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U.S -Turkey Relations Tense


16:59 13/01/2007


Tensions are expected in U.S. – Turkey relations
connected with the urgency of recognizing the Armenian
Genocide in U.S. Congress.

In addition to this, George W. Bush’s statement that
the Kurds are the alleys of the United States has
shocked Ankara. Further, U.S. State Secretary
Condoliza Rice’s statement that the failure of US
strategy in Iraq is devastating has even deepened
Turkish concerns.

Turkish media reports that President Bush and State
Secretary Rice avoid naming Kurdish worker’s party as
a terrorist union. Ankara tried to hinder proclamation
of Krkuk town the administrative center of Kurdistan,
which was opposed by U.S. ambassador in Baghdad. He
advised the Turks to deal with the issues within their
state and not to interfere the business of Iraq. `If
that is so why does the United States interfere with
the internal affairs of Iraq which is thousand miles
away from the USA?’ Turkish Prime Minister furiously

Source: Panorama.am

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