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Film about Karabakh war screened in Brno


Film about Karabakh war screened in Brno
16.03.2007 18:45 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ A film titled `A story of people in war and peace’
produced by Vardan Hovhannisian was screened at the festival of
documentaries in Brno (Czechia). The film shot by an Armenian reporter
tells about the fate of those who fought in the Karabakh war.

CT2 channel, Lidovskiye Noviny, Prague Post, Radio Cesko and other
mass media cover the festival.

Members of Azerbaijani Diaspora in Czechia and Azerbaijani students
delivered brochures and information bulletins to the audience in order
to inform them of `truth’ on the Karabakh problem, reports APA.

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