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The CE Is Waiting for the Invitation of Armenia


[07:30 pm] 09 February, 2007

In case of fabrications during the upcoming Parliamentary elections the CE
will raise the issue of the authorizations of the Armenian delegation, says
special envoy of the CE Secretary General Boyana Urumova. She is still
optimistic, based on the promise of Serge Sargsyan that the elections in
Armenia will be free and fair.

According to Boyana Urumova, in order to hold free and fair elections the
Electoral Code must correspond to European and international standards, and
the Mass Media must be unbiased in covering the events connected with the
elections. `Everyone must be responsible. The electors must realize the
importance of their vote and not sell them’.

The PACE intends to send an observers’ mission to Armenia. Nevertheless, `We
are waiting for your invitation which we expect to get in the closest
future’. In case of the invitation the European observers will carry out
their mission not only on the Election Day, but also during the pre-election

Boyana Urumova voiced hope that this time the opposition will not boycott
the elections, like the 2005 Constitutional Referendum. As for the high
price of the political advertisements by TV set by the National Committee on
TV and Radio, she said, `It is one of the circumstances which will be taken
into account by the observers. It is still early to speak about it’.

Nanijanian Alex:
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