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Turkey’s Suicide: Our old ally’s bent on self-destruction

New York Post, NY
Jan 26 2007



by Peter Ralph

January 26, 2007 — IT’S hard to watch an old pal hit the skids,
making one disastrous decision after another, throwing away a
brilliant future. That’s the position we’re in with Turkey – a former
ally bent on self-destruction.

A NATO member ideally positioned to serve as a bridge between the
West and the Middle East, Turkey’s secular constitution and economic
progress should have made it an example for other regional states to
emulate. Instead, Turkey has been aping the blighted regimes of the
Arab world:

* Exploiting the population’s disgust with government corruption,
Islamists gained power through the ballot box – and immediately
started dismantling the secular legacy of Kemal Ataturk.

* On the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Turkey stabbed the United
States – its only dependable ally – in the back, denying passage to
our troops in the fateful illusion that Ankara could save Saddam.

* Turkey strangled its (always faint) chance of membership in the
European Union with internal repression, ludicrous prosecutions,
farcical legislative efforts to Talibanize society and its stubborn
denial of the Armenian genocide.

* Instead of winning Europe’s approval, the government-sponsored
anti-American hate speech poisoning Turkey’s media only strengthens
European convictions that Turks "aren’t our kind."

* Impatient to send Turkish troops into Iraq to attack the PKK (a
radical Kurdish group with a terrorist past), Ankara might face a
startling military embarrassment, further alienate Washington – and
finish off its last prayer of EU membership. (The Europeans just want
excuses to keep Turkey out – and Turkey has a genius for providing

* Despite the potential for a mutually beneficial relationship with
Iraqi Kurdistan – where Turkish businessmen make substantial profits
– the Ankara government obsesses about preventing the emergence of a
Kurdish state. Betting on Iraq’s Sunni Arabs (who despise the Turks
but use them), Turkey has set itself up to lose big if Iraq

* With its mischief-making in Iraq, cloak-and-dagger monkey business
with Syria and failure to appreciate Iranian deviousness, Turkish
foreign policy is in a self-destructive shambles unrivaled since the
foundation of the modern Turkish state.

All of this leaves me in sorrow, since I spent decades arguing that
Turkey’s strategic importance required us to be patient as this land
of enormous potential found its way to the future.

For an enthusiastic visitor to Turkey for three decades, it’s been
heartbreaking to watch its society and economy come to life – only to
fall prey to Islamist vampires.

With Salafism – the Saudi brand of radical Islam – biting into the
Turkish political jugular, the joke is that the despised Bedouins of
Arabia have finally conquered the "Ottoman Empire." The most
primitive and backward form of Islam is increasingly at home in the
heartlands that had formed the core of the most powerful Muslim state
for five centuries.

Now the question isn’t whether our old ally can overcome its internal
difficulties, but which of its troubles will overwhelm it first. Will
the Islamist destruction of Turkish culture continue, or will a
rumored military coup plunge the country back into another period of
internal violence and political stasis?

For Washington, it’s all bad news. The march of punitive Islam
(punitive, above all, to Muslims) continues to feed on wild-eyed
anti-Americanism – but a military coup could lead to a misadventure
in northern Iraq similar to Argentina’s Falklands debacle.

Last week’s murder of the Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink (in
which Islamo-nationalists cynically employed a 17-year-old assassin
who could only be charged as a juvenile) laid bare the divide in
Turkish society: 100,000 Turks turned out to protest the barbarous
killing, but the government barely shrugged, since the demagogues now
command far greater numbers.

Turkey’s educated elite is in much the same position as Germany’s
elite during Hitler’s rise to power. Imagining that the Islamists
would sputter out, progressive Turks failed to act. Now Turkish
civilization – so great for so many centuries – is unraveling the way
Germany’s did in the 1930s. Turkish intellectuals made the classic
error of underestimating the common man’s capacity for hatred and
lust for blind revenge.

As for the spectacularly virulent and dishonest anti-Americanism in
the Turkish media – we need never have a "Who lost Turkey?" debate:
The Turks lost it for themselves. Instead of maturing into the
Western culture of responsibility, Turks succumbed to the Arab
world’s culture of blame.

Having looked down on Arabs for centuries, Turks are now becoming
functional Arabs, reclining into fantasies of greatness as surreal as
a Sufi mystic’s hashish dreams. Ataturk’s revolutionary vision for a
modern Turkish state – betrayed by his own corrupt successors – is
fading into the reality of yet another retarded Muslim satrapy.

An even more accurate parallel case than 1930s Germany is today’s
Pakistan. Turkey is on the way to becoming another extremist-poisoned
garrison state held together solely by its military.

On my last visit, I got a madman’s lecture from a Turkish customs
officer on the resurrection of the Ottoman Empire. But instead of
returning to that empire’s undeniable glories, 21st- century Turkey
appears determined to replay the miserable Ottoman twilight.

I wish we could save Turkey. But we can’t. That’s up to the Turks.

Ralph Peters’ latest book is "Never Quit The Fight."

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From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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