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Armenia Moves Forward By Path Of Strengthening Of Democracy, RA Fore


Noyan Tapan News Agency, Armenia
March 5 2007

YEREVAN, MARCH 5, NOYAN TAPAN. On the occasion of 15th anniversary of
Armenia’s membership to UN, RA Foreign Ministry has made a statement,
which read:

"One of the greatest symbols of independent statehood and sovereignty
is joining the family of nations, which is especially actual under
conditions of globalization. Through joining UN in 1992 Armenia
received a possibility to become equal participant of developments
taking place in the world, to make a contribution to international
cooperation and preservation of world peace and security. This is
the goal of Armenia’s activity in UN’s main and auxiliary bodies,
participation in summits and conferences being held under the aegis
of UN.

Becoming a member of UN in 1992 and adopting principles of universal
values, protection of human rights and establishment of democracy
as integral part of state ideology, Armenia takes an active part in
activities being held within the framework of this world organization
and cooperates with many structures and links of the organization.

After the 1988 earthquake, when UN’s agencies not well known to all
of us at that time came to Armenia from humanitarian considerations,
it was difficult to imagine that the names and activities of Chief
Commissioner for Refugees, Children’s Fund, UN Development Programs
will become an integral element of Armenia’s daily life.

Without active support of UN agencies it would be much more difficult
to elaborate and to implement intrastate programs undertaken by
Armenian government, such as poverty reduction, anti-corruption
programs, program on protection of women’s and children’s rights,
programs on fighting various ways of organized crime.

Today, summarizing 15 years of Armenia’s joining UN we become more and
more convinced that Armenia moves forward by the path of strengthening
democracy, building a civil society, establishing supremacy of law,
economic and social development of the country."

Torosian Aram:
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