’t give a damn for your [war]
service or your disabilities."

Disabled people also complain of discrimination when they look
for jobs.

"I live off my parents, although I think I could work in a business,"
said Irana, 25. "I have applied repeatedly to the labour registry
office, but they have never replied."

There are a few projects that offer some hope and encouragement to the
disabled. Outside Baku is a "Rest and Labour Home for Young Disabled",
founded in 1999 and housing over 200 people.

Staff at the centre said that various courses such as dress-making,
knitting, drawing and embroidery, had been run for the residents with
assistance from the American humanitarian organisation Umkor. Art
works produced at the centre are now displayed and sold at exhibitions.

"I love to draw," said Seilan, a young artist who lives at the
centre. "My drawings are reflections of my thoughts, dreams and fears –
everything I have on my mind."

In her works, the girl depicts the streets of Baku’s old town, green
hills and gloomy forests. One of her most admired drawings is of a
melancholy girl who may or may not be Seilan herself.

Another resident, Ganira Abilova, has become famous as a carpet
weaver. She said she had received orders from California and dreamed
of showing her work to Mehriban Alieva, the wife of Azerbaijan’s

"Also, all my life I’ve been dreaming about a house of my own,"
she added quietly.

Tamara Grigoryeva is a correspondent with APA news agency in Baku
Institute for War and Peace Reporting, Caucasus Reporting Service

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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