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Karabakh Defence Chief Interviewed Over Possible Appointment As Arme


Haykakan Zhamanak, Yerevan
31 Mar 07 p 3

Text of Kristine Khanumyan’s report in Armenian newspaper Haykakan
Zhamanak on 31 March headlined "I am ready to serve in any post"

An interview with the NKR [Nagornyy Karabakh republic] defence
minister, Seyran Ohanyan. He comments on rumours about his possible
appointment to the post of Armenian defence minister.

[Haykakan Zhamanak correspondent] Could you comment on the rumours
that you may be appointed Armenian defence minister?

[Seyran Ohanyan] I told your newspaper about two years ago that I am a
serviceman and ready to serve in any post not only at the top but also
in a lower one depending on our military and political situation in
order to improve this sector and the situation. As for the rumours, to
be honest, I am flattered but not aware of them. I have just returned
from military exercises and I don’t have time to think over this issue.

[Correspondent] Does that mean you have not received an official offer?

[Ohanyan] Yes, it does.

[Correspondent] In that case why are they mentioning just your name?

[Ohanyan] You know, since my first military post as lieutenant and
the commander of a squadron and till today when I am the NKR defence
minister I have never asked anybody for any post. They always watched
my work, assessed it and appointed to the post.

[Correspondent] You are known in Karabakh as a man striving to be far
from politics. Don’t you think that your appointment to the post will
be politicized?

[Ohanyan] How?

[Correspondent] Taking into account the fact that [Armenian President]
Robert Kocharyan and [Defence Minister] Serzh Sarkisyan are from

[Ohanyan] I cannot say that. I am a serviceman and I have my own
duties. I cannot say I am not dealing with politics at all. I am
dealing with public activity regarding patriotic education, not
politics, and I think that is my job, the job of a serviceman.

[Correspondent] What kind of relations do you have with generals
of Armenia?

[Ohanyan] Normal. By generals do you mean Armenian generals of the
Armenian army?

[Correspondent] Yes, I do.

[Ohanyan] All of them are respected people, and I respect them.

[Correspondent] If you are appointed to the post of Armenian defence
minister, whom do you see in the post of NKR defence minister?

[Ohanyan] I do not know. I did not think about that.

[Correspondent] If you do not mention names.

[Ohanyan] I am saying once again that no post has been offered to
me. But, certainly, there are many people who can replace me. There
are people who have experience and who can serve even better than me
and organize military work better than me.

Tavakalian Edgar:
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