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ANKARA: Armenian Bill Approaching On US Congressional Horizon


Hurriyet, Turkey
Jan 8 2007

US Congressman Adam Schiff has announced that he will soon be proposing
a bill to the House of Representative addressing Armenian claims of
genocide. Speaking in front of the Turkish Consulate in Los Angeles,
Schiff, who represents the 29th District in California, said "With
the new leadership in Congress, I am hopeful that we will finally
bring this bill forward."

Schiff also noted in his statements that "The American nation must
recognize this genocide," and that Turkey should accept responsibility
for what the Armenians claim was a genocide against them.

Sources in Washington, DC meanwhile affirm that it looks likely that
under the new Democratic leadership, a bill supporting official
recognition of the Armenian claims will in fact pass through the
Congress. Former President Bill Clinton, who 7 years ago prevented
such a bill from passing, told Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
recently that preventing its passage now would be difficult.

Vasilian Manouk:
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