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PBS ‘Resurgence’ documentary explores reappearance of anti-Semitism

The Jewish Journal of greater L.A, CA
Jan 5 2007

PBS ‘Resurgence’ documentary explores reappearance of anti-Semitism

By Tom Tugend, Contributing Editor

Member of the Jewish community looks at a swastika painted on a
headstone in a Jewish cemetery in Herrlisheim, eastern France. Photo
Associated Press
The PBS documentary, "Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The
Resurgence," will discomfit viewers of all stripes.

Airing Jan. 8 at 10 p.m. on KCET, the film will annoy those who
believe that rising anti-Semitism is a myth fueled by Jewish paranoia
and self-serving Jewish defense agencies.

Equally upset will be those who argue that anti-Semitism,
particularly in the Islamic world, is just using the same old stick
to beat up on a blameless Israel.

In addition, fervent believers in a global Jewish conspiracy, if any
tune in, will be enraged at seeing their worldview demolished and

Within one hour, the documentary, narrated by veteran broadcast
journalist Judy Woodruff, covers a lot of territory in a graphic and
efficient manner.

We are given a capsule history of Jew hatred both in the Christian
West and Muslim East, accompanied throughout by horrifying cartoons
across the centuries depicting the Jew as "Christ killer," blood
sucker, ravisher of virgins and plotter of world domination.

Numerous experts weigh in on the Middle East conflict and its impact
on the resurgence of anti-Semitism. On the whole, the arguments
balance each other out, with perhaps a slight edge to our side,
thanks to Woodruff’s narration.

Considerable airtime is given to New York University professor Tony
Judt, often denounced for his harsh criticism of Israeli policy and
leadership. In this program, however, he limits himself mainly to
exploring the growing Muslim immigration and influence in Europe.

Israel’s Natan Sharansky and the American Jewish Committee’s David
Harris effectively lay out the Jewish role in the fight against

A telling analysis of the corrupting effect of anti-Semitism on the
Arab masses is given, surprisingly, by Salameh Nematt, Washington
bureau chief for Al Hayat, an independent Arab daily published in

Princeton historian Bernard Lewis draws a useful distinction between
Christian and Muslim anti-Semitism over the centuries.

In the Islamic world, the Jew, though not equal, was tolerated and
did not carry the satanic aura painted in medieval Europe, said
Lewis, who "credited" British and other Christian theologians with
introducing modern anti-Semitism into the Arab world.

Perhaps the most surprising emphasis in the film is on the deep and
persisting impact of "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" in
shaping the prejudices of European anti-Semites and the convictions
of Arab leaders and masses.

The "Protocols," a Czarist forgery of the early 1900s, has proven
particularly useful to Muslim presidents and clerics to rationalize
how the "inferior" Jews of Israel could repeatedly outfight proud
Arab nations.

While the Arabs have never gotten over their defeat in the 1967
Six-Day War, their humiliation is lessened if they can believe that
they were beaten by the cosmic evil power portrayed in the

The one point of agreement among the experts is that anti-Semitism
will not disappear, because "it serves so many purposes," notes
professor Dina Porat of Tel Aviv University.

Added Woodruff, "Israel is used as a coat hanger" by Arab leaders,
who can attach all their problems on it and divert their people from
their poverty and corrupt regimes.

The PBS production was produced, written and directed by Andrew
Goldberg, who recently documented "The Armenian Genocide," in
association with Oregon Public Broadcasting.


Kharatian Ani:
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